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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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4 Jul 2023

Job Information

Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa
Research Field
Educational sciences » Education
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline
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Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

PUBLIC NOTICE Nº. 1145/2023

It is hereby made known that, for a period of 30 (thirty) working days following the publication of the present Notice in Diário da República (the Portuguese Official Gazette), the Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa (IE-ULisboa), is holding an international documental tender for the recruitment of 1 (one) Associate Professor, in the field of Education, with special focus on the research and teaching area of Curriculum, Teacher Training, and Technology, to be hired through the celebration of an employment contract in public functions.

The recruitment procedure is regulated by articles 37 to 51, 61 and 62-A of the Estatuto da Carreira Docente Universitária (University Teaching Career Statutes), issued by Decree-law No. 205/2009, of 31st of August, and altered by Law No. 8/2010, of 13th May (hereinafter referred to as ECDU), and further applicable legislation, namely the Regulamento Geral de Concursos para Recrutamento de Professores Catedráticos, Associados e Auxiliares da Universidade de Lisboa (General Regulations for the Recruitment of Full Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of the University of Lisbon), published by the Rector’s Order of February 16th 2015, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 45, by Order No. 2307/2015, of 5th of March 2015 (hereinafter designated as ULisboa Regulation).

In compliance with paragraph h) of article 9 of the Constitution, the Public Administration, as the employing entity, actively promotes a policy of equality of opportunities between men and women in access to employment and professional development, scrupulously providing for the prevention of any type of discrimination, in compliance with the joint Order No. 373/2000, of March 31st of the Minister of State Reform and Public Administration, and the Minister for Equality.

Likewise, no candidate shall be privileged, favoured, prejudiced, deprived of any right or exempted from any duty on the basis of ancestry, age, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, financial status, education, social circumstances, genetic inheritance, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic or racial origin, place of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and union membership.

In accordance with articles 37 to 51 of the ECDU and other applicable legislation, and in compliance with the article 8 of the ULisboa Regulation, the following requirements must be followed:

I – Authorization Order

The opening of this Public Tender follows the Order of the University of Lisbon Rector’s, Professor Doutor Luís Manuel dos Anjos Ferreira, dated April 6th 2023, issued after the cumulative confirmation of the following requirements:

  1. Existence of adequate budget provision;
  2. The position for which this Public Tender is open is foreseen and unoccupied in the IE-ULisboa staff list.

II — Workplace

Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, located in Alameda da Universidade, 1649-013 Lisboa, and the selected candidate must perform teaching and research activities, in the latter case being integrated into the Research and Development Unit in Education and Training, associated with the IE-ULisboa.

III — Admission requirements

1 - Hold a Ph.D. degree, awarded more than five years prior to the deadline for submitting applications, under the terms of article 41 of the ECDU.

1.1 - Holders of the doctor's degree obtained abroad must have the same degree awarded by a Portuguese higher education institution in accordance with Decree-Law nº 66/2018 of August 16th.

1.2 - The recognition of the doctor's degree, referred to in the previous number, must be obtained before the deadline to sign the contract, if the candidate in an eligible place has obtained a doctorate abroad.

2 – Be fluent in spoken and written Portuguese.

2.1 - Candidates of foreign nationality, except candidates from Portuguese-speaking countries, must demonstrate expertise of spoken and written Portuguese at the common reference level of B1 or higher. This requirement has to be officially recognized by a certificate or diploma of communicative competence in the Portuguese language from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe.

2.2 - The candidate must be a holder of the requirement referred to in 2.1. up to the date of signing the contract, when applicable.

3 - The non-delivery of any of the documents that must instruct the application, within the deadline and under the terms indicated in Chapters VIII and IX of this Notice, immediately determines its non-admission, which will be reviewed and decided by the Dean of the IE-ULisboa prior to the Jury’s decision on absolute merit.

4 – Candidates will also be excluded, even if approved and sorted in the unitary list of the final ranking of the present Public Tender in a place that allows them to fill the position, if, in accordance with Chapter VI of the ULisboa Regulation, upon being required to submit the documents proving that they meet the legally necessary conditions for the establishment of a legal relationship of indefinite duration with the IE-ULisboa, they unjustifiably fail to do so within the established deadline or, having submitted them, the documents prove to be inadequate, false or invalid.

