Other useful links
Information websites
You can find more information on scientific entrepreneurship at the websites below:
Main EU Funding programmes on R&I, SMEs, entrepreneurship
If you are looking for funding in the domains of R&I, SMEs or entrepreneurship, regularly check the following websites:
- EU Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) - FUNDING & TENDER OPPORTUNITIES
- EEN – Enterprise Europe Network
- Startup Europe Club
- Horizon 2020
- Horizon Europe
- COSME Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- EIC Accelerator Pilot
- EIC Accelerator (SME Instrument)
- Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
- Eurostars Programme
Learn more about scientific entrepreneurship:
- Aulet, Bill (2013) “Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup”
- Mazzucato, Mariana (July 2019) “Governing Missions: Governing Missions in the European Union”, European Union
- Hensen, Jan & Loonen, Roel & Archontiki, Maria & Kanellis, Michalis (2015) “Using building simulation for moving innovations across the “Valley of Death, REHVA Journal. 52. 58-62
- “Why researhers should care about patent” (2007), European Commission (DG Research) and the European Patent Office
- Harhoff, D., K. Hoisl, B. Reichl and B. van Pottelsberghe (2009) “Patent Validation at the Country Level – The Role of Fees and Translation Costs” Research Policy, 38, 1423–1437
- Pinaki Nandan Pattnaik and Satyendra C. Pandey (December 2014) University Spinoffs: What, Why, and How? Technology Innovation Management Review
- Sartorelli, Deidre “Startup Smart - A Handbook for Entrepreneurs”
- Miller, Paul and Bound, Kirsten (June 2011) “The Startup Factories The rise of accelerator programmes to support new technology ventures”, NESTA