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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Apply now
23 Oct 2023

Job Information

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
CESEM - Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical
Research Field
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Not Applicable
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
CESEM (UIDP/00693/2020)
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

  1. Scope

The Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM; UID 693) opens a tender for the award of 2 (two) research studentships, hereinafter referred to as PhD Research Studentships, under the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships (RBI), and the Research Fellow Holder Statute (EBI).

The research project leading to the completion of the academic degree of Doctor of the selected scholarship holders will need to be justifiably integrated   in the lines of action of the Strategic Project of the Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM; UID 693), and must be developed by candidates or postgraduate students enrolled in the following Doctoral Programmes:

  • Doctoral Programme in Musical Sciences (NOVA FCSH)
  • Doctoral Programme in Musicology (University of Évora)
  • Doctoral Programme in Art Studies (Arts/Music Studies) (University of Coimbra)



  1. Work plan

The studentship holder's research work plan should fit into the project “History of Music in Portugal and Brazil” (any historical theme involving either one or both countries) under development at CESEM and the central research theme must have recognized relevance in this context. Tasks to be performed include support for the aforementioned project. Scientific coordination must be assigned by a supervisor or co-supervisor of CESEM (full time Professor or Researcher).


Fellowship duration

  1. The duration of the studentships is, as a rule, annual, renewable up to a maximum of four years (48 months), and these cannot be granted for a period of less than 3 consecutive months.


  1. Application details

Applications must be sent to: until 06/11/2023 (23:59 WEST) with the subject  “BD 2 CESEM 2023”.

It is essential, under penalty of non-admission to the tender, to annex the following documents to the application:

  • Elements of the identity card/citizen card/passport;
  • Curriculum vitae of the candidate;
  • Certified records of the previous academic degrees held, specifying, mandatorily, the final classification, and, if possible, the classifications obtained in all the taken curricular units, or, alternatively, a declaration of honour by the candidate declaring that they have completed the Graduate’s Degree or the Master´s Degree at the time of the application deadline;
  • Proof of recognition of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions and registration of the conversion of their final classification to the Portuguese classification scale, or, alternatively, declaration of honour of the candidate declaring that they have obtained the recognition of the foreign degree equivalent to that of a Graduate’s Degree or a Master’s Degree at the time the application deadline;
  • Research project to be developed, which must include: The title of the proposal (maximum 40 words); the proposal abstract (maximum 150 words); State of the Art (maximum 500 words), or review of relevant literature, which gathers, analyses, and discusses published information on the subject, with the purpose of theoretically supporting the object of investigation, as well as pointing out the originality of the proposal; the objectives to be achieved with the project development (maximum 300 words); the detailed description (maximum 1000 words), which must present the work plan to be developed and demonstrate how the proposed objectives will be achieved, providing all the fundamental elements to allow the analysis and evaluation by the panel, namely the methodological approach, the description of the tasks to develop, their interdependencies and chaining, as well as the corresponding execution deadlines; and bibliographic references, up to a maximum of 35, which support the work plan, formatted consistently and in accordance with an approved scientific referencing style, such as the Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia’s norm.
  • Motivation letter;
  • Two recommendation letters. Letters written by the evaluation panel will not be accepted;
  • That the application and all documents associated with it, including letters of motivation and recommendation, are written in Portuguese or English.

With regard to the above-mentioned admissibility requirements, it is important to note:

  • In the case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, and to ensure that the application follows the principle of equal treatment to candidates holding foreign and national academic degrees, the recognition of these grades and the conversion of their final classification to the Portuguese classification scale is mandatory, in the absence of this grade conversion, a classification of 14 will be applied to the respective grade.
  • The recognition of academic degrees and foreign diplomas, as well as the conversion of the final classification (GPA) to the Portuguese classification scale, may be required in any public higher education institution, or in the General-Directorate of Higher Education (DGES, only for the case of automatic recognition). In this regard, we urge you to consult the DGES portal at the following address:
  • Only candidates who have completed the cycle of studies leading to a Graduate’s Degree or Master's Degree at the time of the application deadline shall be admitted. If they do not yet hold the certificate of completion of the course, a declaration of honour by the candidates, in which they declare they have completed the qualifications necessary for the purpose of the tender by the end of the application deadline, will be accepted. The awarding of the studentship is always dependent on the delivering, in the contracting stage, of the evidence of completion of the academic qualifications necessary for the granting of the studentship.


e) Doctoral Studentship requirements

Research studentship contracts are concluded directly with FCT.

