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Job offer

  • JOB
  • Italy

Research Fellow and PhD/Doctoral Student in Electric Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical Drives - EU MSCA DN HIPO

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8 Oct 2023

Job Information

University of Pisa
DESTEC - Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering
Research Field
Engineering » Electrical engineering
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Reference Number
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

One position is available at the University of Pisa - DESTEC (Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering) as Assegnista di Ricerca (Research Fellow) and prospective PhD Student - Doctoral Candidate in the field of Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Electrical Drives.

HIPO Project

This position is offered in the framework of the Doctoral Network HIPO - Integrated High-speed Power Systems for Industry and Mobile Applications, a project supported by the European Union (grant agreement n. 101072580) via the worldwide recognized Horizon Europe programme - Marie Sklodwska-Curie Actions.

The objective of the HIPO Project is to turn 10 brilliant graduates into high-level PhD experts addressing different topics and aspects in the broad field of electric machines, power electronics and electrical drives and related technologies by means of a synergic collaboration between internationally recognized Universities actively working in these fields and renown industrial partners specialized in pertinent products and processes.

More information about the HIPO project is available through the dedicated portal hosted by the Coordinating Institution Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)  >>

The ideal candidates for the positions offered in the framework of the HIPO project are therefore talented and enthusiastic graduates who earned brilliantly a M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Electrical Engineering (power applications) or related disciplines, who are highly interested in any of the specific topic proposed and who are also very motivated to achieve a PhD from a prestigious EU University specializing in the field of electric machines, power electronics and electrical drives.

Nowadays, such field is becoming of paramount importance in a multitude of applications: in fact, since a few decades more and more advanced power converters are employed and required in an ever growing range of electrical apparatuses, and this also sparked a parallel huge evolution in the field of electric machines, permitting to create innovative and quite effective electrical drives.

This produced a very lively and intense research and development activity to support the flourishing production worldwide and to accomplish the high expectations concerning the imminent electrification of so many different applications.

Quite evident examples of this general trend can be found in the fields of electrification of transportation, power generation from renewable sources, industry automation and robotic systems, domotic civil applications, lighting and climatization of buildings etc.

Therefore, specializing in the field of electric machines, power electronics and electrical drives means entering an exciting technology-rich world which will play a central role in the ongoing green transition, having excellent professional perspectives with plenty of foreseeable job opportunities both in the industry and in the academia, both inside and outside the EU.

Open Position

The position presently offered at the University of Pisa is focused on the following topic:

Multiphysics Design of a High-Power-Density and High-Efficiency Propulsion Drive

The selected candidate will be hired as  Assegnista di Ricerca  (Research Fellow) to permit matching the EU prescriptions, the Italian norms and the internal rules of the University of Pisa.

Moreover, the selected candidate will have the opportunity to undertake the PhD on the same topic at the same Department while being employed in the above position, in agreement with the general aim of the HIPO Doctoral Network.

To such purpose, as soon as the job contract will be signed the selected candidate will be supported by the internal tutors in submitting a request for admission to the PhD course hosted by DESTEC Department, in order to achieve also the status of Doctoral Student.

The University of Pisa will charge no tuition fees for this PhD training program.

The selected candidate will then enjoy the full set of benefits made available by the EU support for MSCA DN programmes, including a prestigious position and a pretty generous salary with financial support for mobility and possibly family allowance etc.

This position will be activated as soon as the selected candidate will be actually able to begin the activity at the University of Pisa, i.e. when all of the related issues will have been addressed, including formalities eventually required to obtain a Visa, arrangements for a proper accommodation etc.

A tentative desirable start date is around mid January 2024, but this will be treated flexibly especially in case the selected candidate needs to obtain a Visa to enter Italy.

This position will be fully funded till the end of the participation of the University of Pisa in the HIPO Project, whenever it will be depending on the decisions that the EU will take, possibly lasting up to a maximum of 36 months overall.

Presently, the University of Pisa is expected to take part in the HIPO Project till its planned conclusion in August 2026.

Nevertheless, this will be subjected to the decisions that the EU will take also depending on the outcome of the periodic assessment of the ongoing activities, although it is not much probable that the initially approved programme will be modified.

