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    • Austria
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    Offers for international researchers OeAD student housing provides places in student halls of residence and small flats for recipients of OeAD grants, visiting professors, guest researchers and students in the city of Vienna as well as in the other federal provinces of Austria. Viennabase (an...
    • Estonia
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation

    Accommodation in Estonia

    Prices for rent or sale of real estate depend on many factors such as: district (incl closeness to the city centre), status (need or no need for renovation), type of building, overall economic situation in the country and some others. In the case of renting a house or flat, the costs for water...
    • Finland
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation

    Accommodation in Finland

    Rented housing can be found via the city, estate agents or private landlords. You can find housing advertisements in the Internet and in the local newspapers. Consulting your colleagues is recommended too. Your colleagues may have some useful tips on issues such as transport, shops and services...
    • Hungary
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation

    Accommodation in Hungary

    Accommodation Researchers arriving in Hungary usually rent real estates. However, before your arrival, it is worth checking with your host institute if they can offer accommodation for you. Universities usually can guarantee accommodation for a limited number of foreign PhD students in their...
    • North Macedonia
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    The average price for renting an apartment in the city center of Skopje is anywhere from 150 for a one bedroom to 250 euro for a two bedroom apartment. This includes a modest apartment, furnished, with almost all appliances included. For a more luxurious apartment the prices are around 500 euros per...
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    Bosnia and Herzegovina is open and hospitable to all who wants to visit the Balkans, a country with long history, varied culture, untouched nature. Useful information about accommodation in the cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina can be found at Many of...
    • Montenegro
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    Finding a proper accommodation in Montenegro is not such a difficult process, but requires a period of at least one month before your arrival. The easiest way is to contact one of the real estate agencies and check their offer. In accordance with your needs, you can choose between a house and...
    • Türkiye
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    On the arrival of a researcher, the company/university/organization which invited him/her to Türkiye would probably organize a sort of an accommodation. If this is not the case, hotels or guest houses might be the preference for accommodation. Housing in general may be found through real estate...
    • Tunisia
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    Tunisia has modern residential neighborhoods with luxury housing at affordable costs and well below those of European cities. Indeed, rents in Tunisia are relatively low and affordable compared to those in neighboring countries. They vary according to the cities and to the neighbourhoods in the same...
    • Israel
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    Housing in Israel: Housing in Israel is as diverse as the country itself. The majority of the population of Israel lives in the center of the country, otherwise known is Hebrew as the "Merkaz". Israeli University students seeking affordable housing usually opt to either share apartments with...