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Job offer

  • JOB
  • France

Postdoctoral Researcher / Health and the Environment in the Nineteenth-Century United States

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22 Jun 2023

Job Information

Sorbonne Université
Department of English / Research Unit VALE
Research Field
Literature » American literature
History » Other
Medical sciences » Health sciences
Environmental science » Ecology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Project "AmHealth" aims to investigate the tangled histories of health and ecological crises as they are represented in a wide range of literary and cultural productions of the nineteenth-century United States. It focuses on the notion of "environment" as a complex nexus of contradictory theorizations and pressures, between a natural resource for obtaining or preserving health and a human-made site where toxic forces have pushed many species on the verge of extinction. Doing so, the project elaborates literary and cultural criticism as a set of methods for thinking about the interrelated, and ongoing, health and ecological crises that shape our current condition through the action of environmental factors.

We are looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to advance research on the relations between health and the environment in the nineteenth-century United States’ literature and culture. The successful post-doctoral fellow will play a crucial role in implementing the objectives of this initiative. This is an 18-month fixed-term contract (starting date: November 1st, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter). The researcher will be supervised by Prof. Thomas Constantinesco (Sorbonne Université) and will be a member of the VALE research team at Sorbonne Université.


Main activities:

- The fellow is expected to be in residence in Paris and will carry on a research project of their own at the crossroads of nineteenth-century United States’ literature and culture, health humanities and / or environmental humanities, whose objectives are relevant to project “AmHealth.”

- They will also work with the team members of project “AmHealth” to develop relevant research and outreach activities. In particular, the researcher:

  • will assist with the organization of the project’s worskshops and conference;
  • will promote the project’s activities by administering its website and social media accounts;
  • will monitor recent and ongoing research in the core fields of the project.

Where to apply



Research Field
Literature » American literature
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
History » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Environmental science » Ecology
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Medical sciences » Health sciences
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Expected competences and skills :


  • The successful candidate should demonstrate prior expertise in the fields of American literary and cultural studies and / or health humanities and / or environmental humanities.
  • The candidate should have evidence of a research record commensurate with their stage of career.
  • The candidate should demonstrate a strong research agenda and have an established record of collaborations with US institutions. They should also have evidence of some knowledge of French academia.
  • The candidate should be fluent in English. French language skills will be an asset.
  • Experiences with grant-funded research and grant applications are highly desirable.
  • The candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with colleagues, while also being able to apply their own initiative and creativity to solve problems that arise in the research context.
  • The candidate should be able to organize their own time and work to meet deadlines and manage competing priorities.


Research Field
Literature » American literature
Research Field
History » Other
Research Field
Environmental science » Ecology
Research Field
Medical sciences » Health sciences

Additional Information


Salary: 32,184€ per annum (gross amount).

The researcher will have access to the French statutory health insurance system and will be entitled to statutory paid leave.


Eligibility criteria

Applicants must hold a PhD in either of the following fields: American Literature, American History, Health Humanities, or Environmental Humanities. They must have defended their thesis before the start of the fellowship but no more than five years prior to this time.

Selection process

Applicants are invited to submit:

  • a cover letter detailing their expertise in the relevant fields, as well as their intended scientific contribution to the project;
  • proof of completed PhD
  • a CV, including a full list of publications;
  • a writing sample (e.g. thesis chapter, journal essay, or book chapter);
  • the names and contact details of two referrees who may be asked to comment on the applicant's qualifications for the job.

Interviews will be held on zoom for selected applicants in the second half of September 2023.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Research Unit VALE (UR 4085)
Postal Code
1 Rue Victor Cousin


1, rue Victor Cousin
Postal Code

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