Anyway, a request to extend the duration of the Project has already been filed by the HIPO consortium aiming to compensate for some unexpected difficulties incurred in the early stages: in case such request will be accepted by the EU, the duration of this position will be extended accordingly.

The compulsory duration of the training programme permitting to earn the PhD degree is anyway 36 months.

Therefore, in case the decisions taken by the EU will involve the termination of the participation of the University of Pisa in the HIPO project before the above training period has been completed, the selected candidate will have at least 2 options:

  • either to leave as soon as the Assegnista di Ricerca contract will have expired, yet without getting the PhD degree;
  • or to conclude the PhD training for the sake of achieving the degree, yet in self-funded mode since the University of Pisa will have no obligation to provide the candidate with any financial support after the participation in the HIPO project will have been terminated; anyway, in case the non-covered period is limited this option could be probably well afforded by the PhD student, thanks to the fact that the support previously received will be pretty generous in comparison to the average cost of life in Pisa.

However, in such scenario any further opportunity for financially supporting the selected candidate till the end of the PhD training period, possibly emerging meanwhile thanks to other projects, will be duly considered.

The selected candidate will be supervised by 3 expert academic tutors:

  • Prof. Paolo Bolognesi , University of Pisa
  • Prof. Luca Papini , University of Pisa
  • Prof. Frede Blaabjerg , Aalborg University - Denmark

The main work place for this position will be at the premises of the hosting Department DESTEC located in Pisa, Italy.

According to the PhD project, some periods will be also spent in other EU countries to participate in training and other events organized by the HIPO Consortium and to undertake joint research activities in collaboration with other academic institutions, in particular the Aalborg University.

Under the guidance from the academic tutors, and in agreement with the selected candidate, opportunities to spend some time at the premises of industrial partners operating in the fields of advanced electric machines, power converters and electrical drives will be also sought and evaluated.

Moreover, missions abroad will be possible and encouraged to permit the PhD student to attend international conferences etc.

The language used for work and any other official matter will be English, which can be used also for many daily life tasks in Pisa.

Anyway, when the selected candidate is not familiar with Italian they will also have the opportunity to join one of the courses made available by the University of Pisa and by the municipality to permit foreign students to learn Italian, although this will not be mandatory.

Application procedure

This call will stay open for 1 month to qualified candidates from all over the world without any barrier related to gender, nationality, religion etc., provided that they meet the minimal prerequisites listed in the Specific Requirements section.

The applications shall be submitted in electronic format within the hard deadline of Wednesday 15 November 2023 at 23:59 CET  as a single .zip archive made available to the Selection Committee by means of either of the following methods:

  • sending the archive file as email attachment to  and , provided that the file size do no exceed 20 Mb;
  • storing the archive file in any free cloud store/transfer service and sending the retrieval information via email to the above addresses.

The application archive shall contain only .pdf files consisting in electronic copies, or high-quality scans, of the following documents:

  • official application form (mandatory) downloaded from the link provided in this portal, duly filled in all relevant fields (including flagging boxes for appropriate declarations) and finally signed;
  • main pages of valid passport with full personal data and photo (mandatory); upon motivated request, valid national ID cards may be exceptionally accepted as alternatives only in case they provide the same information and are plainly readable in Latin alphabet;  
  • official transcript of any degree achieved, preferably including average or final marks and explanation of the related assessment scale or criterion (mandatory for the main graduate degree, optional for the others);
  • any recommendation letter (optional, max 3);
  • full list of scientific publications including all of the relevant data (optional);
  • any scientific publications deemed to be particularly significant (optional, max 5);
  • any further documents deemed to be particularly relevant for this selection (e.g. pertinent prizes received etc., optional)

All of the mandatory documents submitted by the candidates shall be high-quality electronic copies of originals; when these are not natively written in English, they shall be accompanied by officially validated translations in English.

Optional documents shall be in English, or translated in English, as well.

The Selection Committee will send proper acknowledgement for each incoming submission.

Whenever necessary, it will be also entitled to ask the candidates to provide any further document, information or clarification deemed useful to properly complete the assessment process.


Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Electrical engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

Brilliant and strongly motivated candidates are sought exhibiting a general attitude suited to research, i.e. being intellectually curious, eager to explore and learn, capable of critical thinking, open to innovation, able to cleverly use their skills to address unknown problems, not scared about complexity.

solid technical/scientific background will be required with adequate competences in power converters, electric machines and electrical drives, or at least in power circuits, low-frequency electromagnetics and related applications, whereas good competences in cooling systemsstructural and applied mechanicscontrol systems, electronics, applied informatics will be highly valued.

Any further specific skills useful for researching in the field of electric machines, power electronics and electrical drives will be also highly valued: for example, CAD and FEM software for electromagnetic, thermal and structural design and analysis of electric machines; circuit simulators and PCB design software for analysing and prototyping of power converters and signal electronic circuits; high-level general-purpose simulation tools for analysing and designing control systems for electrical drives; programming languages and IDE for real-time control using microcontrollers, DSPs and FPGAs; prototyping of electric machines and power converters, including practical skills related to soldering, coil winding etc.; selecting and using lab instrumentation for measurements of electrical, thermal and mechanical quantities; etc.

The ability to analyze and solve complex problems using suited analytical models and mathematical tools using a clever and creative approach, especially in the above fields, will be also highly appreciated.

Since the MSCA positions are particularly intended to increase students mobility and facilitate international cooperation and mutual knowledge and exchange, a good teamwork attitude, with an open mind keen to interact positively with people from different cultures and backgrounds, will be also required.

Specific Requirements

Candidates will be considered eligible to participate in the selection process provided that they meet the following minimal prerequisites:

  • having earned at least a two-years Master Degree (120 ECTS points), or an equivalent graduate degree, in Electrical Engineering (power) or related disciplines, by the deadline for submission of applications to this position;
  • not having already received a PhD or equivalent degree by any institution;
  • not having being resident in Italy, and not having carried out there their main activity (work, studies, etc.), for more than 12 months overall in the 36 months preceding the recruitment;
  • being sufficiently proficient in English (a minimum of B2 level or equivalent is desirable) and agreeing to use such language both for work and for any other official matter, including the selection process;
  • agreeing to accept the position in case they are selected;
  • agreeing to undertake the PhD training programme associated to this position, in case they are selected; 
  • agreeing to move to Pisa area (Italy) for the duration of the contract, in case they are selected.
Internal Application form(s) needed
(910.61 KB - PDF)

Additional Information


The positions funded by the EU via MSCA Doctoral Networks are very prestigious and strongly oriented towards excellence in training and research, to be achieved also thanks to international collaboration and mobility.

In fact, the activities will be supervised by a pool of expert academic tutors and will also involve international collaborations both with academic institutions and, possibly, with relevant industrial partners.

In particular, for the offered PhD position the academic partnership will be with the world renowned Power Electronics group of Aalborg University, Denmark.

Moreover, the HIPO Consortium will organize several events permitting the Doctoral Students to meet and participate in dedicated training courses. 

Attendance to international conferences and collaboration in academic and applied research activities will be also encouraged, as well as drafting scientific papers to be published also in renowned journals.

On the other hand, the positions funded by EU via MSCA Doctoral Networks also benefit of a generous salary and applicable allowances, making them among the best paid opportunities available to post-graduates in the academia.

For the position presently offered, the gross amount of monthly income will be roughly around 3'500 € before taxes and health insurance, including living allowance, mobility allowance; such amount do not include the employer’s social contributions that will be paid by the University of Pisa and the family allowance, when applicable.

For more detailed information, please refer to the pertinent EU-MSCA rules and Italian regulations.

Moreover, no tuition fees will be charged by the University of Pisa for the participation in this PhD training programme.

The selected candidate will be also able to access all of the facilities made available for students, including canteens offering meals at moderate prices etc.

Therefore, the open position represent an excellent opportunity for brilliant and strongly motivated candidates to earn the top academic degree from a prestigious University while receiving a generous salary, achieving a remarkable professional growth and gaining a significant experience in the typical activities related to modern research.

Eligibility criteria

This position is open to all qualified applicants independently on nationality, age, gender, religion etc.; candidates from groups that have been often under-represented at the hosting institution, such as women and non-Italian people, are very welcome to apply.

