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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

EURAXESS Success stories

Mark's story

Mark has submitted his PhD thesis and is waiting for his Viva

Mark has submitted his PhD thesis and is waiting for his Viva. Meanwhile, he’s contemplating what he should do next. He goes through the Career Handbook for Early-Career Researchers and decides to use the myIDPapp for all the steps of his Career Development Plan. He also goes through the VITAE Researcher Career Stories and decides to pursue a career in Academia to gain a tenure track position. He uses the PIPERS tool to find out how he could develop the necessary skills, and the EURAXESS Jobs Database to find a postdoc position in his field.

Ruth's story

Ruth is halfway through a postdoc position she previously found via EURAXESS Jobs

Ruth is halfway through a postdoc position she previously found via EURAXESS Jobs. She feels that she wants to see the results of her research taking actual shape, and she is thinking of pursuing a career in industry. She   goes through the Career Handbook for Early-Career Researchers and decides to use the Career Development Toolkit for Researchers for her self-assessment. After flipping through a Booklet by Science Careers (Science Journal, AAAS) suggested in the Handbook, she decided that she wanted to pursue a career in consultancy.

Alain's story

After finishing his PhD, Alain is able to secure a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship in Portugal

After finishing his PhD, Alain is able to secure a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship in Portugal. As part of his work during the fellowship, he needs to develop, in collaboration with his supervisor, a Career Development Plan. With the help of the Career Handbook for Early-Career Researchers, he uses the NPA Core Competencies Self-Assessment Checklist to identify the skills he needs to cultivate and put together an Action Plan.