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  • JOB
  • Portugal

Call for Applications to one (1) Ph.D. Research Fellowship

Apply now
12 Sep 2023

Job Information

William James Center for Research
Research Field
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Not Applicable
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The William James Center for Research (WJCR) located at ISPA – Instituto Universitário (Lisbon, Portugal) hereby opens a call for 1 (one) Ph.D. research fellowship (reference of this call: WJCR/018/BD/2023), hereinafter referred to as Ph.D. Research Fellowship, in Psychology, under the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships (Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da FCT - RBI) and the Research Fellow Holder Statute (Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação - EBI).

The Ph.D. research fellowship will be funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. – FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for Funding of the Multi-Annual Research Scholarship Plan for Ph.D. Students, signed between FCT and the R&D Unit WJCR – William James Center for Research (UIDP/04810/2020).


The call is open from the 12th September 2023 to the 28th September 2023, 23h00 (Lisbon Time).

Applications along with all the supporting documents must be submitted by e-mail to, and The subject of the e-mail should indicate the reference of this call: “WJCR/018/BD/2023”.

Each candidate may submit only one application, under the penalty of exclusion of all applications submitted by the candidate.

Applications providing false statements, and/or plagiarism, can be excluded without prejudice to other means of sanctioning.


The Ph.D. Research Fellowship is intended to finance research-related activities leading to the award of a Doctoral Degree in Portuguese universities.

The research-related activities leading to the award of a Doctoral Degree will take place at the William James Center for Research (WJCR), located at ISPA – Instituto Universitário (Lisbon, Portugal), which will be the host institution for the fellow. If the fellow is jointly co-supervised by a member of the WJCR located at University of Aveiro, then the research work may be partially conducted at that institution. It is also possible that the research will be conducted in collaboration with other national or international institutions. 

The research activities leading to a Doctoral Degree must be framed in terms of the research and strategic plan of the WJCR and developed in one of the areas of expertise available at the Doctoral Program in Psychology of ISPA – Instituto Universitário.

The work plan may be carried out entirely at a national institution or in collaboration with an international institution (i.e., national fellowship and mixed fellowship, respectively).

As a rule, the fellowship is given on an annual basis and is renewable up to the maximum number of months requested in the application. The fellowship cannot be granted for less than 3 consecutive months or for more than 48 months.

If the fellowship is carried out both in Portugal and abroad (mixed fellowship), the research period in a foreign institution cannot exceed 24 months.


The Ph.D. Research Fellowship is for applicants who are enrolled, or meet the conditions required to enroll, in the 1st academic year of the Doctoral Program set out in point 2 of this Call and who wish to pursue a research trajectory at the William James Center for Research, ultimately leading to the conferral of a Doctoral Degree by ISPA – Instituto Universitário.


4.1. Applicants’ Admissibility Requirements

The following persons may apply to this call:

  • National citizens or citizens of other Member States of the European Union.
  • Third-party states citizens.
  • Stateless individuals.
  • Citizens who have been granted political refugee status.

To apply for a Ph.D. Research Fellowship, the applicant must:

  • Hold a Master’s Degree in Psychology (preferably in Social, Cognitive, Developmental, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Science, Health, Forensic Psychology, or other fields that the Evaluation Panel considers relevant for the position);
  • Reside permanently and regularly in Portugal if the work plan associated with the fellowship includes a period in foreign institutions (mixed fellowship), a requirement applicable both to national and foreign citizens.
  • Not have benefited from an individual Ph.D. fellowship or a Ph.D. fellowship in industry directly funded by the FCT, irrespective of its duration.
  • Not have a Doctoral Degree.

4.2. Application Admissibility Requirements

It is mandatory to attach the following documents to the application:

  • Identification elements (identity/citizenship card or passport);
  • Detailed curriculum vitae of the applicant.
  • Copy of the certificates of all degrees obtained (Bachelor’s and Master’s), specifying the final classification and, if possible, the transcript of records of attended courses. Only degrees issued in Portuguese and English will be accepted. In alternative, applicants can submit a declaration of honor stating that they will have concluded the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree by the end of the application deadline.
  • If the degrees were obtained from a foreign higher education institution, then the applicant must submit proof of registration and recognition of these academic degrees and record of the conversion of the respective final classification to the Portuguese classification scale. In alternative, applicants can submit a declaration of honor stating that they will have the recognition of the foreign degree by the end of the application deadline;
  • Letter of motivation (maximum 2 pages). The first page should describe the motivation of the candidate to pursue a Doctoral Degree and preferred supervisors. The second page should indicate the research interests and idea.

