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  • Portugal

Nova SBE/BI/2023/27 - Research Fellowship - Project "BlueForests Seaforests for blue carbon - natural capital from nature-based solutions"

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22 Nov 2023

Job Information

Nova School of Business and Economics
Research Office
Research Field
Economics » Environmental economics
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


Nova SBE/BI/2023/27

A call for applications for a Research Fellowship is open at Nova School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE) within the research project “BlueForests Seaforests for blue carbon - natural capital from nature-based solutions.” project reference EEA.BG.CALL4.012.2020/PT-INNOVATION-0081 funded by Mecanismo Financeiro do Espaço Económico Europeu (MFEEE 2014-2021) within Área Programática Desenvolvimento de Negócios, Inovação e PME’s do Programa Crescimento Azul under the following conditions:

Main field:

Environmental economics


Admission requirements:

To hold a master’s degree in economics.

To hold previous research experience in Environmental and Resource Economics.

To know programming languages: Python, R.

Relevant previous research experience in Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA).

Oral and written proficiency of English and Portuguese.


Work Plan:

BlueForests seek to advance science and test technological innovations to rebuild Portuguese marine forests and to value their ecosystem services, to contribute to build a sustainable blue economy based on resilient and abundant marine natural capitals. New technologies to restore Portuguese marine forests, including the models to reveal the best locations for seaforestation and novel techniques of planting will be developed, tested and optimized. The contribution of Portuguese marine forests to blue carbon sequestration and thus climate mitigation, will also be quantified as well as the economic value of the ecosystem services delivered by them. The main task of the Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center is to estimate the economic value of ecosystem services provided by seaforests to inform cost-benefit analysis for policy purposes.

Specifically, the fellowship holder will be involved in the following tasks and objectives:

1.     Identification and assessment of ecosystem services.

2.     Estimating the economic value of sea forests.

3.     Cost-benefit analysis of seaforestation programs.

4.     Prepare academic papers and presentations.

5.     Contribute to the organization of project events and activities (e.g. seminars, workshops).


Applicable Law and Regulations: Research Fellowship Holder Statute (“Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica”), approved by Law n.º 40/2004, of 18th August, subsequently amended and republished by Decree-Law n.º 202/2012, of 27th August, updated in accordance with Decree-Law n.º 233/2012, of 29th October, Law n.º 12/2013, of 29th January, and with Decree-Law n.º 89/2013, of 9th July, updated in accordance with Decree-Law n.º 123/2019, of 28th August. NOVA University Lisbon Research Grants Regulations - Order no. 9484/2023, of September 14 and FCT, I.P. Scholarships and Grants Regulations, approved by Regulation 950/2019, of December 16.


Working place:

The research will be conducted at NOVA SBE under the scientific supervision of Professor Maria A. Cunha-e-Sá.


Duration of the Fellowship:

The scholarship will be granted for a period of 4 months. The fellowship will be awarded on an exclusive basis, as stated in Regulations for Nova SBE Scholarships and/or Regulations for Studentships and Fellowships of FCT, I.P.

Monthly allowance:

The fellowship amounts to €1 199,64, according to the table of monthly stipends available in the Regulations for Nova SBE Scholarships.


Selection criteria:

N1 – 50%: The selection will be carried upon the evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae (25%) academic merit (25%), research experience in environmental sciences (40%), and motivation letter (10%). Only candidates with scores above 16 will be invited for an in-person or online interview.

N2 – 50%: Interview.


Selection Committee:

Maria A. Cunha-Sá – Chairman (Full Professor)

João Vaz – Effective member

Renato Rosa – Effective member

Catarina Frazão Santos – Substitute member

Ana Rodrigues – Substitute member


Formal notification of results: All candidates will be notified by email.


Application period: The call is open from November 22 to December 7, 2023.


Application procedure:Applications must be submitted by email to, under the subject Nova SBE/BI/2023/27, and must include the following documents (mandatory):

1.     Motivation letter;

2.     Detailed Curriculum Vitae;

3.     Transcripts of diplomas or degrees with final grades and other documents demonstrating the candidate’s suitability for the required profile.

4.     For degrees obtained abroad applicants must submit the recognition of the academic degree and the converted final grade to the Portuguese grading scale (following the Decree-Law no 341/2007 of 12 October), or the recognition of foreign qualifications (following the Decree-Law no. 283/83, of 21 June).


