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Cognition, motricity and sensorimotricity in children M/F

CNRS - National Center for Scientific Research The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
23 Feb 2024

Job Information

Direction des ressources humaines
Research Field
Psychological sciences » Cognitive science
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Understanding the brain and its cognitive functions is a research priority at the CNRS (see COP 2019-2023, Vivant, priority 4). Research on the acquisition of motor and sensory skills, their relationship with cognition and the development of executive and cognitive functions in children are very active areas at the CNRS. Research in these fields contributes to a better understanding of how the human brain develops between the foetal period and puberty. It has numerous translational prospects in the treatment of prematurity, neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) including autism, and many "dys" disorders, and in education. In the field of children's learnings, the CNRS leads the nation-wide multi -disciplinary network in Education “RTP Education”. The CNRS is also the institutional co-pilot of the National French Research Group on Autism and NDD (GIS Autisme et TND). Through the CPJ CogMoSenso, the CNRS aims to strengthen research into sensory-motor aspects and their links with cognition during post-natal development and the different periods of ontogenesis.

The CPJ CogMoSenso will be hosted, to the winner's choice, by one among two research centers of very high international profile, renowned for their work on the neurodevelopment of motor skills, sensory-motor skills and cognition in babies and children: the Integrative Neurosciences and Cognition Center in Paris (INCC, Director Florian Waszak, CNRS and Université Paris Cité, https://incc-paris. fr/) and the new Centre de Recherche en Psychologie et Neurosciences (CRPN, Director Boris Burle), CNRS and Aix-Marseille University, resulting from the merger of the Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive and Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitive, and . In Paris, the INCC includes a BabyLab on its premises (NIRS and EEG testing, from 3 months to 12 years) and the NewBornLab, a sensorimotor testing platform located in the maternity hospital Port Royal with direct access to typical and premature newborns (EMG, 3D movement analysis, vision-hearing-olfaction-touch tests). In Marseille, the CRPN runs the “Labo des Minots”, which provides a BabyLab dedicated to infants (3 months to 3 years, EEG, NIRS, eye-tracking, walking track, EMG, and movement analysis system) and a KidsKab dedicated to children aged 3 to 12 (idem) and access to the Timone children's hospital.

The expected research projects will be in line with those developed in the two host laboratories. They will focus on understanding the development of major motor acquisitions and their functional consequences in relation to sensorimotor and cognitive aspects, from birth to childhood and adolescence. Projects could focus, for example, on the acquisition of motor/locomotor and sensory skills, and perception-action coupling. They could include work on the development of the cerebral architecture of the sensorimotor system (in particular, on the role of early motor experiences in the construction of cortical maps of body representations). Projects may also involve work on the neural mechanisms and networks involved in adapting motor skills to the sensory environment (such as vision, hearing, olfaction, haptic senses, etc.), following learning, particularly at school, or in the interaction between motor and cognitive skills. These projects might also include aspects of research on prematurity, NDD including autism, and "dys" disorders, including in a school context.

If he/she joins the INCC, the Chairholder could teach in the Cognitive Sciences Master's program (future Cog-SUP Master's program in 2024), co-founded by the laboratory in co-accreditation with Sorbonne University, with a multi-disciplinary training program in which sensory-motor neuroscience and developmental psychology form part of the knowledge base, backed by dozens of Parisian laboratories of excellence. The new recruit will also be able to participate in the Neuroscience, Ergonomics and BioMedical Engineering masters programs (, as well as teaching in the transdisciplinary "Biomedical Sciences" bachelor's degree program (
If he/she joins the CRPN, the Chairholder will teach in the developmental psychology bachelor's and master's programs (, in the neuroscience master's program (integrative and cognitive neuroscience,, and in the cognitive science master's program (…).

The CNRS is developing a strong policy in favor of open science. Open science consists of making research results "as accessible as possible and closed as necessary". As such, the CNRS aims to make 100% of the texts of publications resulting from the work of its laboratories accessible , in particular through deposit in HAL. The data produced must also be made available and reusable, except for specific restrictions. In addition, the guiding principles of individual evaluation have been revised in accordance with the DORA declaration, to be more qualitative and to take into account all facets of the researcher's profession.

The dissemination of the results will be done through world-class scientific productions: publications, patents, software... In addition, the results will be communicated to various targets such as scientific communities, media, decision makers, general public, schools, etc., with an adapted calendar. Specific tools may be developed such as websites, newsletters, meetings, international symposia, summer schools and conferences.

The relationship between science and society is now recognized as a full dimension of scientific activity. The project will develop this dimension in synergy with all the partners. The resulting research work will contribute to informing public decision-making. Participatory science initiatives may be initiated with actors from the project's socio-economic and cultural eco-system.


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Psychological sciences
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Psychological sciences
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
Research Field
Psychological sciences » Cognitive science
Years of Research Experience
Research Field
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Years of Research Experience

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

holders of a doctorate or a PhD or equivalent degree or applicants who have gained scientific. There is no restriction on the age or nationality of applicants. All CNRS positions are accessible to people with disabilities, with special arrangements for tests made necessary by the nature of the disability.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Direction des ressources humaines