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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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22 Sep 2023

Job Information

FARM-ID - Associação da Faculdade de Farmácia para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento
Research Field
Chemistry » Other
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Under the Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP, Regulation No. 950/2019, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 241, of 16 December 2019, of the Regulation of Research Grants of the University of Lisbon, Dispatch No. 6238/2020, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 113, of 12 June, republished by Dispatch No. 8061/2022, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 126, of 1 July 2022, and of the Statute of the Research Fellowship (EBI), Decree-Law No. 123/2019, published in Diário da República, 1st Serie, No. 164, of 28 August 2019, it is made known that a call for the award of 1 (one) Research Grants within the scope of the project EXPL/QUI-OUT/1288/2021, titled “ChemSlotProtein: Expanding the druggable universe to unlock chemists’ creativity”, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., is open under the following conditions:

Scientific Area: Chemistry, Cheminformatics, Health Sciences, Pharmacy

Research Grants Duration: The research will have a duration of 3 months, possibly renewable until the end of the project, starting in October 2023, on an exclusivity regime, in accordance with the terms of the Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP.

Work plan: Drug discovery is currently heavily biased towards well-studied targets for which druggability has been established and even though 12k human proteins are implicated in disease processes only about 15% are associated with active compounds. Therefore, the human proteome is underexplored and this is the main obstacle that hinders the discovery of new therapies. To address this problem, the student will contribute to an ongoing project where we are interested in discovering common and diverging characteristics between well-studied pockets and poorly-studied protein pockets. To achieve this the student will carry out an exploration of all the proteome with the goal of finding interesting new proteins that can be proposed as new promising drug discovery targets.

The student will integrate a small team of young researchers, and the work carried out by him/her will be a part of a larger research project, funded by FCT, aimed at creating a workflow/tool to enable the exploration of the full human proteome.

Using medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry, chem- and bioinformatics tools, the student will analyse the structural characteristics of different proteins related to cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, and this will be paired with biological assays to validate the pharmaceutical interest of a new target.

Workplace and Scientific Guidance: The work will be carried out in iMed. Ulisboa at the premises of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon, under the scientific guidance of Rita Alexandra do Nascimento Cardoso Guedes, Associated professor with habilitation, and Natália Luísa de Moura Aniceto, Assistant professor, at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon, respectively.

Formalization of applications: Applications must be sent in non-editable format (PDF), to the address, containing the identification of the above-mentioned notice. Applications in paper format will not be accepted.

Application deadline: The deadline for applications is from September 25th to 9th October 2023 (10 working days).


Research Field
Chemistry » Other
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent

Preferred Requirements:

  • Motivation
  • Experience in computational Chemistry (Docking, Pocket detection and similarity, Python)
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English.
Specific Requirements

Admission Requirements*:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry or related areas;
  • Be enrolled in a Master's or Integrated Master's program in Medicinal Chemistry.

*At the application stage if the candidates do not have in their possession the documents proving that they hold the bachelor’s degree and/or a proof of enrolment in a master’s or an integrated master’s degree, they may be replaced by a declaration on honour.

Proof of obtaining the degree and/or enrolment through the presentation of certificates must be carried out until contracting, under penalty of cancellation of the candidate's assessment due to error on the assumptions of fact, and consequent exclusion from this call.

Research Field
Pharmacological sciences » Other

Additional Information


Monthly maintenance stipend: The monthly maintenance stipend (grant) corresponds to € 930.98, according to the table of values directly attributed by FCT, I.P. ( Payment will be made via bank transfer.

In addition to the monthly maintenance stipend, the grant holder will also be awarded with the value corresponding to the payment of the first step of Seguro Social Voluntário (voluntary payment of Social Security), in case he/she chooses to be included in this regime.

