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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

CD Policy Recommendations - About

Policy Recommendations on Researchers Career Development

Research career development is getting more and more important

Research career development (RCD), understood as a structured approach to the continuous development of researchers knowledge, expertise and attributes is getting high in the agenda of the European Commission, Members States, research performing organizations and researchers.

There is a common agreement that better trained and informed about their career options researchers will do better science and will be more inter-sectoral and inter-discipline mobile. In fact, the Charter and Code for European Researchers includes a “Career development principle” asking employers and funders to “draw up, preferably within the framework of their human resources management, a specific career development strategy for researchers at all stages of their career, regardless of their contractual situation, including for researchers on fixed-term contracts”

Find more on Charter and Code



EURAXESS has a say on Researchers Career Development

Researchers Career Development needs to tackle many aspects: identifying researchers and employers needs in order to train researchers accordingly, raising awareness among the different stakeholders, providing with the necessary frameworks to facilitate joint efforts towards better trained researchers, agreeing on the responsibilities, etc.

The EURAXESS initiative is currently exploring how the network can support RCD at different levels through different EURAXESS projects. Here you can find the first results of this work, especially those related to RCD policy. These results include: