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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Science Foundation Ireland

Science Foundation Ireland

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funds oriented basic and applied research in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


SFI strongly encourages research collaboration between SFI funded scientists & engineers and industry as these interactions lead to:

  • SFI scientists & engineers becoming more informed about industrial priorities and research needs and;
  • Industrial collaborators being informed about important new science and engineering research developments in Ireland.

You can download the SFI brochure for industry from here.


Engagement activities

SFI specializes in addressing companies’ needs through its support of researchers in Ireland’s higher education institutions. Apart from funding, SFI helps linking them with companies working on relevant projects and provides the supportive environment that’s so essential for collaborative work.


Joint research and sharing research infrastructures

SFI Research Centres link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions; foster the development of new and existing Irish - based technology companies; attract industry that could make an important contribution to Ireland and its economy; and expand educational and career opportunities in Ireland in science and engineering. There are currently 12 funded SFI Research Centres across a broad spectrum of strategic areas of priority. The SFI Spokes Programme provides the mechanism to allow new partners to join these centres.

All these centres count on academic, industry and commercialization partners working together in a joint research mission.


Temporary mobility

Through its Industry Fellowship Programme, SFI funds the salary of an academic(s) to spend up to one year full time or two years part in a company either in Ireland or overseas. The programme also provides funding support for an industry representative to spend time in an SFI lab.


Stakeholders involved

  • Researchers and highly skilled professionals
  • Industry Companies
  • Higher Education Institutions and Research Performing Organizations


What can EURAXESS/your institution learn from this?

It is always a good idea for those EURAXESS centres based in research performing organizations to establish working relationships with research funding organizations that are able to design funding programmes stimulating industry-academia partnerships.