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NEWS29 Jun 2021News

Postdoc Fellowships in Molecular Biology on international programme (EIPOD4)


EIPOD4 is a new international postdoctoral fellowship programme co-funded by Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions. Designed to support the increasing diversity of career paths in Europe’s research landscape the programme offers three tracks for fellows to choose from based on their research interests and career aspirations. The academic track is designed for fellows largely interested in pursuing a classical academic career. The industry track supports interdisciplinary research projects involving an industry partner or applied research projects. The clinical track targets MD/PhDs who aspire to work as physician scientists and fellows with a strong interest in biomedical research. The programme is hosted by EMBL, Europe’s leading life sciences laboratory. They conduct world-class excellent biological research, provide training for students and scientists, and provide state-of-the-art technologies for a wide range of scientific and experimental services.

Some 1,800 people working at six sites throughout Europe produce around 700 publications per year, and run events and conferences at the cutting edge of biological research. EMBL seeks to better understand the molecular basis of life. In the process, we’re changing European science.

The EIPOD4 fellowship programme is open to all nationalities and welcomes applications from experience researchers with diverse educational backgrounds (e.g. life sciences, mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering etc.) who are passionate about pursuing ambitious interdisciplinary research projects in an international setting.


Academic requirements: Applicants must have completed a PhD at the date of recruitment (start date of the fellowship) or have 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience. Successful candidates have 6 months to take up their fellowship (July 1, 2022 for fellows recruited in the 2021 EIPOD call for applications).

Mobility requirements: The EIPOD4 programme is open to experienced researchers of all nationalities. Prior association (including visitor contracts) of an applicant with EMBL is compatible with application to the EIPOD programme but cannot exceed 12 months within the last 3 years prior to the application deadline.

The EIPOD 4 programme underlines EMBL’s strong commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research. The institution has a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence that builds on highly interactive research between EMBL group leaders from different research units.

EIPOD projects capitalise on synergies emerging at the borders of overlapping yet separate scientific fields, and involve transferring techniques to a novel context. The programme is open to all nationalities and offers about 20 positions annually.

Features of the positions include:
  • Funding for cross-disciplinary projects
  • Three years’ of secure funding
  • Generous health care benefits and pension access
  • Development of a project proposal forms the basis for recruitment
  • Additional partners from academia, industry, clinics and museums are welcome

A recording of the information webinar for the EIPOD4 programme is available here.

More information here

Deadline: 7 September 2021.

EIPOD4 EMBL Molecular Biology Life Sciences