The following documents must be mandatorily sent, at the time of the possible granting of the studentship, for the purposes of its contractualization:

  • Elements of the identity card/citizen card/passport.
  • Copy of the Records of the academic degrees the applicant may hold;
  • Work plan;
  • Presentation of the proof of the recognition of foreign academic degrees and conversion of the respective final classifications to the Portuguese classification scale, if applicable;
  • Proof of registration and enrolment in in one of the Doctoral Programs identified in this Notice;
  • Statement(s) by the supervisor(s) assuming responsibility for the supervision of the work plan, pursuant to Article 5th of the Statute of the Research Fellow (draft of the declaration to be made available by the FCT);
  • Document proving the acceptance of the candidate by the institution where the research activities will take place, whilst ensuring the necessary conditions for its good development, as well as the fulfilment of the duties provided for in Article 13th of the Statute of the Research Fellow (draft statement to be made available by FCT);
  • Updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime (draft declaration to be made available by FCT).

The granting of the studentship is still dependent on:

  • compliance with the requirements foreseen in the current Opening Notice;
  • of the result of the scientific evaluation;
  • the absence of unjustified non-compliance with the grantee's duties under a previous studentship contract funded, directly or indirectly, by FCT;
  • FCT's budgetary availability.

Failure to deliver any of the documents necessary to complete the process of contracting of the studentship, within 6 months from the date of communication of the conditional decision to grant the studentship, implies the expiry of the aforementioned concession and the closure of the process.

Researcher Profiles: The Doctoral Scholarships are intended for candidates who have completed the necessary conditions to enroll in the following Doctoral Programs - Doctoral Programme in Musical Sciences (NOVA FCSH) | Doctoral Programme in Musicology (University of Évora) | Doctoral Programme in Art Studies (Arts/Music Studies) (University of Coimbra) - who at the time of application have not defended the final course work or have defended it for less than two years (when registered at NOVA FCSH), and who wish to carry out research activities leading to the attainment of the academic degree of doctor at CESEM or at host institutions associated with it.

The studentships awarded under this tender will be financed by the FCT with funds from the State Budget and, when eligible, with funds from the European Social Fund, to be made available under the framework of the Programa Demografia, Qualificações e Inclusão (PDQI, pursuant the regulatory provisions set out for this purpose.

Applications and application support documents requested for in this Notice of Call must be submitted, mandatorily, via e-mail to, and the e-mail must have as subject “BD 2 CESEM 2023”.

Each applicant may submit one application only, under the penalty of cancellation of all submitted applications.

The provision of false declarations or the performance of acts of plagiarism by the applicants is grounds for the cancellation of the application without prejudice to the adoption of other measures of a sanctioning nature.

Where to apply



Research Field
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

Application Admissibility Requirements

Can apply to the present tender:

  • National citizens or citizens from other European Union Member States;
  • Citizens from third-party states;
  • Stateless citizens;
  • Candidates who do not hold a Doctorate Degree;
  • Citizens who benefit from the political refugee status.

To apply to the current Doctoral Studentship, it is necessary:

  • To be fluent in Portuguese
  • To hold a Graduate’s Degree or a Master’s Degree in the scientific area of Musical Sciences or in considered related areas;
  • To reside in Portugal on a permanent and regular basis, even when the work plan associated with the scholarship takes place, partially, in foreign institutions (mixed scholarships), a requirement applicable to both national and foreign citizens.
  • Not to have benefited from a doctoral or doctoral scholarship in companies directly financed by the FCT, regardless of its duration.

