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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona - Department / School of Engineering
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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
2 Jun 2023

Job Information

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - ETIC
Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
H2020 / ERC
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

We are offering a 4-5-year postdoctoral position for our research line Computer methods for modeling based on finite elements and agents in multiscale simulations, within the context of the O-Health project. O-Health is a Consolidator grant from the European Research Council, awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the HORIZON Action (PREUR02822 - HEu - ERC - CoG - O-Health - 101044828) It is directed by Prof. Jérôme Noailly, from the BCN MedTech research unit of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC), Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, Spain.

The researcher will be responsible for the development of the multiscale simulation platform of the O-Health project, combining finite element (organ/tissue level) and agent-based (multicellular models) models and solvers.

The researcher will gradually become responsible for the conversion of models based on the physics and biology of the BMMB, into interoperable tools within automated simulation flows, through bottom-up and top-down modeling. Likewise, he will execute and be responsible for the conversion of the models based on the physics and biology of the BMMB, into interoperable tools within automated simulation flows, for the bottom-up and top-down modeling of O-Health. You will define, program and implement workflows using and adapting existing free and open solutions, such as SBML, HDF5 and MUSCLE.

The researcher must check that the project deadlines and deliverables are met, and that the project results can be adequately disseminated through scientific media, congresses and medical journals, as well as periodically report to the PI.

The employment for O-Health shall be for a period of 4,5 years. The successful candidate will be offered a full-time postdoctoral research contract for the implementation of the project. The number of working hours is 37,5 h per week and 1640 h per year. The gross salary is 39.758,76  per year. On top of this, social benefits (health, unemployment, retirement) are covered by the employer (UPF).

The researcher will enjoy a high level of independence but communication, teamwork and leadership skills will be fundamentally important. The researcher will interact directly with DTIC computer science researchers, and with BCN MedTech researchers, among others. The day-to-day work interactions related to the project will mostly be done with the BMMB and SIMBIOSys teams. Depending on the performance of the project, professional consolidation at the DTIC can be encouraged, depending on the opportunities.


Application deadline: 21/12/2023

Where to apply



Research Field
Computer science
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
4 - 10

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

The selection committee uses several indicators to evaluate the Applicant’s preparedness, motivation and potential.

1st phase: remote pre-selection (0-100 points):

The Scientific, Technological & Academic excellence will be considered, based on:

1 )     A full CV that shall include, among others (0-70 points):

  •   A description of the current or, in case of unemployment, of the more recent position
  •   Education and professional tracks
  •   Research experience supported by evidence such as: scientific publications; patents; participation in scientific congresses; participation in research projects including any leadership information; …
  •   International research collaborations
  •   International mobility experience (research stays longer than three weeks)
  •   Scientific mentoring activities: (co-)supervision of PhD, MSc and/or BSc theses; participation in scientific courses, workshops, summer or winter schools as instructor; ...
  •   Roles in academia and/or in scientific societies
  •   Activities in science communication & outreach: press releases; online videos; participations to events for non-expert public; ...
  •   Recognitions and merits: individual competitive grants; awards, invited talks, …
  •   A narrative biosketch with a section of the five major achievements of the CV  

2)      Two reference letters provided by international scholars (0-15 points)

3)       Statement of purpose: past research experience; motivation to apply to this position; academic fit; contribution of the project to future careers plans; ... (0-15 points)

To pass to the 2nd phase (see below), the Candidate must have scored at least 75/100 during the remote review.

IMPORTANT: the publication records will be double checked through online databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ORCID, ...). The Candidate is encouraged to provide the link of his/her choice in the CV. Failure to access to any online database of the scientific production of the researcher will justify the exclusion of Applicant from the selection process.

2nd phase: interview(s) (0-100):

Should the Applicant be preselected during the 1st phase, (s)he will be informed by email, for a 2nd phase of selection. The 2nd phase will consist in at least one interview through which:

•        the English language (eliminatory if deemed insufficient),

•        the motivation (0-15 points),

•        the proactive behaviour (0-15 points),

•        the capacity to work collaboratively (0-15 points),

•        the organizational skills (0-15 points),

•        the communication skills (0-15 points), and

•        the capacity to engage in a scientific discussion and manage problems (0-15 points),

will be assessed, among other aspects (0-10 points will be reserved for the general impression).

The final decision will be the result of a consensus made by the Recruitment Committee that will consider the results of both selection phases 1 and 2. The Applicant will be informed of the selection outcome by email.


IMPORTANT: The referees might be contacted by the Recruitment Committee, to reach the final decision.


Additional comments

Mandatory documents for the application process:

According to the specific requirements and selection criteria, the candidates are expected to provide at least the following documents:

  1.       The full CV
  2.       The two requested reference letters
  3.       The letter of purpose (no more than two A4 pages)
  4.       A copy of the PhD Diploma
  5.       A link to a PDF copy of the PhD thesis
  6.       Declaration letters of previous postdoctoral employment, signed by the employer or responsible person at the employing. institutions
Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - ETIC
Postal Code
Roc Boronat 138


Roc Boronat 138
Postal Code

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