IV — Requirements for admission on absolute merit

1 - Only candidates that cumulatively fulfill the following requirements will be admitted on absolute merit:

a) Hold a Ph.D. degree in the field of Education, or a similar area, relevant to the subject area for which the Public Tender was opened, awarded more than five years prior to the deadline for submitting applications, and have a global curriculum that the jury considers, based on scientific merit, research ability and the value of pedagogical activities already developed, compatible with the development of research and teaching activities within the subject area of Education, and suitable for the teaching category of Associate Professor, in compliance with article 10 of Chapter III of the ULisboa Regulation;

b) Have published, in the last five years and until the deadline for submitting applications, 6 (six) or more articles in scientific journals with peer review and impact factor ISI/WoS or Scopus and relevant to the subject area of the present Public Tender, being considered as published articles those that have been accepted for publication by the editor - regarding all these articles, the respective URL address must be indicated or, in case of articles accepted for publication, the respective proof;

c) Submit a scientific and pedagogical project that is suitable to the subject area and to the teaching and research area for which the Public Tender was opened, without any severe inaccuracies.

2 - Candidates approved by the absolute majority of the voting members of the jury, through justified roll call vote, with abstentions not being allowed, will be considered as approved on absolute merit.

V — Evaluation and ranking parameters on relative merit, respective weighting and final valuation system

1 - Once the candidates who are approved on absolute merit are identified, they will be evaluated and ranked according to their relative merit.

2 - The selection method will be that of curricular evaluation, as established in No. 6 of article 50 of the ECDU, as well as No. 4 of article 5 and article 11 of the ULisboa Regulation, and based on ranking criteria, their relative weight and final evaluation system indicated in this Notice.

3 – Each member of the jury assesses the relative merit of the candidates, with the final aim of ranking them, based on the weighted sum of the score obtained in each evaluation criteria discriminated below, on a 0-100 scale (with 0 being the minimum value and 100 being the maximum value).

4 - These evaluation and ranking parameters take into account: scientific performance, pedagogical ability and other activities, developed by the candidate, relevant to the mission of the higher education institution, as well as the content of the scientific and pedagogical project presented by the candidate, compatible with the subject area for which this Public Tender is open, and suitable to the teaching category of Associate Professor.

5 - The following weight distribution will be attributed to the scores in each ranking criterion:

A. Scientific Performance — 40%;

B. Pedagogical Ability — 20%;

C. Other activities relevant to the University's mission — 10%;

D. Scientific and Pedagogic Project — 30%.

6 - In each of these criteria, specific parameters will be evaluated, as below-discriminated, considering the number of years of scientific activity and the number of years of teaching activities, within the scope of the research and teaching area of Curriculum, Teacher Training, and Technology.

A. Scientific Performance (40%)

This criterion is divided into the following parameters:

A.1. Scientific merit of 3 (three) publications selected by the candidate, namely in regards to their contribution to the development of research and teaching in the field of Education, with special focus on the research and teaching area of Curriculum, Teacher Training, and Technology.

A.2. Other scientific publications in the subject field of the present Public Tender: book chapters, articles in scientific journals and minutes of international conferences of which the applicant was the author or co-author, taking into account their impact (assessed by the journal’s impact factor), scientific level and contribution to the advancement of the state of knowledge;

A.3. Other scientific activities in the subject field of the present Public Tender: participation of the candidates as coordinators or members of research teams in scientific projects subject to competitive call, considering their territorial scope, size and scientific level.

B. Pedagogical ability (20%)

This criterion is divided into the following parameters:

B.1. Lectured curricular units;

B.2. Supervision of doctoral, master and undergraduate students;

B.3. Production of pedagogical material;

B.4. Pedagogical innovation.

C. Other activities relevant to the University's mission (10%)

This criterion is divided into the following parameters:

C.1. Experience in vocational training actions;

C.2. Participation in intervention projects;

C.3. Provision of services and consultancy relevant to the subject field of the present Public Tender;

C.4. Participation in academic juries;

C.5. Activities in national and international scientific events organizations;

C.6. Performance in university management positions;

C.7. Participation in boards of the institutional bodies of universities.

D. Scientific and pedagogic project (30%)

The scientific-pedagogic project is evaluated considering the merit and the adequacy to the subject field of the Public Tender, namely its potential contribution to the scientific and pedagogical development of this subject area, within the scope of objective(s) set in Chapter IX, No. 3, paragraph a).

7 - In the ranking process of the candidates in this Public Tender, each Jury member produces a list of candidates in descending order of merit.

8 - The Jury votes initially for the first place, then for the second place, and so on, until the final ranking of all candidates admitted to the Public Tender and previously approved on absolute merit. In each voting, the Jury’s decisions are taken by absolute majority vote and the methodology for the ranking of the candidates is the one stated in No. 5 of article 20 of the ULisboa Regulation, in compliance with the provisions of article 17 of the ULisboa Regulation.

