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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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9 May 2023

Job Information

UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias
Serviços Centrais
Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Not Applicable
Hours Per Week
Not Applicable
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Grant under the “Multi-sensing SMART battery Electrodes concept for in-situ operation monitoring” (SMART-E, 2022.04012.PTDC), for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by PhD students or graduates and masters enrolled in non-academic degree courses, financed “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.”, under the following conditions:

Recipient admission requirements /Profile:

  1. be enrolled in a PhD or be a graduate and master enrolled in a non-academic degree course;
  2. Not exceed, with the conclusion of the scholarship contract in question, an accumulated period of 2 (two) years, consecutive or interspersed, if is a master enrolled in a non-academic degree course, or of 4 (four) years if enrolled in a Doctorate;
  3. have training in the areas of Materials Engineering, Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering, Physics Engineering, or other related areas that have given the candidate experience in the preparation energy storage devices

Candidates who have obtained the degree abroad must have the degree recognized in Portugal, pursuant to Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of August 16.

Work plan: The candidate will develop research work performing the following tasks with the following objectives:

a) Establish specifications for functional sensor components for implementation in battery test cells;

b) Selection of manufacturing processes and materials for production;

c) Preliminary studies of the impact of the sensor on the architecture of the test cells and batteries;

d) Preparation of reports and scientific papers based on the work described above.

Applicable legislation and regulations: Statute of the Scientific Research Grantee, approved by Law No. 40/2004 of August 18, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012, of August 27 and amended by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of 29 October, Law No. 12/2013 of January 29 and Decree-Law No. 123/2019 of August 28 and The Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP - 2019, available in  and

It is subsidiarily applicable the Regulation of UNINOVA Research Grants, approved by deliberation of the Board of Directors of the FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the meeting of March 2 of 2022.

Duration of the grant: The fellowship will last for 7 (seven) months, until December 31, 2023, possibly renewable within the duration of the project, as long as it does not exceed the limit mentioned in point b) of the admission requirements and is scheduled to begin in June 2023.

Application deadline and form of submission of applications: The competition is open for the period from May 09th to May 22nd 2023.

Applications must be formalised by submitting the following documentation:

...          Letter of application;

...          Curriculum Vitae;

...          Motivation Letter;

...          Certificate of Qualifications (and respective grade recognition, if awarded by a foreign Institution) or declaration of commitment of honor on the ownership of the respective academic degree according to draft available on the UNINOVA website (,  in the Job Opportunities tab.

             Upon contracting, the Certificate of Qualifications (and respective recognition, if awarded by a foreign Institution) must be delivered;

...          Informed consent statement duly dated and signed, according to the draft available on the UNINOVA website  (,  in the Job Opportunities tab;

...          Copy of ID;

...          Other documents attesting to what was reported on the CV.

In the event of contractualization, the selected candidate must present the Proof of registration in a doctorate or in a course not conferring an academic degree.

Applications must be submitted to UNINOVA or submitted by email  to, and to with the subject BI-Mestre-SMART_E-01/2023.

Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

Recipient admission requirements /Profile:


  1. be enrolled in a PhD or be a graduate and master enrolled in a non-academic degree course;
  2. Not exceed, with the conclusion of the scholarship contract in question, an accumulated period of 2 (two) years, consecutive or interspersed, if is a master enrolled in a non-academic degree course, or of 4 (four) years if enrolled in a Doctorate;
  3. have training in the areas of Materials Engineering, Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering, Physics Engineering, or other related areas that have given the candidate experience in the preparation energy storage devices

Candidates who have obtained the degree abroad must have the degree recognized in Portugal, pursuant to Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of August 16.

Specific Requirements

Scientific Area: Materials Science and Nanotechnology


Additional Information


Monthly maintenance allowance amount: The amount of the scholarship corresponds to € 1 199.64, according to the table of values of the scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the country. (

The grantee also benefits from personal accident insurance during the period of granting the scholarship and may be reimbursed for voluntary social insurance equivalent to the 1st tier.

The scholarship will be paid monthly on the last business day of each month by bank transfer.

Eligibility criteria

Selection methods: The selection methods to use will be as follows:

- Curriculum Vitae [50%];

- Level of knowledge in the area of preparation and characterization of electrolytes and electrodes for energy storage devices, ink preparation and printing, characterization of electrochemical devices, with emphasis on the area of the work plan [50%].

- If the jury deems it necessary, an interview will take place only with the selected candidates, with each of the previous items being worth [40%] and the interview [20%]

Composition of the Selection Jury:

  • President - Dr. Luis Pereira
  • 1st Voting Member – Dr. Pedro Barquinha
  • 2nd Voting Member – Dr. Diana Gaspar
Selection process

Form of advertising/notification of results: Both admitted and excluded candidates list with the final classification shall be published on the UNINOVA website ( and all candidates will be notified by email.

Preliminary Hearing and Deadline for Decision: After communicating the provisional list of the results of the evaluation, candidates have a period of 10 working days to express their opinion at a prior hearing of interested parties, pursuant to Articles 121 and following of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

The final decision will be rendered after the analysis of the statements presented during the preliminary hearing of interested parties. A complaint may be filed against the final decision within 15 working days, or, alternatively, an appeal may be filed within 30 working days, both counting from the respective notification.

Additional comments

Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido nas instalações do UNINOVA, noutras instalações situadas no Campus da FCT/NOVA e/ou noutras instalações eventualmente necessárias para a sua execução, sob a orientação científica do Doutor Luís Pereira. O UNINOVA será a entidade contratante.

Models of scholarship contract, final report of the grantee and final report of the advisor: These minutes are available at the UNINOVA website (

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias
Quinta da Torre
Postal Code
Campus da Caparica


Quinta da Torre
Campus da Caparica
Postal Code

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