In accordance with the article 12 of Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação Científica of Nova SBE, the candidate can appeal from the decision with the Scientific Council of Nova SBE, Faculdade de Economia da UNL, within 10 working days.






FIRST: NOVA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, Organizational Unit of the NOVA University of Lisbon, a Public Institution governed by Private Law, legal person no. 501559094, with Social Security Identification number 20007576569, with head office at Rua da Holanda n. º 1, 2775-405 Carcavelos, represented by Professor Pedro Manuel Sousa Mendes Oliveira, acting as Dean of this Organizational Unit, with powers for this act, hereinafter referred to as “First Party”,


SECOND:(NAME), bearer of citizen card no. (CC no.) and taxpayer no. (NIF), residing at (ADDRESS), hereinafter referred to as "Second Party".


A.     The requirements for applying for the scholarship under the scope of the competition (REFERENCE) have been met, the process of evaluating the candidates and publishing the results has been completed, and the required documentation has been received,

This scholarship contract is entered into in good faith, and reciprocally accepted, under the Research Grant Holder Statute, ("Contract"), approved by Law 40/2004, of August 18, 2004 ("Statute"), which is governed by the following clauses:


1. The First Party undertakes to grant the Second Party a Research Scholarship (TYPE OF SCHOLARSHIP AND REFERENCE OF THE CALL FOR PROPOSALS), under the scope of the project ________(TYPOLOGY OF THE PROJECT)/R&D unit with the reference (REFERENCE) and with the (PROJECT TITLE), beginning on (START DATE), for the period of (DURATION).

2. The Second Party undertakes to carry out the attached work plan, the contents of which it declares to have full knowledge of and to accept unreservedly, as of the aforementioned starting date and on a scheme of exclusivity, pursuant to article 5 of the Statute.


The Research Scholarship Regulations of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia I.P. (FCT) [Foundation for Science and Technology] are subsidiarily applicable to the Contract, of which the Second Party declares to be aware.


The Second Party shall carry out the work at (HOST INSTITUTION), which acts as a host institution, with Faculty (NAME OF GUIDE) as scientific advisor.


1.   The amount of the monthly maintenance allowance granted to the Second Party is (AMOUNT) €.

2.   The Second Party also benefits from a personal accident insurance policy for the duration of the scholarship, the conditions of which he declares to have read and to accept without reservation.


The First Party may cancel the scholarship and the Second Party may be required to refund all or part of the amounts it has received in the following cases:

a)     serious and repeated failure to comply with the duties of the Second Party contained in the Statute and the FCT Research Scholarship Regulations for reasons that can be imputable to him/her;

b)     negative evaluation of the performance of the Second Party made by the advisor or by the host entity under the terms foreseen in FCT Research Scholarship Regulations;

c)     the provision of false statements by the Second Party on matters relevant to the granting and renewal of the scholarship or the assessment of its development.


Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous clause, the Contract automatically terminates:

a)      upon the completion of the activity plan;

b)      upon the expiration of the term for which the scholarship is awarded;

c)      by repeated non-compliance by any of the Parties;

d)      by revocation by mutual agreement;

e)      by the establishment of a legal-employment relationship with the host entity.


1. The rights and duties of the Parties are those arising from the provisions of the Statute.

2. The Scholarship Holder declares to have taken note of the Statute and the applicable Regulation(s) and undertakes to comply with their provisions.


1.  The Second Party undertakes, during the term of this Contract and after its termination, to maintain strict confidentiality, and to not offer, reveal, disclose, use or discuss, directly or through an intermediary, any files, folders, archives, documents, data, matters and information, and/or items that have been entrusted to him/her, or that he/she has gained knowledge of during the performance of his/her activities, namely those that pertain to the organization, work methods and processes of the First Party or its partners, students and users, or concerning the organization, activity or business, prices, identity or transactions of any customers and suppliers, services provided and any other commercial and/or technical or financial data; and he/she is not allowed to make copies, disclose or communicate them to third parties.  

2.  The duty of confidentiality covers the reproduction of information on any type of digital media, or others, with the exception of that which is strictly necessary for the performance of the functions under the Contract.  

3.  In the event of termination of the Contract for any reason, the Second Party must immediately return to the First Party all original copies of folders, correspondence, files, memos and other documents and information in his/her possession.  


