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ANR funded PhD position


DEADLINE: 31st August 2020


Vessel Formation in Development and Disease Group


K.D. Wagner


Institut de Biologie Valrose, iBV


CNRS UMR7277 – Inserm U1091


Université Nice Sophia Antipolis


Parc Valrose


06108 Cedex 2


An ANR funded PhD position is available in the Vessel Formation in


Development and Disease group at the iBV


The role of p16-dependent cellular senescence in healthy aging


Description : Cellular senescence attracts attention as a key player contributing to organismal aging. The


accumulation of senescent cells is dramatically increased with aging, however their precise contribution to


aging-related phenotypes remains largely unclear. In collaboration with the team of D. Bulavin we showed


p16-dependent senescent cells are required for healthy aging. We used different novel inducible mouse


lines to characterise the role of p16 expressing cells in different organs. Currently, we focussed mainly on


liver. The project aims at identifying the cell repertoire linked to aging-induced senescence and to


investigate the impact of senescent cells on liver functions and to understand molecular pathways


modulated by senescence. For these purposes we will use p16-Cre and p16-Cre-ERT2 mice crossed either


with Rosa26-mTmG reporter or Rosa26-DTA ablator mice. The animals will be investigated by histological


and immunohistological methods and RNA sequencing will be performed at different ages. This project will


help to understand the molecular mechanism responsible for aging-induced activation of senescence and


hopefully identify potential molecular targets to manipulate senescence through reprogramming and/or


selective elimination of subsets of senescent cells.


Required Skills : The working language is English.