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NEWS14 Jul 2021News

EURAXESS member in focus - ROMANIA


Whereas probably the most known thing about Romania is the legend of Dracula, Romania is much more than that. Think medieval towns, time-capsule villages, delicious cuisine, picturesque monasteries, virgin forests, majestic mountains, a blossoming art community, impressive landscape and, of course, high-quality education and excellent research facilities. The RDI system in Romania consists of 263 public R&D organisations (56 public universities, 46 national R&D institutes, 65 research institutes and centres of the Romanian Academy, and another 96 public research institutes and centres), as well as about 600 private companies declaring their R&D activities. Meanwhile, the Network for Technology Transfer and Innovation (ReNITT) has around 50 specific organisations (technology transfer centres, technology information centres, technology and business incubators) and four science and technology (S&T) parks.

The RDI sector employs 43,973 people nationwide. This includes 18,249 (41.5 %) with a PhD or postdoctoral degree, 37,393 (85.0%) with a higher education degree, and the remaining 6,580 (15.0%) possess secondary education certificates. The vast majority of Romanian R&D staff members (31,271 or 71.1%) are active in the public sector, while the remaining 12,406 (28.2%) work in privately owned institutions. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of the employees work full time; 27,168 (61.8%) are categorised as researchers, 6,195 (14.1%) as technical staff, and the remaining 10,610 (24.1%) are listed as ‘other’.

Read full report in attached document.

EURAXESS countries in Focus