- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
- Department
- Human Resources Department
- Research Field
- Engineering » Computer engineering
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Other
- Job Status
- Other
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- European Union / Next Generation EU
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
It is open the call for 4 positiosn for Research Fellowships (“Bolsas de Investigação”) in the area of Computer Engineering, for GECAD (GECAD–EEA/00760), PRR Project - PRODUTECH_R3 (Ref: C645808870-00000067), financed through the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan and by the Next Generation EU European Funds, following NOTICE No. 2022-C05i0101-02 - Mobilizing Agendas/Alliances for reindustrialization, where the following conditions apply:
1.Scientific Area
Computer Engineering or similar
2.Admission Requirements
Minimum profile required: BSc degree in computer engineering, high level of computational programming skills, experience, and motivation for development of informatic applications, writing and speaking proficiency in English.
Prefered Profile: Enrolled in a master in artificial intelligence or Data Science. Good ability to work in a team and experience in the development of computer applications, experience in integrative projects for the development of software systems for the areas of artificial intelligence.
Candidates must be enrolled in a master's study cycle or a non-academic degree course integrated into the educational project of a higher education institution, developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D units.
Duration of the grant: 6 months duration, eventually to be renewed according to the applicable laws, the project execution and respective budget, starting expectingly on november 2023.
The work plan will be carried out on an exclusive basis, according to the Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, approved by Regulation no. 950/2019, and the Regulation of ISEP Research Grants.
The work plan involves the following tasks:
- Conception, adaptation, implementation and integration of applications or models, according to the needs of the project where the grant is inserted;
- Testing and validation of applications or models using realistic case studies, laboratory prototypes, and implementation in pilots, in accordance with the needs of the project where the grant is inserted;
- Active participation in meetings within the framework of the grant, with the supervisor and research group team, and, if applicable, within the scope of the project where the grant is inserted, with national and/or international partners;
- Collaboration on scientific articles, project deliverables, or scientific reports;
- Participation in activities related to communication and dissemination, internal and external, of the work developed;
- Preparation and delivery, to the advisor, of the reports, foreseen or requested, on the activities carried out within the scope of the grant, including the final report of activities;
- Availability of all data, models, software source code, diagrams and figures used, prepared, and developed within the scope of the grant, as well as the manuals necessary for their use.
The applicable laws are Research Fellowship Statute, approved by Law no. 40/2004, of 18 August; Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, approved by Regulation no. 950/2019, published in the 2nd series - Part C, of the Diário da República, of December 16, 2019, Regulation of ISEP Research Grants, Decree-Law No. 66/2018, published in Diário da República No. 157/2018, Series I of 16 August, which approves the legal regime for the recognition of academic degrees and higher education diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions and Decree-Law No. 60/2018, of 3 August, which simplified administrative procedures necessary for carrying out research and development activities, all in their current wording.
6.Supervision and workplace
The candidates to be selected will be scientifically supervised by Prof. Goreti Marreiros
The workplace is at GECAD – the Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development in the following address: Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431. 4200-072 Porto – Portugal.
Monthly value of the grant: € 930,98/month, paid by bank transfer (according to the table of stipends of FCT: (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores.phtml.en), supported through the PADs n. C61473, C61474, C61475, C61476
8.Selection process
The selection method will take into account the following components: Curriculum vitae evaluation (60%) and interview (40%). The interview can, by request from one of the parts, be conducted in English.
Evaluation panel:
Professora Doutora Maria Goreti Carvalho Marreiros, (President);
Doutor Luís Manuel da Silva Conceição, (Vogal);
Doutor Luís Filipe de Oliveira Gomes, (Vogal);
Doutor Diogo Emanuel Pereira Martinho (supplementary).
Applications should be sent, mandatorily, by email to mgt@isep.ipp.pt, msc@isep.ipp.pt and lfg@isep.ipp.pt:
a. Motivation letter;
b. Curriculum Vitae, including personal address, email, and phone;
c. Copy of the civil, tax and, when applicable, social security identification document(s);
d. Document proving the country of residence, residence permit or other legally equivalent document, when applicable, valid on the start date of the scholarship, with this condition being verified only during the scholarship contracting phase;
e. Proof of enrollment in a cycle of studies of master's degree or a non-academic degree part of the educational project of a higher education institution, developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D units;
f. Declaration by the candidate listing the contracts and execution of past research initiation, research or post-doctoral research grants, which must include the type of grant and the respective start and end dates;
g. Documents of a scientific or technical nature, of which the candidate is the author, which allow the evaluation of activities and previous results of the candidate relevant to the respective application;
h. Other documents that the candidate finds relevant.
i. Certificate of qualifications / Document proving ownership of the academic degree and diploma, its recognition when it has been awarded by foreign higher education institutions or document proving the request for recognition.
If the qualification was granted by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16, and any formalities established there must be completed until the moment of hiring.
The documents referred to in paragraph c) may be replaced, at the candidate's option, by in-person presentation at the financing entity, which will keep the elements contained therein that are relevant to the validity and execution of the contract, including civil and tax identification numbers and social security, as well as the validity of the respective documents.
Application period: November 3rd to 16th, 2023.
11.Results communication
The candidates will be individually notified by email message on the final evaluation results.
12.Complaint and appeal procedures
If the result is unfavorable, candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the results communication, if they so wish, in the context of a prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
A hierarchical appeal may be filed against the final decision referred to in the previous numbers, to the President of ISEP, within 15 working days after the respective notification.
13.Additional comments
ISEP may opt to select the approved and non-selected candidates in the scope of the current call for contracting additional researchers for the same project, in case that the selected candidate doesn’t accept the position.
Where to apply
- mgt@isep.ipp.pt
- Research Field
- Engineering » Computer engineering
- Education Level
- Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Additional Information
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 4
- Company/Institute
- Instituto Superior de Engenharia
- Country
- Portugal
- State/Province
- Porto
- City
- Porto
- Postal Code
- 4249-015
- Street
- Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431
- State/Province
- Porto
- City
- Porto
- Website
- Street
- Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431
- Postal Code
- 4249-015
- info-projetos@isep.ipp.ptinfo-sp@isep.ipp.pt