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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Council: Grants for Top Researchers from Anywhere in the World (Singapore edition)



This event has now ended.

Presentations slides are available below.

Christian OSWALD, ERC Scientific Officer - euraxess_christianoswald-2021-10-01.pdf

Davide INNOCENTI, ERC Scientific Officer - davide_innocenti_ia_euraxess_webinar_rok_jap_sin.pdf

See the recording below:


EURAXESS ASEAN and the European Research Council (ERC) are organizing a webinar targeting researchers from Singapore, Japan and Korea. The webinar will present ERC funding opportunities and explain how researchers can profit from the different ERC funding schemes. ERC grantee Dr Novi Quadranti will share practical tips and recommendations on how to write a successful ERC proposal. Our speakers will engage in Q&A sessions with the audience.

Please take note of the additional Session 'Q&A: How to Apply for an ERC Grant' with NCP Dr Ylva Huber and Dr Kristin Kraav on 5 October at 3pm (SG). Details on this session.



Friday, 1 October 2021 (15:00 Singapore time / 16:00 Japan & Korea time)  in English

Moderated by Susanne RENTZOW-VASU, EURAXESS Regional Coordinator


  • Novi QUADRIANTO, ERC grantee
  • Christian OSWALD, ERCScientific Officer
  • Davide INNOCENTI, ERC Scientific Officer
  • Gediminas RAMANAUSKAS, Head of Science, Innovation, Digital, and other EU Policies Section, EU Delegation to Japan
  • Isabella PIROLO,International Relations Officer, EU Delegation to Singapore

Free event in English. 90min duration. Registration mandatory.



Date & Duration


EURAXESS Worldwide and the European Research Council (ERC)