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PhD Research Fellowship opportunity in Political Science (Autocratic Politics)



ELDAR will investigate three aspects of autocratic politics:


1) The emergence of autocratic regimes


2) Policymaking (“life”) in autocracies

in the areas of education, infrastructure and industrial policies,

social policies and media regulation


3) Autocratic regime breakdown.


In doing so, ELDAR will address the

preferences and capacities of vital actors in autocratic politics – the

leader, regime support groups, and mobilized opposition groups. Team

members will also study the specific, and diverse, institutions that

underpin autocratic regimes.


The project is led by Professor Carl

Henrik Knutsen and is funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant. It runs from

2020-2025. The project team includes several internationally leading

scholars on autocratic politics and political regimes at UiO and

collaborating institutions. As a member of ELDAR, the successful

applicant will also be part of the Department’s internationally leading

research group on Comparative Institutions and Regimes (CIR).


For more information and how to apply:


Deadline for application: 15th April 2020