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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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23 Jun 2023

Job Information

Organisation/Company Associação para a Inovação de Desenvolvimento da FCT
Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (NOVAMATH)
Research Field
Mathematics » Applied mathematics
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

A tender is open for the attribution of (1) Research Scholarship within the scope of the R&D project “Modelação Matemática de Sistemas de Controlo em Multi-escala: aplicações a doenças humanas” (2022.03091.PTDC), funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P./MCTES through National resources (PIDDAC), under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Mathematics and related areas.

2. Recipients profile/category: Bachelors’ degree in mathematics or related areas.

Mandatory requirements: Can apply for this tender, candidates who meet cumulatively the following two requirements:

Requirement 1: - be enrolled in an integrated master's degree, a master's degree or a doctorate, or in a non-academic degree course integrated in an educational project of a Higher Education Institution;

Requirement 2: - have a bachelors’ degree in Mathematics or a related area (the documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and diplomas, or the respective recognition when awarded by foreign higher education institutions, are exempted in the application phase for the support in question, being replaced by the candidate's declaration of honor).

Preferred factors: Interest in applications to biology; programming skills in Python; Level of English B1 or equivalent, to be verified in an interview.

3. Work Plan:

The work plan is divided into the following tasks:

Task 1: Literature review of epidemiological models with human behavior. It is intended to describe how game theory modeling has been applied in this type of models; describe alternative and relevant ways to incorporate human behavior into epidemiological models; describe some applications to real situations.

Task 2: Study of the dynamics of the transmission model with imperfect vaccination and with vaccination coverage conditioned by individual choices depending on the prevalence/incidence of the disease. The aim is to study the model equilibria and stability and describe how they vary with some parameters of interest.

Task 3: Study alternative ways of including the impact of individual choices. Comparison of results with previous models.

4. Applicable legislation and regulations:

Law No. 40/2004, of August 18, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012 of August 27 (Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow) and amended by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of October 29, by Law No. 12 /2013 of 29 January, by Decree-Law No. 89/2013, of 9 July and Decree-Law No. 123/2019, of 28 August; Regulation of Research Grants of – Association for Innovation and Development of FCT; Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. in force (;

5. Workplace:

The work will be carried out at Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (NOVAMATH) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa under the scientific supervision of Professor Doutora Paula Cristiana Costa Garcia da Silva Patrício, with the contracting entity being – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT.

6. Fellowship duration:

The scholarship will last for 6 (six) months, starting on September 1 (one), 2023, possibly renewable for additional periods of 6 (six) months, up to the maximum limit of the approved funding, under no circumstances exceed the limits defined in the Regulation for the type of scholarship in question, pursuant to article 7 of Regulation no. 950/2019, of 29 November, published in Diário da República, no. 241, 2nd Series, of December 16 (Regulation of FCT Research Grants, I.P).

7. Monthly maintenance allowance amount:

The amount of the scholarship corresponds to €930,98 based on the table of values for scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the country, with payment made monthly by bank transfer.

8. Selection criteria:

The selection methods to be used will be the following:

A curriculum assessment will be carried out (60%) which will focus on the candidate's merit, in which the following factors will be weighted: a) Academic background - 0 to 10 points, depending on the component of training in mathematics and success in this area; b) Letter of motivation – 0 to 5 points; c) Letter of recommendation – 0 to 5 points; Candidates will be classified on a scale of 0 to 20 points, up to 5 candidates who obtain a score of not less than 13 points in the curriculum evaluation will be admitted for interview. The evaluation in the interview (40%) will focus on topics related to the work plan, previous experience, CV, and commitment and interest in the project theme.

9. Composition of the Selection Jury:

Prof.ª Paula Patrício, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA, Co-Investigador Principal do Projeto 2022.03091.PTDC (Presidente of the Jury)

Prof. Fabio Chalub, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Efective Jury Member)

Prof. Paulo Doutor, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Efective Jury Member)

Prof.ª Magda Rebelo, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Substitute Jury Member)

Prof.ª Maria do Céu Soares, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Substitute Jury Member)

10. Form of advertising/notification of results:

The evaluation results proposed by the juri will be notified, up to 90 days after the deadline for the submission of applications, by email, of the results proposed by the jury, with access to the minutes and the final ranking list.

After notification, candidates will have 10 working days to comment on the draft decision (prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of the Code of Administrative Procedure). The final decision will be taken after the expiry of the prior hearing period, again notified to all candidates by e-mail. Of this final decision the candidates can file a complaint within 15 working days (to the e-mail address used for the notification), or an hierarchical appeal, within 30 working days, addressed to NOVA.ID.FCT's Board through the address

11. Application deadline and form of application submission:

The contest is open from July 3 to July 14, 2023 (until 23:59, local time).