9 - Once the evaluation and ranking criteria have been applied, the Jury will draw up a unitary list of the final ranking of candidates.

VI — Preferential parameters

When completing the list foreseen in paragraph 7) of the previous chapter, in the event of a tie, the preferential parameter is the one foreseen in parameter A.1., paragraph 6), Chapter V of this Notice.

VII — Public hearings

1 - The Jury may promote public hearings, on equal footing, to candidates approved on absolute merit which are intended, exclusively, to clarify issues related to the documents presented by the candidates, pursuant to paragraph b), No. 4 of article 50 of the ECDU. In this case, the hearings will take place between the 15th and the 25th working day, after the end of the admission process on absolute merit.

2 - The Jury, whenever it deems necessary, may ask the candidate to submit additional documents supporting the candidate’s statements, which are relevant to the analysis and classification of his/her application, in accordance with paragraph a), No. 4, article 50 of the ECDU.

VIII — Submission of applications

Applications must be delivered personally, up to 30 working days following the publication of the present Notice in Diário da República, from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 16:30, to the Human Resources Divison of the Instituto da Educação, located at Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária, 1649-013 Lisboa, or sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, within the same period, to the same address.

IX — Application instructions

1 - Candidates must submit their application with a written application form, available online at (Formulário de Candidatura – Professor),  addressed to the Director of the Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, and including the identification of this Notice, full name, number and date of identity card, Citizen Card, or identification number, taxpayer identification number, date and place of birth, profession, residence and contact address, including the e-mail address and phone number.

2 - In the application form, candidates must indicate their consent so that the communications and notifications in the context of this Public Tender can occur by electronic mail, to the e-mail address specified in the application.

3 - The application form, which is mandatory, must be duly filled, dated and undersigned and shall be accompanied by the documents mentioned below, in paragraphs a) to c), and must be delivered in digital format only (pen drive), otherwise the application won’t be considered:

a) Scientific-pedagogic project in electronic format (pdf), organized as stated in paragraph 4 of article 5 of the ULisboa Regulation, describing the research and teaching activities that the candidate proposes to develop and explaining his/her contribution towards the scientific and pedagogic development in the subject area of the Public Tender, with special focus on the research and teaching area of Curriculum, Teacher Training, and Technology, with the aim of promoting and reinforcing the teaching and research activities of the Instituto de Educação and the Research and Development Unit in Education and Training;

b) Curriculum vitae of the candidate in electronic format (pdf), presented in such a way that separately responds to each of the elements and criterion referred to in Chapter V of this Notice: A. Scientific Performance; B. Pedagogical Performance: C. Other activities related to the University’s mission;

c) Electronic versions in electronic format (pdf) of the 3 (three) publications mentioned in the Curriculum vitae and other works that the candidates consider most relevant to the Jury’s appreciation;

4 - Failure to comply with the deadline set for the submission of the application, as well as the lack of submission or the late submission of the documents required in the previous paragraphs will determine the exclusion of the application.

5 - The candidate ranked in the 1st position of the unitary list of the final ranking shall deliver to the Human Resources Division, as stated in the declaration on honour on the form, the documents supporting that the legally required conditions for the establishment of a legal public employment relationship of indefinite duration with the Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa are met, within the non-extendable deadline of 10 working days, counting from the date of the notification for delivering the mentioned documents, as established in article 26 of the ULisboa Regulation.

X — Language

The documents supporting the application must be presented in Portuguese or English.

XI — Composition of the Jury

In accordance with articles 45 and 46 of the ECDU, and article 14 of the ULisboa Regulation, the Jury is composed by the following members:

Chairman: Reitor da Universidade de Lisboa

Other members:

Doutora Maria Amélia da Costa Lopes, Professora Catedrática da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto;

Doutor José Augusto de Brito Pacheco, Professor Catedrático do Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho;

Doutora Maria Isabel Ferraz Festas, Professora Catedrática da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra;

Doutor João Pedro Mendes da Ponte, Professor Catedrático do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa;

Doutor Jorge Manuel Nunes Ramos do Ó, Professor Catedrático do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa.

April 11th 2023 — The Dean, Professor Doutor Luís Miguel de Figueiredo Silva de Carvalho.


Research Field
Educational sciences » Education
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Internal Application form(s) needed
IE_FORMULÁRIO DE CANDIDATURA_Docentes_atualizado a 21.10.2021.pdf
(375.33 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa
Postal Code
Alameda da Universidade


Alameda da Universidade
Postal Code

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