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  • Slovakia

PhD. study in the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology in Nitra starting from the academic year 2023/2024

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3 May 2023

Job Information

Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Archaeology
Research Field
History » Archaeology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

SAS Institute of Archaeology Director announces the beginning of the recruitment process for thePhD. study starting from the academic year 2023/2024. In the education process the Institute cooperates with two renowned universities in Slovakia: A) Comenius University in Bratislava; B) Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (details below). Applicant must therefore fulfil the acceptance conditions of the selected university.

The condition of acceptance for the PhD. study in the SAS Institute of Archaeology is finished Magister study (MA degree or recognized equivalent degree) in the named field of science or in related fields and successfully passed entrance examination that will take place in June 2023 in SAS Institute of Archaeology in Nitra.


A) SAS Institute of Archaeology Director in cooperation with the Comenius University in Bratislava announces the beginning of the recruitment process for internal 4-year-and external 5-year-PhD. study starting from the academic year 2023/2024 in the field of study Historical sciences, study programme History.

Applicationand admission procedure is described here:…).


Offered topics


Title:  Topic: Central hillfort of the Púchov culture on Havránok hill in Liptovská Sielnica-Liptovská Mara. Development, function, and heritage presentation. (Centrálne hradisko púchovskej kultúry na vrchu Havránok v Liptovskej Sielnici-Liptovskej Mare. Vývoj, funkcia a pamiatková prezentácia. )

Supervisor: PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc.

Consultant: Mgr. Lucia Benediková, PhD.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


The topic includes the analysis of the development of the use and the interpretation of the importance of the dominant site of the Liptovská Basin – the hill Havránok in Liptovská Sielnica- Liptovská Mara – in the Protohistoric Period based on the rich materials from the long-term excavations conducted by the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The hill was fortified and used as an important sacrificial place from the Middle La Téne to the beginning of the Roman Period. The topic will also include the reconsideration of the reconstructions of selected archaeological features and the use of the site for cultural tourism.



Title: Exchange and trade as a socio-economic phenomenon of the Protohistorical and Early Medieval period in the western part of the Carpathian Basin. Coins and non-monetary exchange media (Výmena a obchod ako sociálnoekonomický fenomén protohistorického a ranostredovekého obdobia v západnej časti Karpatskej kotliny. Mince a nemonetárne prostriedky výmeny)

Supervisor: PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc.

Consultant: Dr. Péter Prohászka

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


The definition of the development of trade and exchange relations in the specified area in the Protohistoric and Early Medieval Periods. The interpretation of the minting and use/non-use of coins and other instruments of exchange and their various functions in different periods and communities, focused on the local coin production and relevant raw material resources in Slovakia.



Title: Early Medieval burial mounds in the Middle Danube region (Včasnostredoveké mohylové pohrebiská v stredodunajskom priestore)

Supervisor: Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


The main aim of the thesis is to critically analyze early medieval mound burials in Central Europe. Specific aims will include a complex analysis of well-known archaeological sites, the so-called Slavic burial mound zone divided into chronological phases, regions and categories (if necessary, investigation of regional differences and revision of dating of the sites. A special emphasis should be put on Western Slovak groups (Upper Nitra, Turiec group).



Title: Life with stone in the early Middle Ages (Život s kameňom vo včasnom stredoveku)

Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


The aim of the thesis is to summarize, analyze and evaluate archaeological sources documenting the use of stone in various human activities in the early Middle Ages (primarily in the territory of today's western Slovakia). From the excavations of more complexly investigated settlements and burial sites, an extensive finds fund is available (construction material, millstones, grinding stones, asses, flint stones, art objects, whorls, weights, or parts of grave inventory, etc.). Its analysis and incorporation into the Middle Danube area may provide a number of results important for the reconstruction of medieval life - sources of raw materials, technologies of extraction and processing, transport, trade/exchange, etc. Interdisciplinary cooperation is a requirement for a successful completion of the thesis - especially comparisons with historical and art-historical sources and cooperation with geologists.


B)SAS Institute of Archaeology Director in cooperation with the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra announces the beginning of the recruitment process for internal 3-year-and external 4-year-PhD. study starting from the academic year 2023/2024 in the field of study Historical sciences, study programme Archaeology.

Applicationand admission procedure is described here:


Offered topics


Title: Settlement structure of Lower Hron river and Ipeľ river valleys from the Neolithic till the Hallstatt Period in light of human-landscape interactions. (Osídlenie dolného Pohronia a Poiplia v neolite až v dobe halštatskej vo svetle interakcií človeka a krajiny.)

Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Jozef Bátora, DrSc.

Consultant: PhDr. Vladimír Mitáš, PhD.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


During Prehistory, the Lower Hron and Ipeľ basins – two regions important in the northern part of the Carpathian Basin – constituted a bridge between the Danubian Lowland and the Tisza Basin. The aim of the dissertation will be, beside the identification of cultural changes, settlement structure and dynamics in this area, to analyse changes resulting from interactions between the human, landscape and natural environment. Dissertation will require a broader interdisciplinary cooperation.



Title: Early medieval settlement (6th–11th c.) of the Middle Nitra Basin from the perspective of archaeology (Včasnostredoveké osídlenie (6.–11. storočie) stredného Ponitria z pohľadu archeológie)

Supervisor: Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD.

Consultant: doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, DrSc.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


The aim of the thesis is to collect and evaluate archaeological sources from the given chronological period from the central Nitra basin and adjacent mountainous areas – Vtáčnik, Strážovské Vrchy, Považský Inovec and Tribeč. The work will include the documentation and processing of findings deposited in several institutions, as well as work in the GIS environment and with the use of LIDAR data.



Title: Heating in castles in eastern Slovakia (Šariš, Uh and Zemplín Counties) and south-western Ukraine (Podolia) in the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the modern period (Vykurovanie na hradoch na východnom Slovensku (Šarišská, Užská a Zemplínská stolica) a na juhozápadnej Ukrajine (Podolie) v stredoveku a na počiatku novoveku)

Supervisor: PhDr. Peter Bednár, CSc.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


A comparison of the form and development of heating devices and heating methods in castles in the neighbouring areas of medieval Hungary and the historical Podolie region. The aim of the thesis is to collect the sources, compare the typological development of heating devices (open hearths, fireplaces, furnaces, hypocausts) and compare the art-historical development of tile stoves at selected sites in both areas. The thesis will test a hypothesis about the Eastern and Nordic influences on the development of heating devices in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.



Title:  Medieval and modern ceramics from the upper Žitava river valley based on the archaeological sources from Hrušov and Gýmeš castles (Stredoveká a novoveká keramika z horného Požitavia na základe archeologických prameňov z hradov Hrušov a Gýmeš.)

Supervisor: Mgr. Mário Bielich, PhD.

Study form: bothinternal or external

Entrance examination date: June 2023(exact date yet to be specified)


The aim of the thesis is to process and evaluate ceramic finds acquired during archaeological research of the castles of Hrušov and Gýmeš in the context of archaeological sources from Upper Žitava valley and in a wider context also from the neighbouring areas of the historical Kingdom of Hungary. Also, the aim of the thesis is to capture changes in the production of ceramics in the studied period and recognize imports of different provenance in ceramic assemblages.


Research Field
History » Archaeology
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
History » Archaeology

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Institute of Archaeology Slovak Academy of Sciences
Postal Code
949 21
Akademicka 2


Akademicka 2
Postal Code
949 21

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