The application and associated documents should be presented in English, but degree certificates can be presented in Portuguese.

Regarding the above-mentioned mandatory requirements, the following should be noted:

  • If an academic degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, and in order to secure the principles of equal treatment of candidates who hold foreign and national academic degrees, the candidate must ensure that the qualification of the degree is equivalent to the Portuguese classification scale and recognized as such (compulsory). Final classifications of foreign academic degrees must also be converted to the Portuguese classification scale.
  • The recognition of foreign academic degrees and diplomas as well as the conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale may be requested in any public higher education institution, or at the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES, for automatic recognition only). Please consult the DGES portal for detail:
  • Only applicants who supply proof to have completed the study cycle leading to a Master’s degree by the end of the application deadline will be admitted. If applicants do not yet have the certificate of completion, the declaration of honor will be accepted stating that they have completed the qualifications required for the call until the application deadline. The award of the fellowship is always contingent upon the presentation of the mandatory proof of academic qualifications.

4.3. Submission of additional information – Recommendation letters

Additionally, candidates can submit two (2) recommendation letters. Although the recommendation letters do not constitute an admissibility requirement, they might be relevant to complement the evaluation of candidates. Recommendation letters must meet the following characteristics: a) two letter should be submitted, b) clearly identify the issuer, c) be signed, d) describe the academic/professional context of the relationship of the candidate with the referee, and e) specify that the recommendation is relative to this call for applications. The recommendation letters should highlight not only the candidate’s intellectual and scientific capabilities but also relevant personal characteristics. Further to the abovementioned, these letters may include, for example, the reasons that make the issuer able to attest to the applicant's qualities, as well as her/his opinion regarding the scientific maturity and adequacy of the applicant’s profile to pursue a Doctoral Degree. Letters issued by those listed as preferred supervisors in the candidate’s motivation letter will not be considered for evaluation purposes. Recommendation letters can be presented in English or in Portuguese.


The WJCR is funded by the FCT and is one of the top 5 Portuguese R&D Centers in Psychology ranked as “Excellent” in FCT’s last round of evaluation of national R&D units. It brings together outstanding psychological research from the University of Aveiro (UA) and ISPA – Instituto Universitário. One of the goals of the WJCR is to become a European center of excellence for research and training in communication and sociality; cognitive, affective, and developmental processes; and translational Psychology. The research developed by the Center focuses on 4 interrelated clusters: cognition, health, social cognition/body odors, and social development.

Applicants must be strongly motivated to develop their work plan under the scientific supervision of one of the senior researchers of the WJCR, in one of the Center’s main research clusters. Although the WJCR is composed of two collaborating institutions, principal scientific supervisors for the fellowship will be from ISPA – Instituto Universitário. Nevertheless, WJCR members from the University of Aveiro are available for jointly supervised projects with Ispa supervisors. For more information about the Center’s research lines and senior researchers as potential supervisors, please check the website


The evaluation is based on the applicant’s merit, motivation, and the adequacy of their training to the research objectives of the WJCR.

The evaluation process consists of two successive stages, driven by the following evaluation criteria:

Stage 1 (S1):

The first stage, scored from 0 to 20 points and rounded to decimals, will focus on Curriculum Analysis (CA) and Motivation (M) for the completion of the Doctorate. The Curriculum Analysis and the Motivation will each have a weight of 60% and 40%, respectively, in the final classification of the first stage of the competition, which is expressed by the following formula:

S1 = (0,6 × CA) + (0,4 × M)

The Curriculum Analysis (CA) - scored from 0 to 20 values and rounded to decimals - has a weighting of 60% in the final classification of the first stage of this call and will focus on:

  • Subcriterion CA1 - Quality of the academic career, expressed by the final classification of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, with a weight of 50%.
  • Subcriterion CA2 - Scientific production and participation in research projects, with a weight of 40%.
  • Subcriterion CA3 – Work experience and other relevant activities, with a weight of 10%.

