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NEWS12 Jun 2020News

Funding to promote and strengthen new research teams - Jeunes Équipes Associées à l’IRD Programme (JEAI)


The « Jeunes Équipes Associées à l’IRD » (JEAI) programme is designed to promote and strengthen new research teams in developing countries including Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC) through partnerships with IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) research units.

This programme promotes the set up and/or the strengthening of research teams in developing countries.

The ‘new team’ (Jeune Equipe) concept is to be understood from the point of view of its date of creation. There is no absolute link with the age of the team members. It is however strongly recommended that these teams include a significant amount of early career researchers.

The leader of a JEAI is a full-time researcher with a research institution from a developing country. He/she is the initiator of the application. Subsequently, should the application be successful, he/she will become the IRD's contact point for the setting up and monitoring of the JEAI.

Joint research and capacity-building activities with the partner research unit lead to build a collective scientific dynamic, the goal of which is to guarantee a long lasting research team.


  • Research team composed at least of three full-time researchers
  • Must be located in a developing country
  • Must be associated with an IRD research unit that has research topics related to development

Funding: Up to €50 000 for three years.

More information here.

Deadline: 17 July 2020.

Research teams international collaboration International cooperation Joint research projects