- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
- Department
- Mathematics Centre of the University of Porto
- Research Field
- Mathematics
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Temporary
- Job Status
- Full-time
- Hours Per Week
- 35
- Offer Starting Date
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by a EU programme
- Reference Number
- UIDP/00144/2020
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
Ana Cristina Moreira Freire, Full Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, makes public that the international selection procedure for the recruitment of two PhD researchers is open for 15 working days, in the scope of the Project Centre of Mathematics of the University of Porto (CMUP)-UIDP/00144/2020, funded by FCT.
Main research field:Mathematics
Admission requirement:
National, foreigner and stateless candidates having received a PhD degree in the past 5 years in the above mentioned scientific area may apply to the competition.
If the degree has been conferred by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, published in the Diário da República, 1st series, no. 157, of 16 August, and any formalities established therein must be fulfilled by the date of hiring.
Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to the outright rejection of the application.
Job description:
The PhD Researcher will perform the following research and teaching activities:
- Development of research activities integrated in the pursuit of the objectives of the CMUP Areas for the period 2020-2023.
- Teaching service in the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. (Up to four teaching hours per week, as an annual average, according to Article 12, no. 3 of Regulation no. 487/2020 of the Research, Science and Technology Staff of the University of Porto).
Legal Framework:
Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 19 July (Legal Regime of Scientific Employment - RJEC); Regulatory Decree no. 11-A/2017, of 29 December; Labour Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February, in its current wording.
University of Porto Research, Science and Technology Staff Regulation no. 487/2020 published in the Diário da República no. 100/2020, Series II of 2020-05-22.
Workplace: The duties will be carried out at the Mathematics Centre of the University of Porto
Duration of the employment contract for an unspecified term: The present employment contract is scheduled to begin October 2023 or, by mutual agreement, at a later date, and will be maintained only for the period necessary to carry out the defined functions, on an exclusive dedication basis.
Monthly remuneration: € 2 491,27 in accordance with Article 15(1)(a) of Law No. 57/2017, of 19 July and with the second remuneratory position of the initial level provided for in Article 2 of Regulatory Decree No. 11-A/2017, of 29 December, corresponding to level 38 of the single remuneratory table updated by DL 10-B/2020.
Evaluation and Selection Criteria and Process:
In accordance witharticle 5 of RJEC, selection shall be made by evaluating the candidates' scientific and curricular background (CSCB).
- Scientific Production (SP). Assessment of the relevance, quality and pertinence of the candidate's scientific production and its impact as well as its national/international recognition, with emphasis on the contributions indicated by the candidate as the most relevant in the past 5 years and considering its integration in the CMUP's strategic plan for 2020– 2023.
- Research, Extension and Management Activities (REMA). Assessment of the relevance, quality and pertinence of the extension and knowledge dissemination activities carried out, namely in the context of the promotion of culture and scientific practices considered of most relevance by the candidate in the past 5 years;
It is included in this parameter: (i) coordination and participation in scientific projects, management activities of science, technology and innovation programmes; (ii) participation in science management and knowledge dissemination activities, including the organization of conferences, symposiums and scientific cooperation activities; (iii) graduate student mentoring.
- Research Plan (RP). Assessment of the research plan, its feasibility, the candidate's innovative capacity and its integration in the CMUP strategic plan for 2020–2023. For this evaluation, the candidate must present a research plan describing the scientific project he/she intends to develop.
The final classification will be presented on a scale of 0 to 100 points, based on the aforementioned criteria and respective weighting, with the following formula
CSCB = A*40% + B*20% + C*40%
The jury may, if it considers it necessary, conduct an interview(I) to the candidates ranked in the first five positions in the evaluation of their scientific and curricular background. The interview is exclusively aimed at clarifying aspects related to the results of their research. The classification in the interview evaluation is expressed on a scale of 0 to 100 points, with a mark to the hundredths.
In this case, the classification and respective final ranking of the interviewed candidates is determined by the formula
FC = CSCB*90% + I*10%
Minutes of the Jury meetings shall be drawn up containing a summary of what took place therein, the indication of the votes cast by each member and the respective justifications, which may be contained in autonomous documents attached to the minutes and signed by all Jury members present.
Only candidates with a rating of 80 points or higher are eligible for hiring.
Composition of the Selection Committee:
President: Helena Maria Monteiro Moreira Oliveira dos Reis, Assistant Professor with “Agregação”, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto
1st member: Ana Paula da Silva Dias, Associate Professor with “Agregação”, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
2nd member: André Gama Oliveira, Researcher, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
3rd member: Paulo José Abreu Beleza de Vasconcelos, Associate Professor with “Agregação”, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto
4rd member: Samuel António de Sousa Dias Lopes, Assistant Professor with “Agregação”, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
1st alternate member: Ana Cristina Gomes Monteiro Moreira de Freitas, Associate Professor with “Agregação”, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto
Results notifications:
The lists of admitted and excluded candidates as well as the final ranking lists are published on the FCUP/Sigarra website and through the means identified under the administrative procedure code.
Application deadline and form for presenting applications:
The applications should be formalised exclusively on the competition page (sigarra FCUP), nº 395, within 15 working days, accompanied by the following documentation:
- Application;
- PhD certificate or diploma;
- Detailed curriculum vitae;
- Brief description of the scientific activities of the last 5 years with indication of contributions considered most relevant (maximum 3 pages + references);
- Brief description of extension and management activities in the past 5 years, indicating of the contributions considered most relevant (maximum 2 pages references);
- Proposed research plan (maximum 3 pages + references);
- Other documents relevant to the assessment of the candidate.
In case of doubt, the selection board shall have the right to require any candidate to produce supporting documents for their statements. False declarations made by candidates shall be punished in accordance with the law.
Candidates who formalise their application incorrectly will be excluded from admission to the competition.
Prior hearing and deadline for the Final Decision: In accordance with article 121 of the Administrative Procedure Code, after being notified, the candidates have 10 working days to comment.
The jury's final decisions are taken within a maximum of 90 days, counting from the deadline for the submission of applications.
The present tender procedure is exclusively aimed at filling the indicated vacancies and may be terminated until the homologation of the candidates' final ranking list and expires with the respective occupation of the jobs on offer.
Non-discrimination and equal access policy:
FCUP actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, beneficiary, disadvantaged or private of any right or exemption from any duty owing, in particular, to ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability , chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union membership.
Under the terms of D.L. No. 29/2001, of February 3rd, the disabled candidate has preference in equal classification, which prevails over any other legal preference. Candidates must declare their respective degree of incapacity, the type of disability and the means of communication / expression to be used in the selection process, under the terms of the aforementioned diploma.
The application is open from 08/09/2023 to 28/09/2023.
Where to apply
- Research Field
- Mathematics
- Education Level
- PhD or equivalent
Additional Information
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 2
- Company/Institute
- Mathematics Centre of the University of Porto
- Country
- Portugal
- Geofield
- City
- Porto
- Website
- Street
- University of Porto – Pólo do Campo Alegre