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A gateway to opportunities within the European innovation ecosystem

Funding opportunities

European Innovation Council

Browse funding opportunities for startups and SMEs

The European Innovation Council (EIC) has been established to support game changing innovations. Under the EU Horizon Europe programme, EIC has a budget of €10.1 billion and finance innovation throughout the whole lifecycle: from early-stage research to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs.

The EIC takes a pro-active approach to managing funding under the leadership of EIC Programme Managers. EIC provides funding opportunities for individual companies (mainly startups and SMEs) through both grants and investments. The investments currently take the form of direct equity or quasi-equity investments and are managed by the EIC Fund.

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European Innovation Ecosystems

An improved ecosystem for innovation in Europe

The EU wants to create more connected and efficient innovation ecosystems to support the scaling of companies, encourage innovation and stimulate cooperation among national, regional and local innovation actors.

European Innovation Ecosystems aims at improving the overall ecosystem for innovation in Europe. To achieve that, it works in complement and synergy with the European Innovation Council (EIC), the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), as well as innovative activities across Horizon Europe and other EU funding programmes.

All funding information and details on how to apply are available on the Funding and Tenders portal.

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Horizon Europe National Contact Points

Get support in every European country

The network of National Contact Points (NCPs) is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe. NCPs are also established in many non-EU and non-associated countries ("third countries").

Do you need support from the National Contact Points for Horizon Europe in specific European country?

Visit this page and find out more how NCPs can help your business in Member States and third countries.

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Support Services

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Join innovation communities to nurture your talent

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology is an independent body of the European Union set up in 2008 to deliver innovation across Europe. The EIT brings together leading business, education and research organisations to form dynamic cross-border partnerships. These are called Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) and each is dedicated to finding solutions to a specific global challenge. Open opportunities can be found here

EIT Innovation Communities develop innovative products and services,  start new companies and train a new generation of entrepreneurs, including for deep tech talents.  To facilitate easier access to the EIT entrepreneurship education and skill development activities offered by the EIT and its KICs, the EIT Campus has been launched at the beginning of 2023.

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Enterprise Europe Network

Seek advice from international business experts

The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. The Network is active in more than 60 countries worldwide, bringing together 3,000 experts from more than 600 member organisations, renowned for their excellence in business support. Member organisations include technology poles, innovation support organisations, universities and research institutes, regional development organisations, chambers of commerce and industry.

The Network’s international business experts have the experience and resources to help your business grow. Whatever your business, you can seek advice on the best market opportunities to help you expand internationally. The Network offers advisory services and innovation support.

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Startup Heatmap Europe

Find the best accelerators in Europe

Startup Heatmap Europe provides a search engine for finding the best accelerators in Europe. With a database of more than 100 accelerators, it provides a variety of ranking options - by total investments raised, female participation or follow-on funding rates. Available search filters include: geography, equity asked, popularity, percentage of foreign-born/migrant founders, female founders, growth of tracked participants, industries and other filters.

The online database also provides a search engine for finding the opportunities for startups, including accelerator and funding programme deadlines (e.g. calls and open calls by the European Commission), conferences and other opportunities.
In addition, Startup Heatmap Europe maintains ranked lists of the startup cities, startups who participate in Europe’s top accelerators and who-is-who database with the leaders of the startup world, managers of innovation programmes to whom you can send your collaboration request.

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Coming to Europe

EURAXESS: choose your next European destination

Seek tailored support and information from the EURAXESS network

Save time, energy and money by using more than 650 EURAXESS support centres helping researchers free of charge with a wide range of services facilitating your move and stay abroad. Sort out centres by country and type of expertise, based on your specific issue. The EURAXESS centres provide free personalized assistance in 18 areas of expertise, such as visa and entry conditions, pension, schooling and family related issues and much more. Find your country of interest and explore their national portal.

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EU Blue Card 

Work in Europe with your highly-qualified profile

Highly qualified workers from outside the EU are granted the right to live and work in an EU country with the help of an EU Blue Card. The EU Blue Card is currently accepted in 25 Member States in the EU.

An overview of vacancies available in the EU, tips on how to apply for a job and information on living and working conditions in all EU countries, can be found on EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal.

Learn more about the EU Blue Card here.

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