Documentation to be provided in the application: Applications must be formalized, obligatorily, by sending the following documents:

- Curriculum Vitae;

- Motivation Letter;

- Letter of recommendation;

- Copy (simple) of the qualifications certificate (referring to the course average – of each cycle or integrated cycle and marks in the curricular units) or declaration of honor containing the same information as described in point 2.

Procedure of submission of applications: Applications must be sent by e-mail to

Documentation to be provided at the time of contracting: Proof of enrollment in an integrated master's degree, a master's degree or a doctorate or in a non-academic degree course integrated in an educational project of a Higher Education Institution.

12. Drafts:

The drafts of: i) fellowship contract, ii) final report to be presented by the fellowship holder, iii) final report to be presented by the scientific advisor, and; iv) declaration on honor, can all be found on website.

Where to apply



Research Field
Mathematics » Applied mathematics
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent

Recipients profile/category: Bachelors’ degree in mathematics or related areas.

Mandatory requirements: Can apply for this tender, candidates who meet cumulatively the following two requirements:

Requirement 1: - be enrolled in an integrated master's degree, a master's degree or a doctorate, or in a non-academic degree course integrated in an educational project of a Higher Education Institution;

Requirement 2: - have a bachelors’ degree in Mathematics or a related area (the documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and diplomas, or the respective recognition when awarded by foreign higher education institutions, are exempted in the application phase for the support in question, being replaced by the candidate's declaration of honor).

Preferred factors: Interest in applications to biology; programming skills in Python; Level of English B1 or equivalent, to be verified in an interview.

Research Field
Mathematics » Applied mathematics
Internal Application form(s) needed
(198.71 KB - PDF)

Additional Information


Monthly maintenance allowance amount:

The amount of the scholarship corresponds to €930,98 based on the table of values for scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the country, with payment made monthly by bank transfer.

Eligibility criteria

Selection criteria:

The selection methods to be used will be the following: A curriculum assessment will be carried out (60%) which will focus on the candidate's merit, in which the following factors will be weighted: a) Academic background - 0 to 10 points, depending on the component of training in mathematics and success in this area; b) Letter of motivation – 0 to 5 points; c) Letter of recommendation – 0 to 5 points; Candidates will be classified on a scale of 0 to 20 points, up to 5 candidates who obtain a score of not less than 13 points in the curriculum evaluation will be admitted for interview. The evaluation in the interview (40%) will focus on topics related to the work plan, previous experience, CV, and commitment and interest in the project theme.

Selection process

Composition of the Selection Jury:

Prof.ª Paula Patrício, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA, Co-Investigador Principal do Projeto 2022.03091.PTDC (Presidente of the Jury)

Prof. Fabio Chalub, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Efective Jury Member)

Prof. Paulo Doutor, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Efective Jury Member)

Prof.ª Magda Rebelo, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Substitute Jury Member)

Prof.ª Maria do Céu Soares, NOVAMATH & FCT NOVA (Substitute Jury Member)

Form of advertising/notification of results:

The evaluation results proposed by the juri will be notified, up to 90 days after the deadline for the submission of applications, by email, of the results proposed by the jury, with access to the minutes and the final ranking list.

After notification, candidates will have 10 working days to comment on the draft decision (prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of the Code of Administrative Procedure). The final decision will be taken after the expiry of the prior hearing period, again notified to all candidates by e-mail. Of this final decision the candidates can file a complaint within 15 working days (to the e-mail address used for the notification), or an hierarchical appeal, within 30 working days, addressed to NOVA.ID.FCT's Board through the address

Application deadline and form of application submission:

The contest is open from July 3 to July 14, 2023 (until 23:59, local time).

Documentation to be provided in the application: Applications must be formalized, obligatorily, by sending the following documents:

- Curriculum Vitae;

- Motivation Letter;

- Letter of recommendation;

- Copy (simple) of the qualifications certificate (referring to the course average – of each cycle or integrated cycle and marks in the curricular units) or declaration of honor containing the same information as described in point 2.

Procedure of submission of applications: Applications must be sent by e-mail to

Documentation to be provided at the time of contracting: Proof of enrollment in an integrated master's degree, a master's degree or a doctorate or in a non-academic degree course integrated in an educational project of a Higher Education Institution.

Additional comments


The drafts of: i) fellowship contract, ii) final report to be presented by the fellowship holder, iii) final report to be presented by the scientific advisor, and; iv) declaration on honor, can all be found on website.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Company/Institute Associação para a Inovação de Desenvolvimento da FCT
Postal Code
2829-516 Caparica
Campus de Caparica


Campus de Caparica
Postal Code
2829-516 Caparica

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