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Job offer

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  • Spain

Innovative turbine designs for enhanced flexibility of megawatt scale axial supercritical Carbon Dioxide turbines

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10 Oct 2023

Job Information

Vicerrectorate for research
Research Field
Engineering » Mechanical engineering
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - MSCA
Reference Number
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

"Innovation in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Systems" (ISOP) is a four-year work programme funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie subprogramme of Horizon Europe, whoseaim is to undertake cutting edge multidisciplinary research and development to make a step change in understanding and advancing Supercritical CO2 based power generation systems' technology. This will enable a step change in the role played by power and heat cycles to become major contributors to achieving the 2050 zero emissions targets. ISOP will achieve thisgoal while providing specialised training for 17 doctoral researchers to help establish the backbone of an important industry.

Within ISOP, Work Package 3 is focused on the development of innovative methods to enhance aerodynamic and mechanical performance, reliability, and operability of key system components, namely turbomachinery and heat exchangers. This methods will help gain understanding of complex heat transfer phenomena occurring near the critical point, in particular those involving phase change, with the final aim to understand and characterise the implications of extreme transient and stationary operating conditions on the aerodynamic, thermal and mechanical performance of major equipment in sCO2 power systems.

This job offer (DC17) is focused on developing solutions for flexible multi-megawatt, axial turbines facilitating faster response under variable operation. To this end, three technical objectives are set: (1) to identify thermal and mechanical integration schemes of the Air Separation Unit and Syngas Production fuel Unit (if any) into direct-fired sCO2 power cycles; (2)to optimise the performance of power systems based on supercritical Carbon Dioxide cycles with direct oxycombustion of gaseous fuels (natural gas and syngas biofuels), including BoPcomponents and potentially carbon capture systems, through the application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms to system integration; (3) to identify the critical technical challenges forthe actual implementation of the technology.

ISOP is a is a Doctoral Network of the Industrial type: each Doctoral Candidate will be employed by an academic institution for 24 months (this includes a 6-month secondment at anindustrial host) and by an industrial beneficiary for 12 months.

More details about this job offer can be found in the Recruitment Fiche attached

Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Mechanical engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Engineering » Aerospace engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Specific Requirements

Specific Requirements

Mobility rules (eligibility of applicants): These rules applies to the first contract only (University of Seville). More information here:

  • Researchers funded by Doctoral Networks should comply with the mobility rules: in general, they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.
  • In addition, they:
    • must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment.
    • can be of any nationality. 

Earned degree (mandatory):

  • MSc in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering (or related area). Preference will be given to candidates with a major in energy or related areas 

Background (mandatory):

  • Thermodynamics / Aerodynamics
  • Turbomachinery design and analysis
  • Power plant engineering (design and analysis)
  • Fundamentals of programming 

Additional background that will be valued in the selection process:

  • Optimisation techniques in engineering systems
  • Matlab/Python programming
  • Transient simulation and analysis of energy systems
  • Fundamentals of CFD
  • Material science
Internal Application form(s) needed
Fiche DC17 USE-SIEMENS WP3 v2 - EUR_0.pdf
(641.87 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

Mobility rules (eligibility of applicants): These rules applies to the first contract only (University of Seville). More information here

  • Researchers funded by Doctoral Networks should comply with the mobility rules: in general, they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.
  • In addition, they:
    • must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment.
    • can be of any nationality.


Selection process

STAGE 1: The first stage of the evaluation procedure will be based on the applicant’s Application Package, comprised of the following items:

  • CV Europass (
  • Letter of motivation
  • Analysis of the challenges faced by the energy sector to accomplish Carbon Neutrality by 2050, and the associated needs for technology development (max 3 pages)
  • Short video (less than 2min): why I should be selected for the position. The candidates should address some of the following questions:
    • D1: Why did you decide to apply for a position in ISOP?
    • D2: What do you expect/want to gain from an MSCA programme?
    • D3: How do you think you can add value to an MSCA programme?
    • D4: Summarise your strengths and weaknesses.
    • D5: Describe a time when you had to deliver a challenging project. What was your role and what was the outcome?
    • D6: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    • D7: Why should you be selected for the position?
  • Letters of recommendation (not mandatory)

The application package must not exceed 15 Mb

STAGE 2: The second stage of the evaluation procedure will consist of a personal interview, including presentation and round-table discussion. This interview will be carried out online.If deemed necessary, a second interview can be arranged with some or all of the candidates in this second phase

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
School of Engineering (ETSI)
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Postal Code
Camino de los descubrimientos s/n


Paseo de las Delicias s/n
Postal Code

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