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NEWS31 Aug 2020opportunities

EU: 15 PhD Positions in Computer Graphics


Eight organisations from all across Europe are looking for 15 Early-Stage Researchers in the field of Computer Graphics, for the PRIME (Predictive Rendering In Manufacture and Engineering) project.

PRIME offers an outstanding selection of world-leading companies and academic institutions as partners: both in the areas of rendering development and research (e.g. Chaosgroup, IST, EPFL), as well as industrial use of such technologies (e.g. Weta Digital, IKEA, Procter & Gamble). Interaction with these institutions offers the 15 PhD candidates unmatched opportunities to gain practically relevant first hand experience of real Predictive Rendering processes: their PhD studies will not be purely theoretical, but consist of a mix of advanced research, and applying their research results in industrial environments.

Deadline for application is 12 October 2020.

The individual research topics are as follows - details for each position can be found on the project webpage:

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

ESR01 - Predictive Rendering of Fluorescent Materials

ESR02 - Predictive Rendering of Wooden Materials for Reliable Prototyping in the Woodworking Industry

Luxion ApS, Aarhus, Denmark

ESR03 - Advanced Light Transport Simulation for Virtual Reality

ESR04 - Developing Robust Error Bounds for Light Transport Algorithms

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany

ESR05 - Simulating training data for machine learning

ESR06 - Simulation at the edge of the visible spectrum and beyond

University College London, London, United Kingdom

ESR 07 – Generative prediction of weathering and aged appearance

ESR 08 - Controllable generative adversarial networks (GANs) for 3D asset creation

Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

ESR09 - Modelling and predictive rendering of particulate materials

ESR10 - Material appearance specification and rendering using the BSSRDF

Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden

ESR 11 - Sparse representations for appearance modeling and rendering

ESR 12 - Compressed sensing for material and appearance capture

University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

ESR13 - Efficient Rendering of Volumetric Structured Appearances

ESR14 - Perceptually-Driven Intuitive Editing of Material Appearance

Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

ESR15 - Data-driven Wave Optical Material Appearance Modelling and Rendering


Employment Details

Pay is standardised by the EU, and adjusted for local cost of living per country. It is ample by local standards, and allows for comfortable living of researchers. Employment duration within PRIME is 36 months, and the start date can be anytime between 1 October 2020, and 30 September 2021. However, we prefer candidates to be available as soon as is practical: ideally, we would like to hire until March 2021 at the very latest.

Formal Requirements

  • Master’s degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Physics or Engineering.

  • No Ph.D. degree

  • Less than 4 years of professional employment after obtaining your master’s degree

  • Less than 12 months of residency in the country in the last 3 years, where the candidate would like to work

Technical Proficiency

Technical requirements vary depending on the concrete position. For more information see here.

Soft Skills Requirements

  • Fluent spoken and written English. Minimum proficiency level is B2, C1 is definitely preferred. An ability to speak Czech is not required during your entire stay at our university: the working language of our group, and the entire Ph.D. study plan, is English.

  • Self-reliant working style

  • Curious and ambitious personality.

  • Prior research and publication experience is considered a definite plus, but is not required

Eligibility criteria

Less than 12 months of residency in the country in the last 3 years, where the candidate would like to apply for position.

Selection process

Required materials

Qualified applicants are invited to submit the following information to the central project-wide e-mail address hiring at

  • A single Page CV

  • A scan of one’s Master’s diploma, along with a transcript of records for the master studies

  • A motivation letter why one wants to join PRIME.

  • Letters of recommendation from two previous employers and/or teachers at the university the applicant graduated from (ideally, this includes the supervisor of the master thesis).

  • A list of one to three ESR positions within the network for which one applies, along with a justification why one thinks one fits the research topic outlined for these positions. The justifications for these choices are crucial: we don’t want to hear where an applicant wants to go within the network, in terms of geographic location. Instead, we want to hear why they want to join a particular research project within the ITN.

Please collate all this information into a single PDF file, and provide it to us either as mail attachment at the above address, or via a file sharing service such as Google Drive


Organisational notes on the hiring process:

  • The hiring process consists of several steps:

    1. Screening for formal eligibility, by the ITN coordinator. This step only determines if the ITN hiring criteria mandated by the EU (master's degree, appropriate career stage, no recent residency in the hiring country) are met. Candidates which are rejected for such formal reasons are directly informed by the ITN coordinator.

    2. Distribution of applications to appropriate hiring institutions within the ITN, for them to screen candidates according to their own criteria listed below in the individual job adverts.

    3. If any of these hiring institutions deem the applicant to be of interest, they will directly contact them for an interview.

    4. If none of them do, the coordinator will inform the candidate of rejection.

  • Note that in stage three, applicants might be contacted by multiple hiring institutions. We coordinate our hiring internally, and if an applicant looks potentially promising for multiple ESR positions, they might get interviewed for two (or more) of them. After the interviews, the institutions then decide amongst themselves who will actually make the applicant an offer.

  • Typically, applicants can expect a response on their application within 3-4 weeks.