InvestHorizon: online courses at your own pace, available on demand
InvestHorizon offers a variety of free training courses, on topics such as business & management, entrepreneurship, industry & technologies, equity investment.
Particularly, at InvestHorizon you can find a massive collection of online courses on investment readiness, mechanics of investment and emerging sectors for investors, designed to prepare research entrepreneurs to maximise their potential to raise funding. Business support and presentational trainings for start-ups, early and growth stages companies are also available.

on-course®: inspiring biomedical science
on-course® is an industry and academia led course portal that is the most comprehensive and insightful biomedical postgraduate education and training resource in Europe.

DocEnhance: the online platform for Doctoral Education
The EU-funded DocEnhance project has released the DocEnhance Platform, providing freely accessible online resources for doctoral education, including three transferable courses on data stewardship, career management and entrepreneurship, and supervision.
The DocEnhance project, running from 2020 to 2022 and aiming to broaden PhD expertise through transferable skills, has developed and piloted three courses for doctoral education: Data Stewardship, Career Management & Entrepreneurship and Supervision.
The courses have been designed as open educational resources and easily be adapted and integrated to existing curricula and Moodle platforms. These training courses are completed with guidelines for higher education institutions to implement the courses.