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NEWS30 Jan 2020News

13 PhD research positions in MSCA-ITN "BiD4BEST" in astrophysical research


The BiD4BEST ITN will offer doctoral training in one of the most visible areas of astrophysical research, the formation of supermassive black holes in galaxies.

This research training network brings together leading scientists in observational and theoretical studies of black holes and galaxies, industrial experts in cutting-edge big-data technologies, and professionals in science dissemination. Together, we will setup doctoral research projects each of which combines state-of-the-art observations, numerical simulations and innovative analytic tools to compare theory with observation and shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution. The training on expertise from different research areas (observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics) and sectors (academic, industrial) will be achieved by carefully designed secondments, mixed doctoral supervisory committees (academia, industry), well coordinated events for team communication and interaction, as well as network-wide courses on astrophysics and transferable skills. The proposed research training programme aspires to generate individuals that in addition to academic competences, master big-data analytics and have the capacity to apply these technologies to solve problems in different sectors (research, industry, non-academic) by developing innovative products and services.


The following PhD positions are available:


UK/Durham University

Project 1: The accretion and host properties of rapidly accreting black holes.

Objectives: Develop machine/deep-learning algorithms to optimise AGN selection down to the X-ray weak/Compton-thick AGN buried in highly starforming host galaxies. Via detailed SED fitting extract the integrated AGN luminosity (i.e., accretion rate) and host-galaxy properties in terms of stellar mass and star formation rate. Develop Bayesian X-ray stacking tools to explore the X-ray properties of X-ray undetected AGN in IR/submm galaxies. Comparison with zoom-in simulations and cosmological, phenomenological models.


Greece/National Observatory of Athens

Project 2: Probing the role of orientation in buried AGN.

Objectives: Testing evolutionary scenarios of the obscuration properties of Active Galactic Nuclei: this project will use multiwavelength observations to study the accretion properties of AGN (e.g. Eddington ratio) over a wide range of obscuration levels. Any systematic differences will be interpreted in the context of the evolutionary scenario above as well as simple orientation models, whereby the level of AGN obscuration is related to the random orientation of gas and dust clouds relative to the observer.


Italy/University of Bologna

Project 3: Incidence and energetics of AGN winds in the distant Universe.

Objectives: Use proprietary and public X-ray (XMM-Newton), optical spectroscopy (SDSS), integral-field-unit observations (KMOS, SINFONI) and millimetre data (ALMA, NOEMA), in conjunction with exquisite multiwavelength information available in the deep extragalactic fields and within the SUBWAYS program, to explore direct and indirect signatures of AGN winds in few tens to hundreds AGN up to z~2. Search for trends in wind properties as a function of, e.g., star-formation rate, AGN luminosity, gas fractions. Compare with zoom-in simulations that use different AGN feedback recipes. Develop neural networks to select strong-wind candidates among X-ray sources, to be then applied to future surveys (e.g., eROSITA).


Spain/Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias

Project 4: Incidence and energetics of AGN winds in the local Universe.

Objectives: Study the NIR spectra of type-2 quasars using GTC/EMIR spectroscopy. Determine outflow demography and properties in the ionized and warm molecular phases for a sample of 48 quasars at z<0.14. Characterize the stellar populations of the quasar host galaxies. Comparison with zoom-in simulations with AGN feedback.


UK/University of Bath, Astrophysics Group

Project 5: The role of mergers and disc instabilities in fuelling AGN.

Objectives: Calculate state-of-the-art probabilities of merger/bar/clumpiness status of AGN host galaxies based on advanced Convolutional Neural Networks trained against zoom-in, high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of galaxies with accreting black holes in a cosmological context. Infer intrinsic rates of mergers for the full AGN population. Dissect AGN host morphologies as a function obscuration. Compare with numerical and analytic cosmological models. Develop methodologies for detection of mergers in future surveys (LSST, Euclid).


