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Job offer

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24 Nov 2023

Job Information

Universidade Lusófona´s Research Center for Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab
Universidade Lusófona´s Research Center for Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab
Research Field
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Job Title: Post-Doc Researcher

Vacancies: 1 (one)

Employer: Lusófona University | HEI-Lab

Job/Fellowship Reference: 01784_HEI-Lab.23

Main Research Field: Social and Affective Neuroscience

Secondary Research Field: Psychology


I - Object and Scope

Job description:

COFAC - Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural crl./Universidade Lusófona opens a call for hiring a full-time postdoctoral researcher (Salary Level 49, Single Remuneration Table, Full-Time Researcher - without exclusivity) in the field of Social and Affective Neuroscience, within the scope of the Project “Interoceptively Expecting: Can Enhanced Interoception During Pregnancy and Early Parenthood Predict Infant-Caregiver Bonding and Interaction?” (REF: 2022.01784.PTDC) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology I.P. (FCT), to be carried out at the Research Unit Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab (HEI-Lab).


Research Field
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Neurosciences » Neuropsychology
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Engineering » Biomedical engineering
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
  1. Ph.D. D. degree in Neuroscience, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, or related scientific field, obtained during the last 5 years;
  2. Proven experience in the development, participation, and/or coordination of research projects in the field of Social and Affective Neuroscience (projects dealing with EEG, psychophysiological data, and/or the neural correlates of interoception preferred);
  3. Experience in brain imaging data preprocessing and analysis (experience with EEG and psychophysiological data preferred, mainly working with EEGLAB and MATLAB; experience with statistical analysis software also useful);
  4. Collaboration with research teams within the scope of Social and Affective Neuroscience (research teams dealing with EEG, psychophysiological data, and/or the neural correlates of interoception preferred);
  5. Demonstration of scientific communication initiatives and scientific publications;
  6. Proficiency in spoken and written English (Portuguese proficiency is useful despite not being mandatory).
Specific Requirements

1. Main Duties:

The work will be carried out within the scope of the previously described research project and will include the following:

  1. Literature review within the scope of the project;
  2. Programming and preparation of experiments (mainly using e-Prime);
  3. Participant recruitment, data collection (behavioral and physiological, namely EEG and ECG), and data curation, according to the predefined data management plan;
  4. Behavioral and EEG data processing, analysis, and reporting (mainly using EEGLAB and MATLAB);
  5. Preparation of scientific outputs (e.g., manuscripts, oral presentations, scientific posters) and progress reports.
Internal Application form(s) needed
(245.32 KB - PDF)

Additional Information


 2.  Contractual Terms

  1. The Postdoctoral researcher position is made effective by means of an uncertain fixed-term employment contract, funded by the FCT, for a period of 11 months, with an eventual extension for collaboration within other projects upon the financial availability of the Research Center;
  2. The tasks/duties within this contract are those considered within the scope of the Interoceptively Expecting project;
  3. The contract to be signed is expected to start in January 2024, and is expected to end in December 2024, but eventualy renewed, preserving the deadline regime established by the Labor Code;
  4. The tasks included in the object of the employment contract take place at the Universidade Lusófona, Centro Universitário do Porto - Rua de Augusto Rosa 24, 4000-098 Porto;
  5. The basic gross monthly salary to be paid is 2113.52 Euros under the terms of paragraph 1 of article 2 of Regulatory Decree No. 11-A/2017, of 29 December, corresponding to remuneration level 49 of the Single Remuneration Table for a Full-Time Research (Without Exclusivity), with the update of 1% approved by Decree-Law No. 26-B/2023. 
Eligibility criteria

3. Position to be filled and terms of open call:

  1. The call aims to hire a postdoctoral researcher in the form of an uncertain fixed-term employment contract under private law, under the terms of article 6 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August;
  2. National, foreign, or stateless Ph.D. holders may apply for the position.


4. Cumulatively, the ideal candidate should have the following academic profile:

  1. Ph.D. D. degree in Neuroscience, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, or related scientific field, obtained during the last 5 years;
  2. Proven experience in the development, participation, and/or coordination of research projects in the field of Social and Affective Neuroscience (projects dealing with EEG, psychophysiological data, and/or the neural correlates of interoception preferred);
  3. Experience in brain imaging data preprocessing and analysis (experience with EEG and psychophysiological data preferred, mainly working with EEGLAB and MATLAB; experience with statistical analysis software also useful);
  4. Collaboration with research teams within the scope of Social and Affective Neuroscience (research teams dealing with EEG, psychophysiological data, and/or the neural correlates of interoception preferred);
  5. Demonstration of scientific communication initiatives and scientific publications;
  6. Proficiency in spoken and written English (Portuguese proficiency is useful despite not being mandatory).


5. Foreign Degrees

In the case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, under the terms of Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of 16 August, and to ensure the application of the principle of equal treatment to candidates holding foreign and national academic degrees, it is mandatory to obtain the recognition of these degrees and the conversion of the respective final score to the Portuguese classification scale. The recognition of foreign academic degrees and diplomas, as well as the conversion of the final score to the Portuguese classification scale, should be available before the starting date of the position. The recognition of foreign academic degrees and diplomas, as well as the conversion of the final score to the Portuguese classification scale, can be requested at any public higher education institution or at the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES, only in the case of automatic recognition). Regarding this issue, candidates should consult the DGES portal at the following address:


    1. Jurisdiction and Opening of Insolvency Proceedings


6.1. COFAC - Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, crl., the founding entity of Lusófona University, author of the opening of this call.

6.2. The publication of this procedure complies with the provisions of article 11 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, as amended by Law no. 57/2017, of 19 July. 