In order to facilitate the performance of activities related to the administration and management by the First Party, the Second Party expressly authorizes the First Party to use the following personal data obtained under the contractual relationship for processing and handling:  

a) Identification data: name, date of birth, birthplace, parents, gender, nationality, address and telephone number, academic qualifications, ID, taxpayer no, and SS no; 

b) Family status: marital status, name of spouse, children or dependents, and other information that may influence the awarding of salary supplements; 

c) Regarding professional activity: working hours and place of work, internal identification number, admission date, seniority, professional category, seniority in the category, level/salary scale, nature of the Contract; 

d) Salary elements: base salary, other fixed or variable payments, allowances, vacations, attendance and absenteeism, leaves, other elements related to the attribution of salary supplements; 

e) Other data: degree of disability of the person concerned or of a family member, temporary incapacity resulting from an accident at work or occupational disease, place of payment, bank account number, and identification of the institution.  

2.  By this Contract, the Second Party expressly authorizes the First Party to communicate and/or transfer its personal data to the entities referred to in the following paragraph, for the following purposes: 

a) Calculation and payment of salaries, additional benefits, other allowances and gratuities; 

b) Calculation, withholding at source and operations related to discounts on compensation; 

c) Conducting non-nominative statistical operations related to the processing of salaries within the processing entity. 

3.  The entities referred to in the previous paragraph are the following: 

i. IGFSS – Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social e Direção Geral dos Impostos; 

ii. Banking and Insurance Institutions; 

iii. INE – Instituto Nacional de Estatística; 

iv. Any entity that has been assigned salary processing duties and/or other duties related to personnel management, as well as other entities that have not been mentioned but have the legal right to process the data in question.  

4.  The Second Party expressly states that prior to signing the Contract it has been informed by the First Party of its right to object to the collection and processing of data, as well as the ways of correcting, verifying and/or deleting them that are available to it. 


Any alteration to be made to the Contract during its execution shall be subject to prior agreement between the Parties, in written form.


1.     The Contract enters into force on the date it is signed by both parties.

2.     The scholarship awarded under the terms set forth in the FIRST CLAUSE of the Contract may be renewed for additional periods of (DURATION), up to the maximum amount of months and/or value approved under the funding project, pursuant to the terms set forth in article 15 of the FCT Scholarship Regulations.

3.     The awarding of the academic degree (or diploma) during the term of the Contract does not affect its effects, and the scholarship referred to in the previous number may be renewed at a later date, as long as it is intended for activities that are indispensable for the completion of the project (PROJECT NAME).

4.     The specific definition of the activities referred to in the previous number is the responsibility of the First Party, in consultation with the Second Party and the Scientific Advisor, which must be included in the agreement to be signed, as set forth in the previous clause.


It is agreed between the Parties that, should the need arise, and to settle all questions arising from the present contract, the Cascais District Court shall have jurisdiction, with the express renunciation of any other.

Carcavelos, (DATE)












                              - (NAME) -






No âmbito da bolsa de investigação (TIPO DE BOLSA)do projeto (NOME PROJETO)desenvolvida por mim, venho, deacordo com o artigo 23.º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação Científica da NOVA SBE, Faculdade de Economia da UNL, apresentar o Relatório Final do Bolseiro.


1 – Breve resumo do plano de trabalhos (brief description of the work done)



2 – Resultados alcançados(brief description of the results achieved)



3 – Análise crítica do trabalho desenvolvido (critical comments on the project’s outcome)


NOVA SBE, Faculdade de Economia da UNL, (DATA)



O Bolseiro




- NOME -




No âmbito da bolsa de (TIPO DE BOLSA) do projeto (NOME PROJETO)desenvolvida pelo bolseiro (NOME BOLSEIRO), venho, deacordo com o artigo 23.º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação Científica da NOVA SBE, Faculdade de Economia da UNL, apresentar o Relatório Final e o Parecer Científico.


1 – Breve resumo do plano de trabalhos (brief description of the work done)


2 – Resultados alcançados(brief description of the results achieved)



3 – Análise crítica do trabalho desenvolvido (critical comments on the project’s outcome)



NOVA SBE, Faculdade de Economia da UNL, (DATA)


O Orientador





- NOME -


Where to apply



Research Field
Economics » Environmental economics
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Internal Application form(s) needed
Minuta Edital Bolsa Nova SBE_VO_2.pdf
(390.74 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Nova School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE)
Postal Code
Rua da Holanda 1


Rua da Holanda 1
Postal Code

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