Greece/National Observatory of Athens

Project 6: Measurements of the AGN luminosity function and clustering.

Objectives: Studying the distribution of accreting supermassive black-holes on the cosmic web: explore the role of environment in the activation of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. Tools and methods will be developed to measure observationally the local density of galaxies in the vicinity of Active Galactic Nuclei.


Italy/University of Bologna

Project 7: Constraints on AGN Eddington ratio distributions from the J-PAS, X-ray, AllWise and LeMMINGs surveys.

Objectives: Measure the Eddington ratio (accretion) distributions of AGN by combining the J-PAS narrow-band photometric survey with wide-area and deep pencil-beam X-ray/IR surveys, and complement with the local, complete and multiwavelength LeMMINGs survey with new Chandra full coverage. Comparison with cosmological models.


University in San Sebastián, Spain - Donostia International Physics Center

Project 8: Connecting AGN to host galaxy properties.

Objectives: Distinguish the spatial distribution of star-formation histories in local (<200Mpc) AGN using the J-PAS narrow-band survey as an efficient integral-field-unit. Bayesian fitting algorithms to the spatially resolved Spectral Energy Distributions to infer physical host galaxy parameters. Comparison with cosmological models.


Trieste/Italy - SISSA (Astrophysics & Cosmology))

Project 9: Advanced phenomenological models to probe the coevolution of massive galaxies and supermassive black holes through cosmic times.

Objectives: Investigate, via continuity equations and subhalo abundance matching techniques, the connection between the growth of the stellar and black-hole components in galaxies through cosmic times.


Project 10: High-resolution hydro simulations of massive galaxies and their central black holes with AGN feedback and radiative transfer.

Objectives: Use the SPH and grid-based (e.g., RAMSES) hydro solvers to develop high-resolution simulations of galaxies and their black holes. Investigate how the radiation emitted by the AGN couples to the interstellar medium by solving the full radiative transfer equation. Follow self-consistently the chemical evolution of the gas phase.


UK: SOTON (University of Southampton, Astronomy Group)

Project 11: Semi-analytic models of black hole growth and galaxy evolution.

Objectives: Explore the full evolution of black holes triggered with different mechanisms within large-scale cosmological semi-analytic models (SAMs) inclusive of state-of-the-art thermal/kinetic AGN feedback. Predictions on AGN bolometric luminosity function, Eddington ratio distributions, and clustering properties.


UK: SOTON (University of Southampton, Astronomy Group)

Project 12: Semi-empirical models of black hole growth/galaxy evolution.

Objectives: Construct observational AGN mock catalogues in light cones by populating dark matter haloes with galaxies and black holes using the latest observational constraints on the stellar mass-halo mass scaling relations, black hole scaling relations, AGN Eddington ratio and NH column density distributions. Test how AGN selection methods (e.g., X-ray vs mid-infrared, stellar mass cuts, gas column density) may affect observational results. Also use full semi-empirical cosmological models assigning black hole and galaxy masses via empirical scaling relations in dark matter-only simulations i) at all epochs for centrals (before a major merger), ii) only at subhalo infall for satellites. Predict the impact of mergers and internal disc/bar instabilities in shaping galaxy morphologies. Explore implications for AGN small/large-scale clustering.


Germany/Munich - Max Planck Research School at LMU

Project 13: AGN evolution processes and galaxy formation physics in cosmological, multiscale hydrodynamical simulations.

Objectives: Test different physical processes for black hole fuelling and related AGN activity in cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations. Develop and implement new models for mechanical AGN feedback in state-of-the-art, magneto-hydrodynamical simulations inclusive of cosmic rays, self-consistent chemical evolution, radiation and cooling processes. Test uncertainties of sub-grid model parameters on black hole properties and AGN appearance. Compare predictions from multiscale simulations for the connection between AGN evolution, host galaxy properties and large-scale environment with observations.

See website for details and contacts

MSCA ITN PhD fellowship astrophysical research