Applications which do not meet the minimal prerequisites listed in the Specific Requirements section, or which are not submitted according to the procedure specified in the Offer Description section, or which are received after the submission deadline has expired, will be rejected.

Selection process

The selection will be carried out in compliance with the general rules for MSCA projects and will be based just on individual merit.

The selection process will be entirely carried out in English.

Selection Committee consisting of 3 members and 1 observer was appointed by the HIPO Consortium for the purpose:

  • Prof. Paolo Bolognesi, University of Pisa, Italy (member)
  • Prof. Luca Papini, University of Pisa, Italy (member)
  • Prof. Pia Lindh, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland (member representing the Consortium in her capacity as Coordinator of the HIPO Project)
  • Prof. Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Denmark (observer)

The selection process will consist in the assessment on paper of qualifications and activities eventually followed by a thorough individual interview.

In the assessment on paper the following aspects will be duly examined:

  • submission of mandatory documents and declarations; any application missing compulsory elements will be rejected;
  • pertinence of the degrees received, reputation of the granting institutions, marks achieved, other educational acknowledgements;
  • competences and skills;
  • professional experience and projects developed;
  • prizes received and other achievements;
  • contents of the recommendation letters and reputation of the recommenders;
  • relevance of the scientific publications listed and reputation of the hosting conference/journal/editor;
  • quality level and innovation potential of the publications attached, and presumable contribution of the candidate;
  • other particularly relevant aspects highlighted by the candidate.

Each candidate will be assigned a first score up to 40 points ensuing from the above assessment; the applications that will get less than 20 points will be dropped.

All of the applicants will be informed about the outcome of the first stage of the selection process.

The applicants who pass the first selection stage will be then invited to an individual on-line interview  via a suited platform, consisting in a self-introduction of the candidate using a slide presentation followed by a thorough discussion aimed to assess the actual competence, capability and potential for the position.

The following aspects will be duly examined for the assessment of the interview:

  • technical quality of the presentation;
  • ability to elaborate in real time and to respond appropriately to technical questions, including critical thinking;
  • in-depth knowledge and understanding of key technical topics in the fields of interest for the position;
  • innovativeness and soundness of the technical solutions eventually proposed;
  • individual motivation for applying to this specific position;
  • eagerness to fully exploit the opportunities offered by this position in the framework of the MSCA programme;
  • teamwork attitude, including positive interaction with supervisors and colleagues from different backgrounds and cultures;
  • speech and interaction ability, including fluency in English.

Each candidate participating in the interview will receive a second score up to 50 points based on its outcome.

The applications of those candidates who will not show-up at the planned interview, or who will receive less than 25 points in the related assessment, will be dropped.

All of the candidates admitted to the interview will be informed about the outcome of the second stage of the selection process.

The final ranking will include only the candidates who passed both stages of the selection process and will be formed according to the sum of the 2 scores achieved by each of them.

The position at stake will then be granted to the highest scored applicant who will factually accept it by signing the related contract after having properly dealt with all of the preliminary steps eventually necessary, including Visa etc.

The eligible candidates will be sequentially inquired to such purpose according to the order defined by the final ranking.

Additional comments

About the University of Pisa

The University of Pisa is one of the most ancient and prestigious in Europe: in fact, it is active since 1343.

Nowadays, it boasts:

  • 20 large Departments, covering a broad spectrum of disciplines;
  • 58 first-level (Bachelor) degree courses;
  • 67 second-level (Master) degree courses;
  • 8 long degree (single-cycle Master) courses;
  • 20 PhD courses;
  • 47 third-level specialization programmes;
  • 62 1-year specialization programmes.

The academic staff includes more than 1'400 professors and researchers supported by about 1'500 employees; the University gathers more than 50'000 students, many of which from other Italian regions and from abroad.

In 2013 the University of Pisa obtained the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) label and the ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) label.

Further information

For any further information or clarification concerning this position, feel free to inquire:


Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
University of Pisa - DESTEC
Postal Code
Via Diotisalvi 2


Via Diotisalvi 2
Postal Code

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