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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

Apply now
1 Aug 2023

Job Information

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SAS
Department of ceramics
Research Field
Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry
Engineering » Materials engineering
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
Leading Researcher (R4)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
European Union / Next Generation EU
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Slovak Academy of Sciences is seeking for researchers who are able to write a successful research proposal (see "selection process" below) on the following research topics in the field of advanced ceramics for special applications:

  • Synthesis of new ceramics materials applicable in batteries or,
  • TiO2 nanotubes for environmental applications or,
  • Non oxides ceramics prepared by 3D printing, injection molding or,
  • Ceramics for bio-applications or,
  • Ceramics in energy
  • Publish the obtained results in high-impact journals.
  • Present the obtained results at international conferences.
  • Provide guidance to PhD-, Master- and visiting students when required.
  • Actively participate in research projects of the Institute.
  • The fellow is defined as:
  • R2 = recognised researcher (2 269 € netto monthly salary)
  • R3 = independent / established researcher ( 2 580 € netto monthly salary),
  • R4 = leading researcher (approx. 2 877 € net monthly salary).
  • The fellowship includes additional budget for research expenses (1300 € per project month) and team personnel expenses (max 2000/4500 € per project month for R3/R4 researcher).
  • The duration of the project is 12 - 24 months and it must end at latest on 30/06/2026.
  • IIC SAS provides an opportunity to develop your scientific career in a dynamic and modern research environment. The topic is connected to energy storage technologies and advanced energy storage technologies).

Where to apply



Research Field
Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
  • Previous experience with the proposed research topic
  • An understanding of all experimental methods/techniques required for the proposed research topic
  • Understanding preparation and characterization of ceramics materials by different sintering methods (sintering oxides, non-oxides ceramics by free sintering, hot pressing SPS, GPS, HIP)
  • Experience in preparation of ceramics suspensions, plastic ceramics dough  
  • Characterization techniques (at least interpretation of the results of analysis) such as NMR, FTIR, SEM, EDX, TG/DTA/DSC, cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry, electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy.
Specific Requirements
  • PhD in Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Materials Science / Electrochemistry or a related field is required.
  • Ability to design experiments individually
  • Good verbal and written communication skills in English
  • The applicants are expected to submit before August 10th (including), 2023 a short description of project objectives demonstrating originality beyond current state of art (1 page A4, identify the research topic), professional CV including list of publications (together with citations) and documents of finished PhD. Applications should be sent via email to Please use the subject “R2/R3/R4 call - Name Surname” to identify the application. Only complete submissions are considered.
Research Field
Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry

Additional Information


Integration to research team in the future.

Possibility to develop the own research team.

Flexible working time.

Contribution for lunch vouchers.

Eligibility criteria
  • PhD degree
  • Experience in the field of ceramics preparation and characterization
  • Experience with the mentioned research topic
  • Publication history in high-impact journals
  • Experience in the project management an advantage
  • Ability to work independently and lead the team
  • English literacy
  • Willingness to relocate

The candidates must fulfil criteria for R2/R3/R4 researchers as follow (they will be subjected for evaluation based on CV):

R2 - Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)

  • Doctorate degree (PhD) holders who have not yet established a significant level of independence;
  • Researchers with an equivalent level of experience and competence.

Necessary competences

All competences of 'First Stage Researcher' plus:

  • Has demonstrated a systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research associated with that field;
  • Has demonstrated the ability to conceive, design, implement and adapt a substantial programme of research with integrity;
  • Has made a contribution through original research that extends the frontier of knowledge by developing a substantial body of work, innovation or application. This could merit national or international refereed publication or patent;
  • Demonstrates critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas;
  • Can communicate with their peers peers - be able to explain the outcome of their research (and value thereof) to the research community
  • Takes ownership for and manages own career progression, sets realistic and achievable career goals, identifies and develops ways to improve employability;
  • Co-authors papers at workshop and conferences

Desirable competences

  • Understands the agenda of industry and other related employment sectors
  • Understands the value of their research work in the context of products and services from industry and other related employment sectors
  • Can communicate with the wider community, and with society generally, about their areas of expertise
  • Can be expected to promote, within professional contexts, technological, social or cultural advancement in a knowledge based society
  • Can mentor First Stage Researchers, helping them to be more effective and successful in their R&D trajectory.

R3 - Established Researcher (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)

This describes researchers who have developed a level of independence.

Necessary competences

All necessary and most desirable competences of 'Recognised Researcher' plus:

  • Has an established reputation based on research excellence in their field;
  • Makes a positive contribution to the development of knowledge, research and development through co-operations and collaborations;
  • Identifies research problems and opportunities within their area of expertise;
  • Identifies appropriate research methodologies and approaches;
  • Conducts research independently which advances a research agenda;
  • Can take the lead in executing collaborative research projects in cooperation with colleagues and project partners;
  • Publishes papers as lead author, organises workshop or conference sessions

Desirable competences

  • Establishes collaborative relationships with relevant industry research or development groups
  • Communicates their research effectively to the research community and wider society
  • Is innovative in their approach to research
  • Can form research consortia and secure research funding / budgets / resources from research councils or industry
  • Is committed to professional development of his/her own career and acts as mentor for others.


R4 - Leading Researcher (Researchers leading their research area or field)

This is a researcher leading his/her research area or field. It would include the team leader of a research group or head of an industry R&D laboratory. In particular disciplines as an exception, leading researchers may include individuals who operate as lone researchers.

Necessary competences

All necessary and most desirable competences of 'Established Researcher' plus:

  • Has an international reputation based on research excellence in their field;
  • Demonstrates critical judgment in the identification and execution of research activities;
  • Makes a substantial contribution (breakthroughs) to their research field or spanning multiple areas;
  • Develops a strategic vision on the future of the research field
  • Recognises the broader implications and applications of their research;
  • Publishes and presents influential papers and books, serves on workshop and conference organising committees and delivers invited talks

Desirable competences

  • Is an expert at managing and leading research projects
  • Is skilled at managing and developing others
  • Has a proven record in securing significant research funding / budgets / resources
  • Beyond team building and collaboration, focusing on long-term team planning (e.g. career paths for the researchers and securing funding for the team positions)
  • Is an excellent communicator and networker within and outside the research community [creating networks]
  • Is able to create an innovative and creative environment for research
  • Acts as a professional development role model for others.

See also

Selection process

The applications will be considered individually and based on the submitted documents the promising applicants will be invited for the internal preselection. All candidates will be informed about selection results before August 15th 2023. The online interview of successful candidates will take place within the week.

After internal preselection the successful candidates will be guided to prepare the full proposal in the required form…. The full proposal must be completed and delivered before September 21st (including), 2023. Then the proposals will be evaluated by three independent external reviewers and based on their decision the project will be recommended for funding. Only candidates who will receive the funding will be finally employed.

Additional comments

Data protection: All application documents submitted in connection with this call will be safely stored, used only for the purpose of the preselection process and will not be provided to any third party. Personal data will be kept for six months and then will be erased.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Institute of Inorganic chemistry SAS
Postal Code
Dubravska cesta 9


Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 36 Bratislava 45

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