Although not constituting a requirement for the admissibility of the application to the call, two letters of recommendation may be a relevant element to complement the evaluation of subcriterion CA2. In order to be considered for evaluation purposes, two distinct recommendation letters should meet the characteristics specified in point 4.3 of this call. Letters issued by those listed as preferred supervisors in the candidate’s motivation letter will not be considered for evaluation purposes.

The Motivation (M) for this Doctorate, sustained by the description of the idea and interest to investigate a specific topic with relevance in Psychological Research and the necessary soft skills and training, expressed in the "letter of motivation" – scored from 0 to 20 points and presented to the decimals - has a weight of 40% in the final classification of the first stage of the call.

The first six (6) candidates with the highest final score of S1 and equal to 10 or more points will be admitted to the second stage (S2) and ranked in descending order of score – “Interview Admitted”. All applicants tied in the 6th position of S1 will be admitted to the second stage.

Candidates who score less than ten (10) points in the first stage of the competition (S1) will be excluded from the call – “Excluded”.

Note for the evaluation of Subcriterion CA1 (Stage 1):

1 – The final average of Bachelor’s+Master's in a pre- or post-Bologna course results from the simple arithmetic average of the final classification obtained in the 1st cycle (Bachelor’s degree) and the final classification obtained in the 2nd cycle (Master’s degree);

2 – In the case of Integrated Master’s degree awarded by institutions that do not issue certificates with discrimination of the final classifications of 1st and 2nd cycles, the final classification indicated in the degree certificate after the completion of the cycle of studies will be considered.

3 – In the case of submission an Integrated Master’s certificate and a pre-Bologna or 2nd cycle Master's degree, the final classification of the Integrated Master’s will be considered;

4 – When candidates have more than one equivalent Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree (equivalent number of ECTS), the Evaluation Panel will decide which academic degrees are best suited for the pursuit of a Doctoral degree in Psychology and which should, therefore, be considered for Subcriterion CA1. Other course(s) presented by the candidate might be considered for Subcriterion CA3.

5 – The Evaluation Panel will award the minimum score (10 points on a 0 – 20 scale) required for obtaining a degree in Portugal when submitted national certificates do not mention the final classification.

6 – The Evaluation Panel will award the minimum score (10 points on a 0 – 20 scale) required for obtaining a degree in Portugal when candidates submit a declaration of honor clarifying that he/she will complete and obtain the Master’s degree until the end of the application period.

7 - For the purposes of calculating Subcriterion CA1, certificates that specify only a qualitative classification (for example, pre-Bologna Master’s degrees), this classification will be converted according to Table 1 when calculating the final average (Bachelor’s degree + Master's degree).

Table 1: Qualitative classifications conversions table.

Qualitative classification

Converted classification


Very Good with Distinction

Distinction and Praise

Magna Cum Laude / Summa Cum Laude


Very Good

Approved with Distinction

Good with Distinction

Cum Laude



Approved/ Unanimously Approved





Stage 2 (S2):

The second stage (S2) (scored from 0 to 20 and presented to the decimals) consists of an individual interview of the candidate and has a weight of 100 % in this Stage of the evaluation process.

The final classification of the Individual Interview (S2) will be determined by the arithmetic average of the scores on all the criteria assessed by the members of the Evaluation Panel: S2 = Final Classification for the Individual Interview.

The Individual Interview will focus on the following criteria: previous contact with research-related environment; know-how of instruments, methodologies, and proficiency in software relevant to the research area; motivation; knowledge and professional attitude; interpersonal relationships and communication skills (including English language proficiency). Each of these criteria will be evaluated (from 0 to 20 values) by the Evaluation Panel members.

Applicants with a S2 final score below ten (10) points will be automatically excluded - "Excluded".

Final Classification:

To decide the conditional granting of the Ph.D. Fellowship, applicants will be ranked according to the weighted average of the classifications obtained for each of the two stages, expressed by the following formula:

Final Classification = (0,5 × S1) + (0,5 × S2)

For tiebreaking purposes, applicants will be ranked based on the classifications awarded to each of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence: S1 – (i) Curriculum vitae; (ii) Scientific production; (iii) Motivation letter; (iv) Work experience; S2 - Interview.

Candidates with a final classification below ten (10) points will not be awarded the Ph.D. fellowship, as the Evaluation Panel will consider they do not hold the appropriate and/or necessary skills and competencies required for a successful implementation of the Ph.D. fellowship.

