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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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22 Sep 2023

Job Information

Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
Research Field
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - ERC
Reference Number
Grant agreement ID: 101043231
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

How can we learn from animals how to recover from catastrophic climate events, such as wildfires? How can we include nonhuman species as full participants in our knowledge and governance of disasters? The ABIDE project aims at exploring innovative, cutting edge, ways of answering these questions. Stemming from a ERC Consolidator Grant, from 2023 to 2028 we will explore multispecies approaches to disasters, in particular wildfires, in 3 countries: Australia, Brazil and Portugal. We are looking for highly motivated researchers, team players who are willing to cooperate and contribute to a collective, and with a particular interest in animals and their social lives. Openeness to constant learning and theoretical, methodological and empirical challenges are also key, as you will work in a highly interdisciplinary team.

The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa) is calling for

applications for 1 (one) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, within the scope of the research

project "ABIDE - Animal Abidings: recovering from disasters in more-than-human

communities" [ERC, ABIDE, Grant agreement ID: 101043231], funded by the European

Research Council, coordinated by the Principal Investigator, Dr Verónica Policarpo, from the

Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, under the following conditions:

Scientific field: Social Sciences, sub-areas Sociology and Anthropology and related areas of

Human-Animal Studies; Multi-species Studies, Environmental Studies.

Where to apply



Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

The grantee will work under the coordination of the project's Principal Investigator, Dr Verónica Policarpo. Their work plan will include, in collaboration with the rest of the team:

a) Contribution to the ongoing research in the ABIDE project, including collecting and

analysing data, as well as writing up results, in conjunction with the PI, in order to achieve the

project's objectives;

b) Documentary analysis on the subject of the project (news and other media; public policies

and official documents);

c) Collecting, updating and analysing bibliography in their field, relevant to the project topic;

d) Reading relevant bibliography from other scientific areas, with a view to achieving the

project's objective of building interdisciplinary knowledge;

e) Contribution to the construction of a Common Conceptual and Observational Basis, to be

used by the whole team, bringing the theoretical and methodological contribution of their


f) Preparation of the ethnographic fieldwork to be carried out in the project, including:

a. collection and review of ethical protocols in force at each observation site

b. identifying organisations and actors on the ground

c. organisation of information materials to be made available to participants

d. preparation of workshops to be held with local communities

e. contribution to the methodology to be used, including observation protocols/

guidelines to be used in the observation.

g) Content analysis of the qualitative material (written, oral and visual) collected in the project;

h) Writing scientific articles and book chapters, and collaborating on collective, team


i) Preparation of public scientific communications;

j) Collaboration in project outputs, vg in scientific extension indicators;

k) Preparation of reports;

l) Collaboration in the organisation and teaching of specialised courses related to the research

area and topic (summer schools, postgraduate courses, or others);

m) Other tasks related to the implementation of the project.

The grantee's duties also include:

a) Participation in project team meetings;

b) Participation in the organisation of activities within the scope of the project, whether internal

to the team (e.g. reading groups) or external (e.g. seminars and conferences);

c) Participation in the activities of the Human-Animal Studies Hub (seminars, reading groups),

and ICS-ULisboa;

d) Contribution to the scientific dissemination of the project.

Specific Requirements

Admission requirements:

Candidates must have the following mandatory requirements:

a) PhD in Anthropology, Sociology, Human-Animal Studies, or in related areas, obtained less than 3 years previously. The academic degree required in this Notice as a requirement for admission may not have been obtained at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, in accordance with the provisions of article 7(3)(b) of the University of Lisbon's Research Scholarship Regulations, and if it was obtained abroad, you must take into account what is mentioned in point 13 of this Notice regarding qualifications certificates;

b) Advanced knowledge of spoken and written English;

c) Availability for fieldwork in remote areas in one or more of the 3 countries included in the project: Australia, Brazil, Portugal.

Candidates must have the following as preferential requirements:

Interest, knowledge and experience about:

a) Human-animal relations;

b) Multi-species ethnography;

c) Disaster contexts and forest fires;

d) Media and/or public policy analysis, vg in relation to disasters;

e) One or more of the countries concerned by the project (Australia, Brazil and Portugal);

f) Knowledge of Portuguese and/or willingness to learn.

Additional Information


Applicable legislation and regulations:

- Law no. 40/2004, of 18 August, amended by Decree-Law no. 202/2012, of 27 August, by

Decree-Law no. 233/2012, of 29 October, by Law no. 12/2013, of 29 January, by Decree-Law

no. 89/2013, of 9 July, and by Decree-Law no. 123/2019, of 28 August (Research Fellow


- The University of Lisbon's Research Grant Regulations, approved by Order no. 6238/2020

published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 113, of 12 June and, in the alternative, the

Research Grant Regulations of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT, I.P.),

Regulation no. 950/2019, Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 241, of 16 December.