Selection process

7. Deadline

Applications are open from 25 November 2023 to 22 December 2023 at 23:59 (Lisbon time).

8. How to apply

8.1. Before submitting their full application, candidates need to register their interest to the following email The job reference needs to be clear in the request email. After this, access to the enrolment platform Avadoc will be granted.

8.2 Applicants must upload to the Avadoc platform the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae (CV) describing the candidate’s professional and scientific experience, accompanied by a list of scientific publications (with DOI and/or ISBN link) and activities relatable to the scope of the present application;
  2. Ph.D. Certificate (field of Neuroscience, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, or related area);
  3. Reference letters with contact information (e-mail addresses) from at least two renowned academics who can attest to the submitted CV and recommend the candidate;
  4. Motivation letter written in English, mentioning the motivations that justified the application;
  5. Other documents considered relevant by the candidate to attest to their scientific and professional experience.

8.3. Excluding the elements mentioned in the statement e), failure to comply with any of the requirements listed in the previous paragraph will result in the immediate rejection of the application.

8.4. False statements made by applicants will be punished in accordance with the law. 

III – Jury

9. Jury Composition

The jury has three members appointed by the Board of Directors of COFAC, crl. In accordance with article 13 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, as amended by Law no. 57/2017, of 19 July, the following members were appointed:

(i) Chairman: Carlos Campos, Assistant Professor, Lusófona University/HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab;

(ii) Rita Pasion, Assistant Professor, Lusófona University/HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab;

(iii) Tiago Paiva, Assistant Professor, Lusófona University/HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab.


Substitute member of the Jury:

 (iv) Tiago Pinto, Assistant Professor, Lusófona University/HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab.

(v) Raquel Costa, Assistant Professor, Lusófona University/HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab.


10. Competences

10.1. The jury will evaluate the applications.

10.2. Minutes of each meeting of the jury will be drawn up, including the issues discussed and the votes of each of the members, as well as the reasons for the decisions.

11. Selection Method

11.1. Applications admitted to the call will be evaluated considering the quality, compliance with deadlines, relevance of the scientific curriculum (scientific production and experience), and adequacy to the scope of the present project.

11.2. During the selection process the jury will evaluate the set of elements listed below on a scale of 0 - 100:

  1. Candidate's professional experience carried out in areas related to the work plan of the project (up to 70% of the assessment);
  2. Motivation Letter (20% of the assessment), to assess the candidate’s motivation and interest in the activities to be carried out and their connection with the goals of the position.
  3. Reference Letters (10% of the assessment);
  4. If the jury chooses to interview the candidates, which is intended exclusively to clarify aspects related to the candidate’s application (corresponding to a maximum of 20% of the total evaluation), up to 5 candidates will be considered from those who obtained the highest classification - in any case, only applications with higher than 60% of the maximum classification will be considered.
  5. If deemed necessary, the jury may request clarification from the leading academics mentioned in article 6.1, c).


11.3. In the event of a tie, the final decision will be made by the chairman of the jury.

11.4. Once the selection phase has been completed, the jury will draw up (up to 10 working days maximum) a draft describing the final decision, a ranking of the admitted candidates with their final marks, as well as a brief description of the recruitment, assessment, and selection process.

12. Prior Hearing 

The jury’s final decision, as referred to in paragraph 9.4 of the previous point, will be communicated to the interested parties so that they can exercise the right to a prior hearing provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedures (within 10 working days after the decision communication).

13. Homologation

When the deadline for exercising the right to a prior hearing has expired, the jury’s final decision is certified by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of COFAC, crl., who is also responsible for deciding on the hiring of the selected candidate.

14. Announcement of Results

The list of admitted and rejected candidates, as well as their final scores, will be posted at the Lusófona University premises, and will also be posted on the website; candidates will be notified by e-mail.

15. Non-Discrimination and Equal Access Policy 

COFAC/Universidade Lusófona actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, in which no candidate may be privileged, benefited, disadvantaged or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty on the grounds of ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and trade union membership (Law no. 93/2017, 23 August).

16. Data Protection

By applying, you agree to the use of your personal data by COFAC/Universidade Lusófona staff for the exclusive purposes of this open application. COFAC/Universidade Lusófona administrative staff will use your contact details to contact you directly, and in the publication of the results, in accordance with the principles established by the GDPR.

Lisbon, 24th November 2023

Additional comments

About Lusofona University:

Universidade Lusófona (Lusófona University), with two campuses, one located in the center of Lisbon and the other in the center of Porto, is the largest private university in Portugal. Since 1998, its objectives have been "to teach and conduct research in the various fields of science, culture, and technology, from an interdisciplinary perspective and, especially, in order to promote the development of Portuguese-speaking countries and peoples". Both campuses are located in the city center, near the airport, subway, restaurants, and shops, immersed in a young and vivid atmosphere.

The HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab is an R&D unit that conducts research to further understand the human mind and behavior through a multidimensional approach that combines digital systems, behavioral assessment, neurobiological measures, as well as other complementary approaches. Within this R&D unit, there is a major line of research that aims to unravel the neurobiological mechanisms underlying cognitive, affective, and social psychological processes across the lifespan, including how psychopathology interferes with normal brain functioning. This line of research has been increasingly attracting competitive funding both nationally and internationally, not only due to the competitive profiles of the team members engaging in these projects but also due to a strong collaborative network of international and highly recognized international partners.  More information about Lusófona University and the HEI-Lab can be found at and Hei-Lab Universidade Lusófona (

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Universidade Lusófona (Porto)


Campo Grande, 376
Postal Code

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