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    • Austria
    • Living in Europe, Working in Europe
    • Entry conditions/visas

    Entry conditions and visas

    To be able to plan a study or research period in Austria in an ideal way we recommend you to contact the desired study or research institutions approximately one year prior to your planned stay in Austria. In this way the content and duration of your stay – which is also important for the selection...
    • Austria
    • Living in Europe
    • Day care, schooling & family related issues

    Day care, schooling & family related issues

    Day-care Two thirds of all day care facilities in Austria are maintained by federal units (federal government, federal provinces, municipalities). The overwhelming majority of these public-sector facilities are maintained by the municipalities (98.5%). More than half of all private child care...
    • Austria
    • Living in Europe
    • Accommodation


    Offers for international researchers OeAD student housing provides places in student halls of residence and small flats for recipients of OeAD grants, visiting professors, guest researchers and students in the city of Vienna as well as in the other federal provinces of Austria. Viennabase (an...
    • Czech Republic
    • Living in Europe
    • Access to the culture of the host country/language courses

    Czech culture and language

    About Czech Republic Capital: Prague Geographical size: 78 867 km² Population: 10 859 532 (31. 03. 2024) Official language: Czech Political system: parliamentary republic EU member country: since 1 May 2004 Schengen Area member: since 21 December 2007 NATO member country: since 12 March 1999...

    • Czech Republic
    • Living in Europe
    • Health insurance

    Health Insurance

    Foreign nationals in the Czech Republic are required to have valid health insurance. There are two types of health insurance: public and commercial. PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE COMMERCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE Public health insurance in the Czech Republic is provided through health insurance companies, which...
    • United Kingdom
    • Leaving Europe
    • Departure conditions/formalities

    Where else can I go?

    There are many international opportunities to explore if you wish to leave the UK and complete research elsewhere in the world. Opportunities in Europe EURAXESS EURAXESS is an excellent source of information to find out everything you need to know about working as a researcher in Europe. You can...
    • Faroe Islands
    • Leaving Europe
    • Departure conditions/formalities

    Departure formalities

    Before moving from the Faroe Islands, there are several formalities and arrangements that you need to deal with. Registration When moving from the Faroe Islands to another Nordic country, the relocation must be reported to the municipality where you will be living. The relocation will not be...
    • Faroe Islands
    • Working in Europe
    • Unemployment


    ​​​Nordic citizens working in the Faroe Islands are entitled to benefits from the Faroese Unemployment Scheme - ALS - if they become unemployed. Non Nordic citizens with a temporary work permit in the Faroe Islands are not entitled to unemployment benefits from the Faroese Unemployment Scheme. A fee...
    • Faroe Islands
    • Working in Europe
    • Taxation/salaries


    The Faroese tax system is based around a set of direct and indirect taxes. The tax system includes personal income taxes, value added taxes, customs and excise duties on various goods and services. Taxes are also claimed on pension and capital gain. Personal income tax All individuals residing in...
    • Faroe Islands
    • Working in Europe
    • Work permit

    Research permits

    Researchers may need one or more permits when conducting research in the Faroe Islands, depending on the area the researcher wants to explore and the type of research he or she plans to conduct. There is no central coordination of research applications in the Faroe Islands. Scientists need to...