Place of work: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

Scientific supervision: The supervision of the scholarship holder will be the responsibility of Verónica Policarpo, PhD, Principal Investigator of the project.

Duration of the scholarship: The scholarship will last for six months, renewable up to the limits established in the University of Lisbon's Research Scholarship Regulations.

Amount of monthly maintenance allowance and Social Security:

- The monthly maintenance allowance is €1,741.00 (one thousand seven hundred and fortyone euros), paid monthly by bank transfer.

- The grant holder to be hired may exercise his/her right to social security by joining the voluntary social insurance scheme, under the terms of the Research Grant Holder's Statute, with ICS-ULisboa assuming the costs resulting from the contributions provided for in that Statute.

Eligibility criteria

Selection methods and how they are valued:

The applicable selection methods will be:

a) Curriculum evaluation;

b) A letter of motivation in which the applicant expresses the extent to which he/she can make

a distinctive contribution to the project;

c) A selection interview.

Candidates will be assessed on a scale of 1 to 10 points. The selection interview will be held

for the candidates placed in the top 3 positions, provided they score 4.5 points or more.

Candidates will be selected on the basis of the terms of reference set out in paragraph 2 of

this notice:

a) Curriculum evaluation, based on the objectives of the project and the specific nature of the

research work to be carried out (50%);

b) Knowledge and proven experience, taking into account the specific tasks to be carried out in

the project, specified in point 3, and the items indicated in the preferential requirements (section

2.2) (10%);

c) Motivation letter (10%);

d) Selection interview to assess professional and behavioural skills (30%).

The jury reserves the right not to award any grant if the candidates do not match the desired


Composition of the Selection Panel: Dr. Verónica Policarpo, Principal Researcher of the

ABIDE Project, ICS-ULisboa (President); Dr. Susana Matos Viegas, Principal Researcher of

ICS-ULisboa (1st Member); Dr. Maria Concetta Lo Bosco, Junior Researcher of ICS-ULisboa

(2nd Member); Dr. Simone Frangella, Assistant Researcher at ICS-ULisboa (1st substitute

member) and Dr. Vítor Sérgio Ferreira, Principal Researcher at ICS-ULisboa (2nd substitute


Prior hearing and notification of interested parties: All candidates will be notified of the

final result of the assessment, sent to the email address used to submit their application, and/or

by post, to the address on the attached Personal Data Form, by means of a ranked list, in

descending order of the final assessment obtained. Candidates may exercise their right to a prior

hearing, in writing, within ten working days of notification. To this end, candidates may request

that the minutes be sent to them by email or consult the procedural documents in person at the

Institute during office hours.

Selection process

Formalising and examining applications:

Applications must be sent by email to, indicating the reference "Call for Research Grants no. 17/2023", otherwise they will not be considered.

Applications must be accompanied, under penalty of exclusion, by the following documents, and no document that must be submitted with the application may be submitted after the deadline for submission:

a) Personal data form and Declaration of Consent to Communicate Results via e-mail (see attached form);

b) Detailed and up-to-date curriculum vitae;

c) Letter of Motivation justifying the interest in the subject of the research project and the competences that, from the candidate's point of view, make him/her suitable for the position and to contribute to the successful implementation of the project;

d) a letter of recommendation;

e) Document(s) proving that the candidate fulfils the conditions required for the type of scholarship, namely the qualification certificate(s) for the academic degree(s) applied for, with final average, or proof that they have already applied for the respective certificate(s);

f) If the academic degree of Doctor, required in this Notice as a requirement for admission, was obtained abroad, you must submit one of the following documents:

● Document proving that a Portuguese institution has recognised, equivalised or

registered the academic degree; or

● A document proving that you have already applied for recognition of the degree, which

must be submitted on or before the deadline for receipt of applications; or

● Declaration of honour by the candidate that he/she will obtain recognition of the degree

by the time the contract is signed.

g) Proof of recognition or equivalence or registration of the academic degree is a mandatory condition for signing the contract;

h) For academic degrees obtained in foreign countries, which have not yet obtained either recognition or equivalence or registration of the degree, recognition of the degree is required, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August, in conjunction with Ministerial Order no. 33/2019, of 25 January.

Additional comments



Full name:

Citizen Card / Identity Card / Passport no:

Valid until:


Full address:

Postal code:


I consent to all such communications and/or notifications in connection with this call being made to the e-mailaddress used to send my application.

(Place and date) of 2023

(Signature of the candidate)

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
Postal Code
Av. Professor Aníbal Bettencourt, nº9


Rua Prof. Anibal Bettencourt, n.º 9
Postal Code

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