Important notice for candidates with diplomas issued by foreign universities:

- Applicants with diplomas issued by foreign higher education institutions may apply and will be assessed with the same criteria as applicants with diplomas issued by Portuguese institutions, so long as they provide proof of recognition of such academic degrees and conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale, according to the applicable legislation.

- Candidates with foreign degrees recognized in Portugal who do not provide proof of equivalence between the final classification and the Portuguese classification scale will be given the minimum classification (10 points) on criterion “CA1”.

- Fellowship contract for applicants with diplomas issued by foreign institutions will be issued only upon presentation of proof of recognition of academic degrees and conversion of the final classification until the end of the application deadline, as indicated above.


The Evaluation Panel will consist of:

  • Panel coordinator: Doctor Gün R. Semin, Full Professor at Ispa – Instituto Universitário, Scientific Coordinator of the William James Center for Research;
  • Effective member: Doctor Sven Waldzus, Full Professor at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and Integrated Researcher in CIS-Iscte;
  • Effective member: Doctor Mário Augusto de Carvalho Boto Ferreira, Associate Professor at Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisbon;
  • Alternate member: Doctor Josefa das Neves Simões Pandeirada, Equivalent to Principal Researcher at Universidade de Aveiro and Integrated Researcher at the William James Center for Research;
  • Alternate member: Doctor Maria Manuela Pedro Veríssimo, Full Professor at Ispa – Instituto Universitário and Integrated Researcher at the William James Center for Research;

The evaluation panel will assess applications in accordance with the evaluation criteria of this Call, weighing the elements of assessment.

All the Evaluation Panel members, including the coordinator, commit to respecting a set of responsibilities essential to the assessment process, such as the duties of impartiality, confidentiality, and the declaration of any potential conflict of interest (CDI). During the evaluation process, confidentiality is fully protected and ensured to guarantee the independence of all assessments produced.

For each application, a final evaluation form shall be produced by the panel. This memorandum will clearly document the arguments leading to the marks awarded.

Minutes of the meetings of the evaluation panel will be produced by panel members. The minutes and their annexes must include the following information:

  • Name and affiliation of all members of the evaluation panel.
  • Identification of all excluded applications and their grounds for exclusion (if applicable);
  • Methodologies applied by the evaluation panel for special/particular applications (if applicable);
  • Final Evaluation forms for each applicant.
  • A provisional ranking and seriation of candidates, in descending order of final ranking, of all evaluated applications.
  • Conflict of Interest Statements from all panel members.
  • Possible delegations of vote and competences due to justified absence (if applicable).


Applicants will be informed of the evaluation results via e-mail to the e-mail address used by the candidate to submit his/her application.


After communicating the provisional list of the results, applicants, who want to dispute the results, have a period of 10 working days to submit a complaint for a preliminary hearing, in accordance with Articles 121 and the following of the Administrative Procedure Code (CPA).

The final decision will be disclosed after the examination of the arguments explained at the preliminary hearing. After the final decision, a claim may be placed within 15 working days or, alternatively, an appeal within 30 working days, both counting from the respective notification date. Applicants who choose to submit a claim or an appeal should address their complaint to the FCT Board of Directors with the delegated competence.

The final ranking and seriation of candidates list shall be valid until the 4th December 2023, forming thus a reserve list for selection of candidates. As such, if the selected candidate renounces or withdraws from the fellowship, the Evaluation Panel can notify and award the fellowship to candidate(s) in the subsequente position(s), if applicable, and according to the final ranking and seriation list.


Research grant contracts are issued directly by the FCT.

The following documents are mandatory for a contract, after the fellowships are awarded, upon conditional granting of the fellowship:

a) Copy of personal identification, tax number and, if applicable, social security documents[1];

b) Copy of the academic degree certificates.

c) If applicable, registration record of the recognition of academic degrees awarded by foreign high education institutions, and conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale.

d) Work plan.

e) Document attesting the acceptance and enrollment in the 3rd cycle of studies, i.e., Doctoral Program, indicated in the present call and issued by the university that will grant the academic degree.

f) Supervisor(s) statement accepting the candidate as student and assuming responsibility for the supervision of the work plan, as established in Article no. 5-A of the Statute for Research Fellowships.

g) Document from the research unit where research activities will take place ensuring the provision of the necessary conditions for its successful development, as well as the fulfillment of the duties established in Article 13 of the Research Fellowship Holder Statute.

h) Updated document signed by the grantee confirming compliance with the exclusive dedication regime.