Additional Information


Monthly maintenance allowance:

The grant amount corresponds to €1.199,64, paid monthly and by bank transfer, according to the table of scholarships values directly attributed by FCT, I.P., in the country ( ). To this value is to be added a personal accident insurance, and an optional voluntary social insurance at the first level.

Eligibility criteria

Application Admissibility Requirements

Can apply to the present tender:

  • National citizens or citizens from other European Union Member States;
  • Citizens from third-party states;
  • Stateless citizens;
  • Candidates who do not hold a Doctorate Degree;
  • Citizens who benefit from the political refugee status.

To apply to the current Doctoral Studentship, it is necessary:

  • To hold a Graduate’s Degree or a Master’s Degree in the scientific area of Musical Sciences, Musicology or in considered related areas;
  • To reside in Portugal on a permanent and regular basis, even when the work plan associated with the scholarship takes place, partially, in foreign institutions (mixed scholarships), a requirement applicable to both national and foreign citizens.
  • Not to have benefited from a doctoral or doctoral scholarship in companies directly financed by the FCT, regardless of its duration.
Selection process

The evaluation takes into account the merit of the applicant and the merit of the proposed work plan.

Applications considered admissible will be scored in a scale of 1 to 20 in line with the following evaluation criteria:

  • Criterion A – Merit of the candidate, with a weight of 50%
    • Sub-criterion A1 – Academic path (20%)
    • Sub-criterion A2 – Curriculum Vitae (20%)
    • Sub-criterion A3 – Motivation letter (10%)
  • Criterion B – Merit of the Work Plan, with a weight of 50%
    • Sub-criterion B1 – Originality, and substantiated relevance of the object of study (25%)
    • Sub-criterion B2 – Contribution to CESEM’s strategic project (25%)

Final Classification = (20% x A1+ 20% x A2 + 10% x A3)+ (25% x B1 + 25% x B2)

Important notice for candidates with degrees issued by foreign higher education institutions:

  • Applicants with diplomas issued by foreign higher education institutions can apply and will be evaluated with the same criteria as candidates with diplomas issued by Portuguese institutions, provided that they present, in their application, proof of recognition of academic degrees and conversion of the final rating to the Portuguese rating scale under the applicable legislation.
  • Applicants with foreign diplomas who do not present proof of conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale will be evaluated with 2,8 points in sub-criterion A1.
  • In any case, studentship contracts with candidates with diplomas issued by foreign institutions will only be concluded upon presentation of proof of recognition of academic degrees and conversion of the final classification, as indicated above.

Candidates whose application is evaluated with a final classification of less than 16 points are not eligible for granting the scholarship.



President: Dr Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Full Professor of the Musicology Department at NOVA FCSH;

Vowel: Benoît Gibson, Associate Professor at Universidade de Évora;

Vowel: Dr Marco Brescia, Assistant Researcher at NOVA FCSH;

Substitute vowel: David Cranmer, Assistant Professor of the Musicology Department at NOVA FCSH;

Substitute vowel: Luísa Cymbron, Associate Professor of the Musicology Department at NOVA FCSH.

Additional comments

a) Applicable legislation and regulation

The Tender is ruled by the current Opening Notice, by the Application and FCT Regulation for Research Studentships, approved by the Regulation Nº 950/2019, published in the II Serie of the DR of 16 of December 2019, by the Research Fellowship Holder Statute approved by the Law No 40/2004, of 18 August, in the written law in force, and by the other applicable national and Community legislation.

b) Funding

The payment of studentships will begin after the devolution, by the candidates, of the duly signed scholarship contract, which should take place within a maximum of 15 working days from the date of receipt.

c) Non-discrimination and equal access policy

FCT promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, hence no candidate may be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty due to, inter alia, ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnicity or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union affiliation.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
Colégio Almada Negreiros - Campus de Campolide


Av. de Berna, 26 C
Postal Code

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