
The webstreamed sessions are available atthis link.
To access them, please use this password: hRs4R18102022
Please note that this page is for physical attendance only. Do not use it to register if you will attend remotely.
If you wish to register for virtual participation, please do so on this page.
It is with pleasure that we invite you to the HRS4R INFO-DAY 2022 on Tuesday 18 October 2022.
The meeting will take place in hybrid format, foreseeing both physical and online participation. The physical meeting will take place in Brussels and will be limited to 100 participants (physical attendance registration is opened on a first-come, first-served basis). Click on the "register" button on this page to register for physical attendance.
Please note that registration is required also in case of virtual participation (unlimited).
Kindly note that you need a EURAXESS user account to register.
The meeting agenda is available below (attachments section) and the link for the virtual participation will be shared shortly.
The Info Day will address universities, research institutions and research funders investing in researchers’ talents, skills and career development by implementing the principles of the 'European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter &Code).
It also addresses beneficiaries and potential applicants of the framework programme who have to comply with the need stipulated in the grant agreement to take measures to implement the European Charter & Code for the benefit of all researchers and their institution.
The HRS4R Info Day brings forward policy issues related to skills and talent management in an Open Science environment, closely linked to the European Framework for Research Careers, and will include presentations addressed to all the Institution in the HRS4R process.
Finally, an important part of the Info Day will be dedicated to future developments, with a particular focus on the future evolution of the Charter & Code. A first draft of the revised Charter & Code will also be presented for discussion.
- Date & Duration
- Location/Venue
- Brussels, Belgium
- Name
- European Commission