The granting of the scholarship is further dependent on:

  • Compliance with the requirements listed in this Call.
  • The results of the scientific evaluation.
  • Absence of unjustified non-compliance from the fellowship holder during previous directly or indirectly FCT funded fellowships.
  • The FCT’s available budget.

Failure to submit any of the documents required to complete the fellowship contract process within 6 months of the date of notification of the conditional grant decision will result in the forfeiture of the grant and the closing of the process.

Although the selected candidate has 6 months to submit the necessary documents to complete the fellowship contract process, counting from the notification of the conditional grant decision, the fellowship shall start until the 31st December 2023.

[1] Candidates can opt to present these documents in person at the funding agency. The agency will save elements of these documents that are necessary to validate and execute the contract, including the tax, personal identification, and social security numbers, as well as concomitant expiry dates.


Payment of the fellowship will start after the applicants return the duly signed Ph.D. fellowship contract, which should occur within a maximum of 15 working days from the date of its receipt.

The fellowship granted in this call will be funded by the FCT using the State Budget fund and, whenever eligible, the European Social Fund (ESF), under Programa Demografia, Qualificações e Inclusão (PDQI), and according to the respective requirements and regulations.


A monthly maintenance allowance is granted in accordance with the table in Annex I of the RBI. The grant may also include additional allowances, according to RBI’s Article 18 and the values set out in its Annex II.

The fellow is covered by a workplace personal accident insurance supported by the FCT. Fellows who are not beneficiaries of any social protection regime may exercise their right to social security by adhering to the voluntary social security regime, under the terms of the Code of Contributory Schemes of the Social Security System. The FCT will cover the costs resulting from the contributions under the terms and within the limits set out in Article 10 of the EBI.


Payments due to the fellow are made by bank transfer to the indicated bank account. Payment of the monthly maintenance allowance is made on the first working day of each month. Partial payments of registration, enrolment or tuition fees are made by the FCT directly to the national institution where the fellow is registered or enrolled in the Doctorate.


The renewal of the fellowship is always dependent on a yearly request submitted by the fellow, within 60 working days prior to the date of the renewal. The request for renewal should be accompanied by the following documents:

a) Declaration issued by the supervisor(s) and by the host institution(s) on the monitoring of the fellowship holder's work and the evaluation of his/her activities.

b) Updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime.

c) Registration document issued by the university confirming the enrollment in the cycle of studies leading to the Doctoral degree.


All R&D activities, directly or indirectly funded by the fellowship, namely communications, publications, and scientific output, as well as dissertations, carried out with the support provided by the fellowship, must include a reference to the FCT and the European Social Fund (ESF), specifically Programa Demografia, Qualificações e Inclusão (PDQI). For this purpose, the FCT, MCTES, ESF and EU logos shall be inscribed in the documents relating to these actions, in accordance with the graphic guidelines of the community support program.

The dissemination of research results funded under the RBI provisions must comply with the current practices on open science, namely for open access publications and data and other research results in accordance with FCT rules.

For all the fellowships, particularly in the case of European funded actions, namely the ESF, monitoring actions may be performed by national or European entities according to the applicable legislation. Fellows must therefore collaborate and provide all the required information, including answering surveys and evaluation studies in this area, including after the termination of the fellowship.


The FCT endorses a policy of non-discrimination and equal access. No applicant may be privileged, benefitted, harmed, or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty on the grounds of ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, land of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs or trade union affiliation.


The present call is framed by this Notice, the FCT Regulation for Research Fellowships, approved by the Regulation n. º 950/2019, published in the Series II of the DR, of 16th December 2019, by the Research Fellowship Holder Statute, approved by the Law no. 40/2004, of 18th of August, in its current version, and by other applicable national and European legislation.

Where to apply



Research Field
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

Please refer to the section "Offer Description".

Specific Requirements

Please refer to the section "Offer Description".

Additional Information


Please refer to the section "Offer Description".

Eligibility criteria

Please refer to the section "Offer Description".

Selection process

Please refer to the section "Offer Description".

Additional comments

For addditional information, please visit:

Link for the call in Portuguese HERE

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, William James Center for Research
Postal Code
Rua Jardim do Tabaco 34


Rua Jardim do Tabaco, nº 34

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