Eligibility criteria
  1. Form containing the candidate's identification (available on the FARM-ID’s website);
  2. Curriculum Vitae providing information for application evaluation;
  3. Certificate of bachelor’s degree in Chemistry or related areas, or declaration on honour (available on the FARM-ID’s website);
  4. Proof of enrollment average grade in Medicinal Chemistry, and grades for all relevant curricular units for the grant, or declaration on honour (available on the FARM-ID’s website);
  5. Declaration of honour affirming the absence of any professional activity conflicting with the exclusivity regime (available on the FARM-ID’s website);
  6. Letter of motivation indicating your experience and adaptation to the proposed work plan, in particular the preferential factors and the interest of the grant for your future prospects, as well as the immediate possibility of joining the project;
  7. Academic certificate displaying all final course grades;
  8. Any other documents deemed pertinent for the grant application.


All the documents necessary for the correct application are available on the institutional website through the link:

The documents that instruct the application must be submitted in Portuguese or English language.

No document that should have been submitted in the application phase can be submitted after the deadline set in the opening notice. Failure to comply with the deadline set for the submission of the application, as well as the lack or late submission of documents referred to in this point will determine the exclusion from the competition.

Selection process

Candidate's Merit

It aims to evaluate the compliance with the formal requirements demanded in the opening notice, but also to consider the adequacy of the scientific training area and/or specialization, training and professional experience.

  • Adequacy of the Scientific Training Area (AACF): Candidates will be evaluated based on their background and in the scientific area, with a maximum weighting of 20%.


  • Education and Experience (FE): Candidates will be ranked based on their Curriculum Vitae, with a maximum weighting of 50%.


  • Specific competencies for the proposed work plan (CEPTP): Candidates will be ranked on the based on their motivation and suitability, with a maximum weighting of 30%.

If deemed necessary, an individual interview may be conducted for the top 4 best candidates, with the goal of evaluating in an objective and systematic manner the following criteria:

  • Quality of the Professional Experience (QEP);
  • Ability to express and Verbal Fluency (CEFV);
  • Motivation and Responsibility (MR);
  • Critical Sense (SC);
  • Knowledge in the area (CA).

The classification of the Selection Interview will be attained by the average of the grades reached in each evaluation criteria according to the following parameters: Excellent (20 values), Very Good (18 values), Good (16 values), Adequate (12 values) e Insufficient (8 values), being for this purpose filled an individual form for each candidate.

Final Classification: The score obtained in the final classification results from the sum of the points obtained in the Candidate's Merit, in which an individual form will be filled for each candidate. In case an Interview is made, AACF will be worth 10%, CEPTP will be worth 20%, and FE will be worth 40%. The Interview will have a weight of 30%.

The Jury responsible for the selection will be constituted by:

President – Rita Alexandra do Nascimento Cardoso Guedes, Associated professor with habilitation, Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon

1st Member of the Jury –Natália Luisa de Moura Aniceto, Assistant Professor, at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon;

2nd Member of the Jury – Helena Isabel Fialho Florindo Roque Ferreira, Associated professor with habilitation, at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon

1st Alternate Member of the Jury - Ana Rita Acúrcio, Junior Researcher, Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon.

Additional comments

Form of notification of results: All candidates will be notified of the final results of the evaluation by email, and will have 10 working days after the aforementioned notification to say something, in accordance with the terms of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

After this notification, and in case there are no claims, the results will become final. In case of claims, and after the allegation is analysed and accepted or rejected, the results will become final after 10 business days.

After the final decision is made, a complaint/appeal can be filed to the Director of the FARM-ID – Faculty of Pharmacy Research and Development Association, Maria Beatriz da Silva Lima, PhD, Full Professor, within 10 working days from the date of notification.

Applicable legislation and regulations: Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT, IP), Regulation No. 950/2019, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 241, of 16 December 2019, of the Regulation of Research Grants of the University of Lisbon, Dispatch No. 6238/2020, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 113, of 12 June, republished by Dispatch No. 8061/2022, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 126, of 1 July 2022, and of the Statute of the Research Fellowship (EBI), Decree-Law No. 123/2019, published in Diário da República, 1st Serie, No. 164, of 28 August 2019.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
FARM-ID - Associação da Faculdade de Farmácia para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento
Postal Code
Av. Prof. Gama Pinto


Av. Prof. Gama Pinto
Postal Code

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