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European Research & Innovation Days, 24 - 26 September, Brussels


What are the European Research and Innovation Days?

European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape.

Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers, as well as surprise guests each day.

Aim of the event

A key challenge for Europe is delivering the next great transition of our economy, society and planet to secure a sustainable future that ensures the wellbeing of citizens.

The event will be central to finding research and innovation solutions for this great transition by working across polices, setting the direction, spurring innovation and triggering investment. It will be the moment for all stakeholders to meet and co-create the strategic priorities for the European Commission's investment in research and innovation.

At the same time, the event aims to mobilise EU citizens and increase awareness of how important research and innovation are in addressing the challenges that face society. It will include a free exhibition to showcase and celebrate the very best EU research and innovation has to offer.

Setting priorities for the future of EU research and innovation

Engaging stakeholders to co-create and build the strategic priorities for the first 4 years of Horizon Europe, will be at the heart of the 2019 European Research and Innovation Days.

Horizon Europe, beginning in 2021, is the successor to the current research and innovation framework programme, Horizon 2020.

Mobilising and engaging different stakeholders will result in work programmes for Horizon Europe that will better reflect the views and needs of citizens. These are then more likely to yield results in line with their values and expectations.

The 2019 European Research and innovation Days will provide opportunities for stakeholders to come together, deepen the dialogue and work across sectors and disciplines to help plan Horizon Europe.



Horizon Europe European Research and Innovation Days