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NEWS20 Nov 2017News

2017 Tour of China Blog – Shenzhen

News Highlights

EURAXESS country representative had the pleasure of visiting the city of Shenzhen as a part of the 2017 China- Europe Research and Innovation Tour (CN | EN). The Shenzhen event this year was again hosted by our good friends in the China Hi-Tech Fair that is taking place this week in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen is truly an interesting city with a massive R&D sector. While in town we visited some of the the big IT companies headquartered in Shenzhen. Companies like ZTE and Huawei are among world leaders in developing technologies for mobile networks and infrastructure, an area of research that is also very excellent in Europe. Currently researchers all over the world are raising to inventing the fifth generation of mobile internet, making our phones and devices even faster! One of the currently open Horizon 2020 calls focuses on EU-China 5G Collaboration.

In addition to the introduction to the Horizon 2020 co-funding scheme and EURAXESS there were also representatives presenting the research systems of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherland and France, including a very interesting dialog with a local researcher that did her PhD in France. The event attracted over 80 participants from different organizations and fields of research, many local researchers that were very interesting in opportunities to work with Europe but also European researchers that have gotten involved in the innovation scene in Shenzhen.

Follow us this week while EURAXESS tours around China!

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2017 中国行纪录——深圳篇

作为2017年中欧研究创新之旅的活动之一(CN | EN).,EURAXESS中国代表来到了深圳市。今年的深圳活动再次由中国国际高新技术成果交易会的朋友主办,该交易会于本周在深圳举行。


深圳是一座令人十分感兴趣的城市,这里有着大规模的研发活动。我们在此参观了一些总部设在深圳的大型科技企业。中兴通讯和华为等公司在移动通信网络和基础设施开发技术方面处于全球领先企业的行列,而欧洲在该研究领域也很出色。目前,世界各地的研究人员都在努力打造第五代移动互联网,让我们的电话等终端设备变得更快!目前一项处于开放状态的“地平线2020”(Horizon 2020)号召恰好聚焦于中欧5G协作。






China- Europe Research and Innovation Tour Shenzhen