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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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14 Jun 2023

Job Information

Organisation/Company Associação para a Inovação de Desenvolvimento da FCT
Research Field
Environmental science » Other
Communication sciences » Other
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Functional content

The tasks to be performed include:

− Planning and execution of dissemination and outreach activities, and knowledge transfer to public and private entities, including content for the website and other communication channels of the research unit (newsletter and social networks);

− Planning and execution of internal communication activities and identification of possible synergies between CENSE's research areas;

− Support to the development of conferences and scientific events;

− Support to the elaboration of annual reports, update of indicators related to publications and other R&D activities, and permanent updating of the Unit's team;

− Support for the preparation and submission of national and international applications and in fundraising activities;

− Support to the Coordinator and the Management Board in the management of resources and activities of the management processes, as well as in the support of interaction activities with the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of FCT NOVA and with the other departments, research units and management bodies of FCT NOVA, and other relevant external entities.

The selected candidate will fully dedicate the entirety of his/her professional activity to, on an exclusive basis.

Place of work:

The work will be developed at the premises of CENSE, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, located at the Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Caparica Campus, 2829-516 Caparica, without prejudice to the performance of the work provision in telework regime when this is compatible with that, agreed between the parties or legally required, and will make all trips, in Portugal or abroad, inherent to its functions or necessary for the exercise of its activity.

Contract duration:

The employment contract is concluded for an unfixed term, under the terms of point g) of paragraph 2 of article 140 of the Portuguese Labor Code, and enters into force on the date of its signature. The contract is scheduled to start on July 1, 2023, and will have a foreseeable duration of 6 months, which shall not exceed the duration of the reference Project identified above.

Application deadline and form of application submission:

The call is open from 20 June till 23h59m of 3 July 2023.

Application must be formalized with the following mandatory documents:

− Curriculum Vitae;

− Certificates of qualifications, duly registered and/or recognized in Portugal;

− Motivation letter.

Failure to deliver within the deadline any of the documents that constitute the application process, implies the exclusion from the competition, without the need for a prior hearing.

Applications must be sent by e-mail, with the indication, in the subject of the e-mail, of the 5/5 reference “Contrato de trabalho/Pessoal de apoio/UIDB/04085/2020), to the President of the Jury (, within the deadline for the respective submission.

Applicable legislation and regulations:

Labour Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February, in its current version. It is also applicable to the present procurement process, the Code of Administrative Procedure, published through Decree-Law no. 4/2015, of January 7, in its current version, and the Financial Implementation Rules of the Financing of R&D Units 2020-2023.

Where to apply



Research Field
Environmental science
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent

Admission requirements:

The candidates must:

• Hold a master's degree in Environmental Engineering, Communication Sciences or related areas;

• Have proven experience in strategic communication and dissemination of science in the field of Environment and Sustainability, and in particular, in at least one of CENSE's research areas;

• Proficiency of English and Portuguese, particularly in scientific writing.

It should be noted that academic degrees obtained in foreign countries require recognition by a Portuguese Institution in accordance with Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August and the Ministerial Order no. 33/2019, of 25 January. The presentation of such recognition is mandatory for the signature of the contract. More information can be obtained at:

Additional Information


Monthly remuneration:

The amount of the gross monthly salary will be € 1500, and the payment will be made monthly by bank transfer, to which will be added the amount of food allowance equivalent to that applied to the workers of the Public Administration.

Eligibility criteria

Selection criteria:

The selection of the candidate to be hired will be carried out according to the following selection criteria (scored on a scale of 0 to 20 points) and the respective weighting:

a) Relevance, quality and timeliness of the experience demonstrated by the CV in science, technology and innovation management and communication activities in at least one of CENSE's research areas, as well as experience in observing and monitoring the scientific and technological, or higher education, systems in Portugal or abroad (50 %);

b) Performance in Individual Interview (50 %).

The interview will only be conducted to candidates whose classification is higher than 16 points in the first criterion.

Selection process

Composition of the Selection Jury:

• President: Prof. Doutor Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Videira Costa, Coordenador do CENSE, Professor Associado da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

• 1st Effective Member: Prof. Doutor Rui Jorge Fernandes Ferreira dos Santos, Investigador do CENSE, Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa 4/5

• 2nd Effective Member: Doutora Maria da Nazaré Parada Figueiredo de Sousa Couto Alves, Investigadora do CENSE, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

• 1st Alternative Member: Doutor João Pedro Costa da Luz Baptista Gouveia, Investigador do CENSE, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

• 2nd Alternative Member: Doutora Paula Alexandra Rodrigues e Araújo Guedes, Investigadora do CENSE, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

Form of advertising/notification of results:

The final results of the evaluation will be notified to the candidates, up to 90 days after the deadline for the submission of applications, through e-mail, communicating the results proposed by the jury, with the candidates having access to the minutes and the final ranking list. After notification, candidates will have 10 working days to comment on the draft decision, in the context of a prior hearing of the interested parties, under the terms of the Code of Administrative Procedure. The final decision will be taken after the end of the prior hearing period, again notified to all candidates by e-mail. Of this final decision the candidates can file a complaint within 15 working days (to the e-mail address used for the notification), or an hierarchical appeal, within 30 working days, addressed to the Board of NOVA.ID.FCT through the address

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Company/Institute Associação para a Inovação de Desenvolvimento da FCT
Postal Code
Campus da Caparica


Campus de Caparica
Postal Code
2829-516 Caparica

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